The Color Orange


Very Active Member
Is the color Orange on the deer hunt as repulsive to you as it is with me. Let's have the archers and ML hunters wear orange for all of the hunts along with the rifle hunters. Not for the deer's sake, but for spacing of the hunters.

Can you immagine the archery hunt if all those stick flippers were in orange? How sweet it would be!!!!
Well cannonball!

You might as well #### in their Cherio's!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
That makes no sense. We all know why we wear orange, its so we don't get our heads blown off by some dummy a thousand yards away.
Hell I always wear orange on the archery hunt aren't you supposed to? I get lots of weird looks but hell I never see anyone else wearing it so I figure I just have the mountain to myself.
In the unit I rifle hunt for deer here in Wyoming runs thru Archery Elk Season...when the rifle season begins the Elk Feather Flingers are required to wear orange.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-10 AT 02:06AM (MST)[p]CB why must you always take your pleasure this way. You have a mean streak that just has to manifest itself in spite of your otherwise charming demeanor!

Hit the shut down button and go paint me a picture of SawTooth so I can display your lesser known talent!

Merry Christmas, you deserve a lump a coal in your sock, and besides that you should be grateful your sorry butt's not floating on down to the Colorado tonight! I guess you'll be wanting my kayaks now, I hear RZRs float like rocks.

Move to Nevada we dont have to wear orange on any hunt but i do make my kids where it
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-10 AT 08:02AM (MST)[p]The reason you are required to wear orange is so your local game warden can find you and keep an eye on you. They will watch you for hours hoping to catch you doing something wrong. Wearing orange has been portrayed for years as being a safety issue. Look at the statistics, accidents aren't any better in states that make you wear orange. Hunting is by far one of the safest things a guy does all year. Has very little to do with safety.
Wearing orange should be a personal choice, a at your own risk type of rule. If some idiot is stupid enough to shoot you thinking you're an animal I question your ability to function in everyday life. I take that back texans and kali folk are'nt the sharpest....:D

You got a PHD, player haters degree.
It always cracks me up when I watch a hunting show and the hunter wears orange but the guide doesn't. Helloooo????? The guy with the gun might shoot himself if he's not wearing orange? It seems to me guy without the gun should be the one most visible.

Orange is compulsory in Sask. it doesn't hinder a good hunter in the slightest.
I never minded wearing some orange. I'd rather wear orange than have some idiot hunting without field glasses, scoping me out with his rifle to see what's moving thru the trees across the canyon.

About the spookiest things that's ever happened to me in the field was, while glassing, glass up a guy that's aiming his gun directly at me. Yeah, maybe he's just using his scope to check me out but, IMO, that should never be done and be against the law if possible. Too many freaking Idiots out there, i'll wear a little orange even where not required to do so!!

Back in the day in UT when we had 300,000+ deer hunters, no elk or moose, and you could shoot a buck or a doe guy may have just let the lead fly into the brush when they heard a noise. Nowdays, I have a hard time beliving that orange is going to keep you from getting shot. Hunters have to determine if they are looking at a deer, and then a buck before they start shooting. In states that don't require it I do carry an orange vest to drape over the head of a buck while packing him out. I think CO's requirement to wear orange during the open sight only muzz hunt is one of the dumbest out there.

I think if they got rid of the orange requirement there would be a lot more happy hunters out there because they wouldn't realize just how crowded it is out there. Ingorance is bliss.


There is no such thing as a sure thing in trophy mule deer hunting.
Here that! Treed
I think Colorado should keep orange and limit the number of non residents! Then whe would not have as much ignorance and alot more bliss !
LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-10 AT 12:02PM (MST)[p] Every so often, one of these posts opens up and a bunch of you guys demonstrate, for the entire world, how ignorant you really are. "I ain't wearin' none of that blaze orange chit, I don't think it is any safer!"

Colorado requires 500 sq inches of blaze orange. Any idea what state harvests the most big game animals?

Animals don't care what color you are wearing. I am not sure what the negative side to blaze orange is....enlighten me!

You don't want to wear your seatbelt, motorcycle helmet, or harness in a tree stand.....fine with me, the gene pool needs cleansing. But when it is a safety issue, designed to protect the rest of us, from people whose IQ and hat size are the same number.......

Blaze orange is extremely easy for the human eye to see. It keeps MOST other hunters from pointing guns at you, lets them see you long before they blow your stalk, and not the least of which, helps find people who are lost. It also readily lets "nature fakers" know you are there.

I live in the most restrictive state in the country and if this was simply a law enforcement issue, California would require 20,000 sq inches of orange.

If it's not "Daniel Boone" enough for you, I can't help you. It's the world we live in, adapt to it or leave.....hopefully NOT with a bullet in your back!

If I have offended anyone here...please rest assured, you cannot know how little I care!
Lumpy, Your comment may be right about my personality, but now I'm getting older I just go down to the basement and look at my re-curve and compound bow and reminisce about the day when you could go west of richfield, before the hunt started, and see 40 buck in one herd. Not only that, but you could see doe everywhere - - now just an empty canyon. A couple of doe here and a couple of doe there. We didn't want any special treatment as an archer, now it's take, take, take and whine, whine, whine. Their not willing to give any concessions. Not willing to shorten the archery season. I was really glad to see the statewide archery done away with. Nothing would be funnier than to see a sea of red on the archery hunt. YA KNOW it could happen, as one on this tread said, the warden could get on a knoll and keep track of the hunters, so he wouldn't have to get to close and get an earfull.

By the way I can spit in the water at BeaverDam from my travel trailer and the Corp of Engineers is keeping it safe. You're a great one to talk about stirring the pot. You write a two page argument and it stay NUMBER ON on the MM Chart for months.

Can't you just see all of the archers and MLoaders in orange. Why the numbers of hunters would go down drastically.
i absolutely cant stand to wear the vest, the hat i dont mind. i hunt private land and as soon as i get to my stand i take the vest off. i do wear it to and from the hunt.
Hell ya they do just the other day ran into a guy in veyo wearing orange hat orange jacket. Asked him what he was huntin his answer puzzy this dude had to be as old as dirt. I was speechless at least he is being safe.
I don't think the orange increases safety but decreases it. I've had more hunters look at me through their rifle scopes when I'm wearing orange. If I had the guts I'd probably run over to the guy and give him an earful but I think I'd be wasting my breath. You can't fix stupid.

Workman Predator Calls Field Staff
Are you saying you won;t wear an Orange Dickie if I get you one? I've been thinking of getting one for lumpy so we can keep track of him when we are out on the hill!

Step 1 is always the hardest!
Orange is not for the deer's sake, it is for hunter safety. Have you seen many of the idiots out there with a high power rifle in their hands. With a comment like that you may be one of them. Why are there so many archery haters? Anyone can do it, why ##### about it. If we have so much of an advantage, then why don't you do it too.
YOU wont have to worry about the color orange;wolves dont care what color you have on they will just delimb you while you are watching to your amazment,there coming sooooooon!!you guys better wake up, the us gov is back at it today;they want wolves in your back yard this is no joke,WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>Is the color Orange on the
>deer hunt as repulsive to
>you as it is with
>me. Let's have the
>archers and ML hunters wear
>orange for all of the
>hunts along with the rifle
>hunters. Not for the
>deer's sake, but for spacing
>of the hunters.
>Can you immagine the archery hunt
>if all those stick flippers
>were in orange? How
>sweet it would be!!!!

hell i'll wear orange while i'm packin my bow if you promise to stop wearin it during the rifle, maybe one less person cryin about bow hunters.. ha ha just jokes
If you hunt with your bow during rifle here you need to wear full orange from the waist up-like I said it doesn't hinder a good hunter in the slightest. You can be the safest hunter in the world and get taken out by an idiot.
nontypical said, "Anyone pointing a rifle at me is going to see one pointed at them."

Really? Great! That's how people get shot!!

It happens all the time and as i said, it's way wrong and if possible, it should be illegal. I don't believe pointing back at the guy is the answer though. Two wrongs don't make a right!!

If I even KNEW someone who has intentionally pointed his rifle at another hunter, to get a better view with his scope, I would walk away and leave them wherever we were.

If it were one of my relatives, I'd bend their rifle around the nearest tree!

I am sure it happens, but like the man said, you can't fix stupid.
orange is awesome and needed for 60% of the hunters that use it in Utah. The guys wearing it are the smart ones. Most Utah hunters are looking for anything that moves to shoot and with the brown its down philosophy they'll have too in your chest and one in your head before you knew what even happend.

I had a dude bouncing bullets all around me on a hunt in southern Utah one year. I have had dudes pointing rifles at me and I talked to guy that was shot with a 300 mag while riding his wheeler. The dude that shot him thought he was a deer.

tards will be tards so Ill do what ever I can to keep myself safe from those tards, even if it requires me to wear orange.


The harder you work the luckier you get!!
I think hunter orange is a good thing. I don't mind wearing it and don't understand why people don't. It doesn't hurt a thing and can save your life, why not wear it?

If you think camo does so good your sadly mistaken. Camo is for the hunters eye, not the deer, elk, antelope, coyotes or anything else. Its a novelty item that everyone has to have. You get busted just as easy wearing camo as a bright orange coat. Hold still and they will walk right by its the movement that gets you busted.

Reading all the replies about wearing orange there was one thing that wasn't mentioned and that is that deer and other type animals are colored blinded. The color they do see is blue. I think at least wearing a orange hat is a good idea.
I like Wyoming where you can get by with just an orange hat. That is plenty to make someone visible in most of the West.
Agreed Flint. I hate wearing orange and wouldn't if it wasn't the law. Anyone that uses their scope for spoting is an idiot and should have their a$$ handed to them. That's why they make bino's.....

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