The Cheney presidency ??

I heard on the radio he pardoned a bunch of crooks and chronies, sold Texas back to the Mexicans and signed no bid contracts with Halliburton for all government sevices. other than the pardons it's probably all for the better.
Anyone seen the actual colonoscopy on YouTube yet? I heard they had to remove a polyp that looked just like Cheney's head.

I think ##### Cheney would make an
EXCELLENT President.

I think ##### Cheney is better than anything that's
come along since RR. And I think he's better than
anything that either side has out there right now.

Most of you will think I'm an idiot, which is a good
observation, but not about this.

Most of you people that hate ##### Cheney are either
liberal Bush haters, or you've just fallen into this
little media stereotype about him. Thats fine.
He'll never be the President.

If I had to hand pick the new President,
It would be ##### Cheney.

I guess you know where my crotch is on the fence.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-07 AT 07:41PM (MST)[p]Larry ... careful you'll rip your nuts off. LOL

Don't get all defensive ... laughing with you not at you <smile>

Don't worry Rus,
I don't care if you laugh at me at all.
I know I would.

And I don't need my nuts near as much as I|
used to.

They're on standby.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-21-07 AT 09:44PM (MST)[p]Oh Irv you're so funny, we have never had any doubts whether or not you are an idiot so stop being silly.

I never listen to those liberal media types when they talk about Dich and his 5 draft defferments. Or when they point out that he has been in charge to oversea our Energy Policy or the War in Iraq.

I like Dich because he knows better than all those Ivy League liberals in the intelligence community and at the pentagon.

As a matter of fact, I'm going to tell you a secret....I think he maybe God. I heard he has a daughter...and she is pregnant but there is no father. Immaculate conception Irv plain as day.

I also heard that when were building our Star Wars defense system, he met Yoda and learned the power of the Force. That's why some people call him Darth Vader. Don't tell anyone, this is just between you and me.
Idiotic, for liking Richard Cheney? Never!

Even though the "offthewall" black helicopter crowd loves to hate him as the devil encarnate, the very essence of evil and the force behind all their wacked out conspiracy theories, when you get past all that bs he's a great guy and my second choice for president (even though I'd never hunt quail with him). That's why I'd love to see the liberals impeach Bush then we could have a real man at the helm.

Brahma >>>------>
Take thy weapons, thy quiver and thy bow, and go out to the field, and take me some venison. And make me savoury meat, such as I love. Genesis 27
Impeach Bush? if Bush were to be impeached it would be do to following Cheney's lead. Bush would be out of office and Cheney would be in jail, unless Bush pardoned him before he was impeached, but would Cheney go to jail before or after the impeachment? who knows, leave it as it is. Bush is a screw up but I think he means well, more than I can say for Shooter.

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