The Brits vs the Swedes


Long Time Member
No, it's not a soccer game.

I want the Brits on my side in a fight and the Swedes to party with after!

Over the blonde's shoulder--- the 2 dudes getting friendly. My computer said it was 32 seconds into the slideshow. And that wasn't a pretty blonde either. I expect more from Sweden.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-10 AT 10:56PM (MST)[p]Oh, you think she's not a "pretty blonde" and the only thing you noticed in the few seconds she was on screen was the two dudes in the background. I'm sorry, perhaps you should not click on any more of my links. :) Turn in your man card 2_point.

Haha...... Good to see you have a sense of humor. We all know you noticed the dudes the very first time you watched it and you know you enjoyed it. As for the girl(s), I dated an incredibly beautiful girl from Sweden for a year, so yes I expect more from Sweden than most of the ones I saw on the video (until the 36 second mark). :)
Two-pers, if I have nothing else I have my sense of humor. As for seeing the two guys making out, I had to go back and look a few times to see them. Apparently though, you spotted them right off and then, as I understand it, you enjoyed the video more after seeing them. "I expect more from Sweden than most of the ones I saw on the video (until the 36 second mark)." Sexual stimulation does wonders for one's attitude huh?

As for you dating a Swede, right on man! What happened? Did she get tired of you being a homophobe and decide to pursue her bisexual tendencies without you? :) If so, you missed out.

NVBigHorn, I for one am not tired of your humor! Just wondering if there was any Swedish bars in Oregon?

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