The"Bob " in 2011



I have plans to hunt elseware in 2010. I looking for info on
a wilderness hunt in 2011 possiblly in the Bob. What is the condition of the Elk (1st) and muledeer? Is the trophy quality
what it once was?

My only experience in Montana was in the Blacktails near
Dillon,and the west fork of the rubie. Both hunts were non-guided
and with friends of my brother in "95"&"98". I'll be 55 this July
and 56 in 2011 and would like a stab at this be for turning 60.

Have been a memeber of the RMEF since 1994 and remember a
few tales in the Bugle that caught my eye.Any sugestions on an outfitter would be welcome.Are tags available through the outfitter or must one draw?Can non-res. request a pref. point
only and not risk drawing a tag when you can't act on it?
if so I plan to get a point this year.
Thanks to all!
As of now you can guarantee tags through the outfitter, although there is an initiative right now trying to end that. In the regular draw, you need to apply for the license in order to get the bonus point.
Pretty neat country with decent trophy potential for both elk and mule deer. Not real high success rates though.
You can do a early rifle backcountry hunt, bugle'em and shoot 'em. Increases your chance of success.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-10 AT 06:20PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Feb-24-10 AT 06:19?PM (MST)

im a montanan and three times ive gotten pumped up for a backcountry elk hunt in the Bob. Each time it was the same result, a complete circus. Heres a summmary of my experiences in the legendary Bob.

Outfitters are everywhere in the Bob, and most of them take at least 100 (some 300) hunters each season. There are also a heck alot of DIY hunters since everyone with a horse dreams of hunting the Bob.

A good friend outfitted in the south fork flathead for 20 years, hes retired now and willing to tell me that he'd never, ever send a friend hunting in the bob. IMO opinion if you want to work your azz off, see pretty country and shoot a raghorn you could have shot near a road by Dillon, then go to the BOB.

Ill never hunt the Bob again unless outfitters are restricted, which aint gonna happen. Pretty country though and you get to see grizzlies. Maybe you can find an outfitter who is really killing elk in the Bob, seems like most of them did well YEARS AGO and use old photos for brochures. I know one outfitter that is doing well if you want to PM me. I can also tell you a few to avoid.

p.s. if your going DIY then call the forest service and ask for a map of permitted camps. theyll send it to you and it will help you stay away form tent cities, problem for me was even when i went to the spots that shouldnt not have been overrun by the outfitting industry, there were outfitters camped there anyways.
If you want a large, bugle-season bull with a rifle, you're probably better off in Wyoming outside of Yellowstone.

If you just want to see the Bob, then go for it, but most Bob hunters don't take anything better home than a raghorn bull and an 18" muley, even if the area does produce something a bit better every now and then.
Thanks for the candid response.
Maybe I'll look in to the Middle Fork in Idaho. Had a great hunt there(way back pre-wolf) in "97".

I'm not much of a horseman and like to hoof it and prearrange a packer to haul meat. My brother guides in Hidden Creek west of Cody. The cost,long horseback rides in,and some
issues with my brother have so far stopped me from going there.
The DIY hunts with friends that enjoy my company have mixed
results(animals killed)but always provide a good time. More often
then not, I help pack meat for my partners. Maybe that's why I'm
so popular to hunt with!
The toughest thing is to find a comitted hunting partner(s)
that can A-afford to go, B-can find the time, C-can stand up to
a wife and say "I want to do this" ,and don't mine my snoring,and
my slow paced hunting speed. Few have more passion,while most are
in better shape or health.

Thanks for the info!
I like the Bob. Hunted it three times. 1st trip about 12 yrs ago- 3 for 5 on elk and 3 for 5 on muleys. Out of that, 1 really nice 320 bull and a 165 ish 5 x 6 muley. Second trip went 0 for 5, and we blew it on 3 decent bulls. 3rd trip went 0 for 2 on a DIY hunt- but hurt buddy on day 1 really dampered the hunt effort. I did manage to get into a raghorn that I clearly missed at about 150 and two nice six points that I made a poor, rushed stalk on 'cause of circumstances. Overall, I loved hunting the Bob and will probably be back there this year again if I don't draw a limited archery tag for elsewhere.
As for outfitters, highly recommend WTR Outfitters ( First class operation, first class back country accomodations, great stock, etc. I would not recommend DIY without horses in and out. Country, at least where I hunted, is too big and stock will get you past the crowd. I have also not seen any unreasonable number of others hunting it- especially other outfitters. I actually never ran into another hunter outside my group while hunting- only ever on a main trail on the ride in or out.
I also don't think you need a guide, if you know how to hunt elk and you personally are not afraid to push yourself to where the elk are. It certainly isn't easy and if you're merely a trail rider/walker, you'll put yourself in the single digit odds. But, if you're willing to look at a nice green drainage right near the tops, get there in the dark, hunt you're butt off and get back after dark, you'll see some shootable critters. And I'd definitely leave the bugle tube at home, keep the cow call in you're pocket for use when you're just bored and start listening from the ridgetops while the sun is starting to peek out.
I wouldn't bank on killin a record breaker, by any means, but if you're interested in seeing some super country, bangin up your legs, consider a legal bull a trophy, and get a kick out of carrying a rifle during bugle season, the Bob is a pretty good choice.

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Montana Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Bearpaw Outfitters

Mule deer, whitetail, antelope, buffalo, and prairie dogs on private ranch leases totaling about 100,000 acres.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, whitetail and antelope and manage our ranches for top quality.

Vargo Hunting

Top quality bear, antelope and free range bison hunts on the Crow Indian Res. Turkey and cougar as well.

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