The Bear & The Lion


Long Time Member


How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON Apr-01-10 AT 12:23PM (MST)[p]Cool clip Tony. Though I don't totally agree with the hyperbolized sterotypical human characterizations of the animals (the "evil" lion, licking its chops; the "cute" bear breathing hard and sounding distressed as it runs for its life, etc.) and the overt anti-hunting message the film communicates overall.

Definitely some very well trained animals, though.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

I must be an old softy, cause I was cheering for the little bear.
When it came down to fight, he did the best he could.
Then the big bear came along and saved the day.

They licked each other and I almost cried!

Classic saturday morning at the Fox Theater!

I loved it

p.s. my wife changed laundry detergent.

Steve Cheuvront
quite possibly the lamest thing I have ever seen. :)

Actually its part of a movie that is all about the life of that bear. Well done but way too much anthropomorphism. Lots of emotional, human-like drama designed to make you love wild animals and to think they are just humans in animals suits.

I saw the movie also.

Tell me, what does A N T H R O P O M O R P H I S M mean?

Steve Cheuvront
It's one of those words you tuck away and hope like hell someday you get to use it to justify the thousands you spent going to college. :)

Anthropomorphism is the attribution of human characteristics to, or, some would argue, recognition of human characteristics in non-human creatures and beings, phenomena, material states and objects or abstract concepts.

I know you are right.

But I can't help but think when I see a pile of pigs in the shade, and the little browns are running around nipping at there moms and causing havoc, they act like kids.

I watched a group of small mule deer running around a rock outcropping so I set up my binos and started watching them.
I soon saw a large group of deer under a near by tree, obviously the moms. The fawns were running up to the rock outcropping and jumping down the 3' or so and then running around and waiting in line to do it again. It reminded me of kids going down the slide at school. All the while the moms were saying, please, just come lay down and take your nap!

Yea, like I said, I'm just an old softy, but those are the moments I love in the hills.

Steve Cheuvront
Actually I think that when kids are running around and playing they are probably acting like little pigs or deer fawns. That really is play behavior. But having them show emotion and cry, lick their chops, etc is trying to make them have human feelings. I just have a problem with making animals too "bambi-esque".

Well like I said I'm an old softy, I've watched it 3 times, and cried every time. I also cried when " OLD YELLER " died.

Your point is well made, and I agree.

But really, "bambi-esque" now you made that one up, didn't you, cause there isn't any college who teaches that sh-t

I'd put a smily face on that but am too dumb to know how.

Steve Cheuvront

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