The Axmen


Long Time Member
It's kind of a Deadliest Catch copy cat. I can relate to it more though since I worked in logging for 5 years. It brings back a lot of memories. Some good, some not so good. I never got hurt but I needed some blind luck to be able to say that.

Does anyone else like the show?

Living in Oregon for 15 years, in the same general area as the show is filmed, I can't help but watch it. It's OK as long as "Catch" ain't on.

The problem with the show is they know it's a Deadliest Catch knockoff and the guys are playing too much to the camera.

There is no question that it is a dangerous trade, but the dangers and pressures to keep working hour after hour, don't compare with the fishermen.

The money is different also; loggers don't work for shares.
I like to watch cuz trees is my business.:)
I worked logging for about 8 years. If I just had about 10,000 trees like I saw them cut today, I'd have it made.
Eel, one of the 1st jobs I ever had was peeling quakie logs. The sawyers would be dropping trees all around you & your job was to run in and start peeling the bark off. They paid us $1.00 a tree to peel. If you got 20 a day you was doing real good. We had some good times and some not so good times. I can sort of relate to that show but on a smaller scale.

I have clients in Forest Grove and seen the rigs driving out of the area that they film. I watch the show with my son quite a bit and like it. The "son" of one of the loggers that is suppose to take over his dad's logging business needs an attitude adjustment if he thinks he going to make it!

I agree. Brownings son is a baby. I like the show but not as much as Deadliest Catch. I am looking forward to "Black Gold" coming out too. It's another spin off but with oil riggers in Texas I believe.
I have watched it a couple of times. The thing that is iritating is the whole TIME drama the narator tries to over play. Then the other thing is that fat dude that looks like Butter Bean, his equipment is for sh%^. He realy needs better equipment. All those break downs just pisses me off to no end. I had to turn the chanel.

"Thanks climate PhD 202" - TFinalshot Feb-05-08, 02:16 PM (MST)
202, LOL! You're right about the breakdowns. It just makes the show because of the drama. In the real world they wouldn't make it for long if that was reality. They talk about the log count and their first truck load of logs. Back when I worked in the woods we AVERAGED 35 truck loads a day. It was hump all day, and if someone had brought out a video camera, they would have been run off for interfering with production.

Of course that was back when men were men.:)

My dad had a logging company. I logged for 20+ years.
The show is a joke.
2 pecker poles/turn? Pathetic it is.
They can't even pull the pecker poles up the hill without straining their equipment.

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