
Long Time Member
How bout it cantkillathing?

They got 4 Guys lined up for Court?

I thought there were about 50 Participants in the Closed Road/Trail Ride?

Do these Guys need to get Bundy to Help them out?

How are the Courts/BLM Singling just a few out?

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Next time they Stirr this Sshhitt up they'd Best do it Bundy Style if they wanna get anything done!


Surely not saying Bundy is Right!(Perty Sure He's Wrong?I don't know?)

But He Stood His Ground!

How many people you seen stand their Ground in many,many years?

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
If somebody doesn't pay their taxes, they should be sharing a cell in a Federal Prison with Al Sharpton.

People that graze our land for personal gain without paying their grazing fees are stealing our habitat just the exact same way that poachers are stealing our wildlife.


The Southern Utah guys should all get the same fines that should be imposed on anybody that takes their ATV off-trail, and it should be strictly enforced.

Why not give their ATV's the Rocky Mountain Tune-Up that ya'll like to talk about? Didn't they break the law just the same as hunters that ride up canyons hunting elk?

Public lands belong to all of us and we all get to play by the same rules. If you unlawfully damage it... you are a complete piece of trash. Period. I have no tolerance for any of those guys.

LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-15 AT 01:46PM (MST)[p]elkassassin, if there are lawful Judgments against Bundy for the money, he's in trouble.

The government will get their money, even if they wait until he dies and take it from his estate (with interest, fees, penalties, and court costs added on)... They'll get the money.

Not sure how they only singled out 4 guys. But the Bundys were on the ride as well with some of the militia people. At the rally the Clive Bundy's son was the one that escalated the ride, the commissioner stated at the rally point that his intentions were to have a civil protest in where they ride up to the closed trail head but do not ride any furthur, but Bundy and his clan escalated and stated that they were here to help open a road and to come all the way over here to back down was not what they wanted and then got several other to ride passed the closed road signs. I am not sure who even crossed the road signs, i dont even think some of the people being charged even crossed the line, I didn't go on the ride, so I dont know for sure. I do know one thing is that it shocks me that The Bundy guy wasn't charged, and another thing is the media is one sided in this.
Court will be coming up and I hope the BLM doesn't get anything from this
I agree cant!

How do you Single out 4 or 5 of them?

So some Bundy Boys were there!

I don't see any Bundy's listed for a Court Date?


We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
>AT 01:46?PM (MST)

>elkassassin, if there are lawful Judgments
>against Bundy for the money,
>he's in trouble.
>The government will get their money,
>even if they wait until
>he dies and take it
>from his estate (with interest,
>fees, penalties, and court costs
>added on)... They'll get the

Hey Grizzly!

When Clive Dies maybe Clive Jr will take over?

This has been going on longer than just Clive!

If they don't do anything to him till after He Dies do you think He'll Care?

So let's see if I got this Right!

A Group tells the BLM they're gonna do an Illegal ATV Ride!

They even tell them when/the day!

Several of them ride past the Road/Trail Closed Sign!

They put it right in the BLM's/Law Officials Faces!

Was anybody Arrested/Cited that day?

Bet they never said a F'N word to the Bundys!


If they'll Break the Law while the Law is standing there watching them!

What'ya think they'll do when they think nobody is watchin them?

Them 10" High Dirt Berms & them Flimsy Ass Fiberglass Road Closed Signs have always amazed me!

HIGH COUNTRY TUNE-UPS are the only way!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
You gonna track them wheelers down and
Make sure they are tuned properly BEBOP??

"The State of Utah has not given BGF anything.
They have invested in BGF to protect their
Birdman 4/15/15
Hey ww?

I'd like to know how 4 Were Singled out?

The Bundy Guy wasn't one of them!

I Wonder why?:D

Looks like a Decent Lawyer & a Prejudice Suit could Happen?

Even if Proven Guilty!

I'll Place Money on the Line Right now none of them get a Year in Jail nor the 100K Fine!

Any Takers?

I need to Generate Huntin Money for this Fall!

So let's make some Wagers!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
What gets me is how the media was down here on the protest, they recorded the statements and filmed all that was said but you dont see any of that footage of the protest of how Phil Lyman stated the intentions of the protest, they have Bundy group stating how they are here to ride the closed road to re-open it. Media has is portrait that Phil and these other 3 conspired to this. Great world we live in. They even have it as Phil and his group had armed people and used children as shields. I would bet all those guys carrying guns were from the Bundy group. Hey but the media is always right, and what is said on social media is the truth as well, because you cant lie on the internet.
Hey cant?

You know the Merian Boys?

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Sent you a PM cant!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
LAST EDITED ON May-02-15 AT 04:19AM (MST)[p]And I Quote:

Commissioner claims He'd do it again!

Guess My Question is this:

How many Actually,Knowingly & Blatantly Road their F'N Wheelers down the Closed Road/Trail the Day of the ATV Ride?


Why weren't every one of them handed Citations?

Right of ways don't Give every TARD in the State Authorization to do as they Please,Phil is surely Smart enough to know this,Right?

Once again!

The BLM Singles a Certain/Chosen few out!

I Notice they didn't Screw with any of the Bundy's!

I just don't see where eventually there Ain't gonna be some Prejudice Law Suits for Singling certain people out!

We laugh, we cry, we love
Go hard when the going's tough
Push back, come push and shove
Knock us down, we'll get back up again and again
We are Members of the Huntin Crowd!
Took a road to the base of a hill we have hunted for 30 years. Road is used by cattlemen to haul in salt. Drove over waited for walkers(we call this sittin on point, and yes its exhausting). Anyhow, its about 1/2 mile dead end, come back out down road to camp. Ranger stops in to issue tickets to all of us that were there, seems we didn't get that years current road closure map, and although unmarked, this one was closed. Funny part is he had a green partner. She set out about 25yrds, hand on her pistol the whole time. Guess in her eyes coming into a camp with 20 or so armed dudes, it was a good idea to get handsy with the sidearm? Older ranger had to explain that it was stupid to do so, we were harmless, and they would be undergunned anyway. Too many movies I guess.

Point is. The ATV guys don't like a law, they staged a protest, or civil unrest, knowing they would get cited and get there day in court. Then the "great western hero", Sean Hannity's best buds roll into town and bastardize it. At some point this Jackwagon and his welfare baby kids need to see a CELL. Why this guy and his mooching kids aren't in jail, and some hippy smoking weed is I will never understand. This guy and his family are an embarrassment to ranchers and to westerners.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

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