
Long Time Member
Wish Our USFS/BLM would start Enforcing more of these 95K Fines to the LowLifes Blazing New Trails in to the High Country during Hunting Seasons!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

This is nothing more than a political statement in a genitalia stretching contest. I think this is exactly the portrait the founding fathers were painting when they spoke about the punishment being commensurate with the crime. If they were interested in watershed protection or whatever malarkey they used to justify their witch hunt tactics here, this would hardly be the place to start.

This has everything to do with making an example out of anyone who crosses the feds on tree hugging issues. How many federal indictments have you seen handed down to the recent low life thugs burning down entire city blocks, exacting their lawless anarchy in the name of free speech??

Nothing to be excited about here. The day the feds can hand down a fine like that over something so trivial is the day you might consider how much power they have taken from the people.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-15 AT 06:58AM (MST)[p]I think the op was less about this particular incident and more about illegal atv activity in general. I've started to see them frequently in my "no atv" deer hunting spot and I no longer see the bighorns that used to frequent that area. Sadly, I think even if you explained the impact they're having to these areas they still wouldn't give a chit and ride in there anyway. What's a sportsman to do?......high country tune up? The forest service wants me to do their jobs for em, pics, points of entry.....the tune up would be simpler and more effective. Our government is like the fat guy on the old Richard Simmons show, it's time we cut a hole in the wall and haul it to the hospital on a flatbed!
These people should be hit with the maximum penalty. Force them to watch elkassassin perform a high country tuneup on their rig...then make them walk home(gasp).
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-15 AT 06:23AM (MST)[p]No.....1911 is spot on. I find it humorous how liberal Bessie really is.

Doesn't get that he wants the government to have more
Power. He doesn't get that allowing those types of fines is ridiculous. I love how 1911 put it. He's spot on.

Bessie, the part I find funny is, these guys protest on trails that were there, and you want to hang them. Yet your old tag line used to basically say, come and get my guns, and I'll go down in a hail of fire.

You want to pick and choose which rights u can keep and which ones you want to give up for people.

Odd mr conservative. Btw.....being conservative requires you to look at situations like this and call bull crap. Yet you don't realize that you want the government to be your big bully on the playground. Except for when it's you they're pushing.
>AT 06:23?AM (MST)

>No.....1911 is spot on. I find
>it humorous how liberal Bessie
>really is.
>Doesn't get that he wants the
>government to have more
>Power. He doesn't get that allowing
>those types of fines is
>ridiculous. I love how 1911
>put it. He's spot on.
>Bessie, the part I find funny
>is, these guys protest on
>trails that were there, and
>you want to hang them.
>Yet your old tag line
>used to basically say,
>come and get my guns,
>and I'll go down in
>a hail of fire.
>You want to pick and choose
>which rights u can keep
>and which ones you want
>to give up for people.
>Odd mr conservative. Btw.....being conservative requires
>you to look at situations
>like this and call bull
>crap. Yet you don't realize
>that you want the government
>to be your big bully
>on the playground. Except for
>when it's you they're pushing.

You're Up in the F'N Night Jeff Dumas!

You're the Type that has probably Destroyed Places like DW mentioned & You Think it's your LAZY God Given Right to do so!

I Said Nothing about the Size of the Fine!

Fine Should be Bigger than that for some of the Places I've seen destroyed!

What I have said in Previous Posts/Threads is:

How'd the Government Just Single a 'Chosen Few' out for the Fines handed out!

While many others walked Free?

Pick & Choose My Rights Huh?

I Will stand up for what is Right rather You Doncrete Like it or not!

"Trails that were there",but Trails that were Closed from what I understand,what gives you the Right to Break the Laws Doncrete when others have to Obey them?

I Haven't seen the Government you're talking about doing us many Favors in the last many years Doncrete!

Wake the F Up!!!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

One more Thing Doncrete!

I won't Argue with what 1911 said!

If you're so Blind you can't see what the Tree Huggers Really want in the End you're Perty GAWD-DAMNED Blind!

And do you really think these Law Breakin Bitttches Blazing Trails anywhere they Please are Helping any of the Sportsmen/Hunters/Outdoors-men?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

First time I was on that road was 1967 as were many jeeps hunting the area. It's hard to find any road in San Juan county that doesn't have Indian relics or dwellings near it. There are a couple of cliff dwellings in that canyon but big deal. Funny how the Feds just put up a gate and said keep out. I may be wrong but the issue at hand seems to be that no one was given notice or asked to input on it before it was done. If you've ever hunted below town there are cliff dwellings along most all of those mesas.
The issue was, "We don't have to follow federal laws in our state." Lock them up, confiscate and sell every ATV, trailer and truck hitched to trailer of every protester, since all were used in commission of the crime. 500 hours each of community service restoring areas of unauthorized atv use, in the summer, with broken hand tools.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-15 AT 08:18AM (MST)[p]Again, there were already trails there. You have given an agency free reign to just start closing up wherever and whenever they damn well please because it's now the "law". Guess what suckers, affordable health care act is law too, assault weapons ban of the 90's was "law" too!! Prohibition was "law" too! When are some of you so called conservatives gonna get it through your heads that illegal doesn't always equate to wrong and legal doesn't always equate to right??

The "Obama" juIce you talk about Bessie, that's "law". Belching black
Smoke out of diesels will ultimately become illegal as well buddy. I know more about what the tree Huggers want than you do!!

If you think it's illegal, old closed down trails that they're only concerned with, maybe you should quit sniffing so much glue!!

It's everything we do!! Whether it's a legal trail or not!! It's all of it!!

So go ahead, keep aligning with the tree Huggers!! The funny part?

You're too stupid to realize that you're doing it!!
Screw you ATV riding dipchits. Too bad the fine wasn't double that. Now if they would fine the POS poaching ATV riders from the other poaching thread then we might be on to something. It sucks that majority of ATV riders are F-ing morons that ruin it for the few good ones.

Hey Dcrete any of your ATV riding buddy's that went on the spike hunt have a white beard and take a couple juveniles with him to show them the proper way to be a Utard.
Here's the part I don't get about illegal riding. We all claim to be hunters, but only a handful of us really understand what that means anymore. You're supposed to be out there trying to out wit the animals not buzz around trying to drive up on them hoping they stand around long enough to get a quick shot off the quad. That's not hunting, that's more like trolling for salmon. You don't even have to think our put out any effort to do that.

You get a bunch of people riding right through prime hunting ground and it's like taking a dump in your own bed. Why would anyone want to do that and call themselves hunters? If hunting is too physically demanding, try some other sport.

They closed a lot of Forest Service roads where I hunt and I was ok with it, even at my age of 67. I walked out a lot of those roads because I know there's some good hunting down in there. Every closed road I walked in had fresh tire tracks on them. Gawd that pissed me off.


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
Feel free to back up your stats that the majority of atv riders are morons. I'm sure your anti gun buddies would love to also have you in their camp. You could spew all of your baseless claims about the majority of gun owners too!!

The simple fact remains, I don't support huge fines, the repossessing of
Property by the federal government. I support them protesting the federal government 100%.

If you want to support gestapo legislation, and if you want to be a good boy and s good citizen because some suit and tie made a "law", then go get on the train. Next stop, Germany.

As far as your spike hunting claim goes, back it up big boy. Let's hear what ya got!!!
LAST EDITED ON Oct-29-15 AT 11:23AM (MST)[p]>Feel free to back up your
>stats that the majority of
>atv riders are morons. I'm
>sure your anti gun buddies
>would love to also have
>you in their camp. You
>could spew all of your
>baseless claims about the majority
>of gun owners too!!
>The simple fact remains, I don't
>support huge fines, the repossessing
>Property by the federal government.
>I support them protesting the
>federal government 100%.
>If you want to support gestapo
>legislation, and if you want
>to be a good boy
>and s good citizen because
>some suit and tie made
>a "law", then go get
>on the train. Next stop,
>As far as your spike hunting
>claim goes, back it up
>big boy. Let's hear what
>ya got!!!

You need to learn what a proper protest is to get a law you don't like taken off the books compared to violating the law to try and get your point across like those dipwads did! Espousing to break laws just because you don't like them would lead to anarchy if everyone followed your BS ideas and what they did!
"As far as your spike hunting claim goes, back it up big boy. Let's hear what ya got!!!"

That wasn't a claim at all. That was a question. My mistake that should of had a question mark at the end not a period.

Was just asking if one of your ATV riding buddy's was showing the youngens the proper ways of Utardism by riding around on 4wheelers, shooting 6 point bulls during spike hunts??????????????????????

BTW, how's Clive doing?????????? Is that freeloaders cows still grazing public land to dirt??????????????
Well I don't know.....are any of your Woodstock buddies still protesting oil drilling in the ocean?

Guess you're making a claim about friends I don't have. Same as I'm making a claim about friends you don't're lumping me in with people who road hunt and shoot 6 point bulls from their 4 wheelers.

Not entirely sure what that has to do with a protest ride, or your lack of backing up your claim about the majority of atv riders.

I suspect all poachers use atvs?

What about truck owners? Are they all gas and diesel hogs that all run over
Bikers? Are all drivers bad because of the ones who get a dui?

I need to make sure I understand this:

I support the protestors, think the judge issued a ruling like an activist, that makes me:
A: a lazy road hunter who can hike, according to Bessie Hanes....

B: a close friend of old men with white beards that road hunt 6 point Bulls with kids, in a spike unit?
"Bennett told the judge the ATV riders trampled vegetation, churned up dirt and left 4- to 10-inch deep ruts in the canyon."

"The Bureau of Land Management paid a contractor $65,500 to assess the damage, including the use of 3-D laser scanners to look at underground archeological sites and pack animals to carry in equipment. It spent another $30,000 for "emergency stabilization" and other BLM field work."

From 1 planned, advertised protest ride? BS. It sounds to me like there's some personal vendetta going on.

Law breaking protests happen all the time around the country and nothing happens. Probation and a small fine at most.


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
Hey 'CON'crete!

You're a Real F'N Joke!

I Don't agree with all the Government Laws,Rules & Regulations!

Voted against many that Passed!

This is America the Last Time I checked where you can Vote 'For' or 'Against' most things!

But Your Attitude is if You don't like the way the Vote Turned out,you think it's your God Given Right to Break the Rules anyway,WAFJ!

I didn't Say JACK SQUAT about the Case with the 95K Fine!

I mentioned some of these other Law Breakin BASTARDS should receive a Similar Fine & Fired your Ass Right up with it!

That Only Tells me one thing!

Sure Ain't hard to Sort the Law Breakin Bittches out around here!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

One more thing 'CON'crete!

I will be meeting with the Feds before long to see if your Attitude will hold up in a Court of Law?

"I don't Like/Agree with the Laws/Rules so I'll Break them as I Please"!

You gotta be a TARD!

With your Mentality what else could you be?

You'll Fit Right in with the JACK-ASS Crowd!
Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

Oooooo scary.....I sure hope they don't track me down....especially with you in their squad.

You'll have to let me know what they say, because if anyone can change my mind on the law makers being lawless, it'll certainly be a federal agent with you in tow!!


Who woulda guessed?

Since You Think you know every F'N Thing!

Answer the Question:

How'd they Single just 2 Guys out of the Crowd?

I didn't see them Screwin with Cliven Bundy's Relates!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

bessy you really are a lib nut kook aren't you?

First off it's not a law they broke. Show me the law? It's not written anywhere. It's an edict by some pos from some worthless government agency that decided they'd close this or that road to motorized vehicles. There's a huge difference between a law and some determination by some bureaucrat with an agenda.

It's a two track road into Montezuma canyon and has been there since way before the bs lib kooks took over the forest service.

You sound like the biggest baby ever with your incessant whining about how atv's are ruining what... your waiting around for a tag ???

You should move to Portland and join occupy f'stick. You sound like just like one of them.
I don't care if we're talking hunters or county commissioners. Illegal off-road atv riders should ALL be charged harshly.

If you want to protest a law you don't like by by breaking that law, (Timothy DeChristopher, anybody? ) then man up and do the jail time. Tim went to jail and I hope Lyman does too.

Hey Pete!

I Don't need your Bullshit Drueling out of Your Pie-Hole Neither!

If You wanna settle it off MM You just name the Time & Place!

I've told you Law Breakin Bittches many of times I don't know all the Facts & you act like you're the Only one in the World that Acts like you know where this happened!

You & People like 'CON'crete can Man the Wasatch,How's that Sound?

Only thing I've ever asked about the 'ATV Ride' was:

How'd they initially Single 4 Guys out & then drop it to just 2 Guys?

Answer the GAWD-DAMNED Question Pete since you're another Internet Know-it-all?

Again,I didn't see them do anything to the Cliven Bundy Relates that were there that Participated in the Ride,WTF?

You've Got the Same TARD Mentality as most TARDS there Pete!

(((The Laws/Rules only Pertain to other people,Not Me!)))

I Know a Guy that See's your F'N Motorbike where it shouldn't be there Pete,Well let's just say You'll be lookin for some New Parts to get it Running again!

Go ahead,Tell us all How 2 Wrongs don't make a Right!

You were Perty Good for a While about Not Running Your Big Mouth on the Internet saying Stupid Sshhitt but I can see you've joined the Crowd that will get all Off Road Use of Wheelers Banned in the End,It'll be Too GAWD-DAMNED Late when it happens but We'll be able to Thank people like yourself when it happens!

Once again,tell me how only 2 of the Bunch were Singled out on this?

>bessy you really are a lib
>nut kook aren't you?
>First off it's not a law
>they broke. Show me the
>law? It's not written
>anywhere. It's an edict
>by some pos from some
>worthless government agency that decided
>they'd close this or that
>road to motorized vehicles.
>There's a huge difference between
>a law and some determination
>by some bureaucrat with an
>It's a two track road into
>Montezuma canyon and has been
>there since way before the
>bs lib kooks took over
>the forest service.
>You sound like the biggest baby
>ever with your incessant whining
>about how atv's are ruining
>what... your waiting around for
>a tag ???
>You should move to Portland and
>join occupy f'stick. You
>sound like just like one
>of them.

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

>I don't care if we're talking
>hunters or county commissioners. Illegal
>off-road atv riders should ALL
>be charged harshly.
>If you want to protest a
>law you don't like by
>by breaking that law, (Timothy
>DeChristopher, anybody? ) then man
>up and do the jail
>time. Tim went to jail
>and I hope Lyman does

I Agree grizzly!

But We got lots of TARDS here like 'CON'crete & C3 that Think the Laws Only Apply to Certain People!

"""Because they Don't Agree with Certain Laws,They'll Pick & Choose which Laws/Rules they'll Obey"""

TARD Mentality at it's F'N Best Right there!

All I've been wondering is How only 2 Guys are geting in Trouble while many others didn't?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

Name the time and place. My hell that is so funny. You really should invest in a life size mirror before you start calling people on. Are you gonna show up in your mountain man leathers??

Can't wait to see you waddling around the expo again with your pvc glue you're sniffing.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-15 AT 12:10PM (MST)[p]Scratching my head here why Pete gets called on by the man who waddles around the expo in his mountain man leathers and looks like he's he mayor of hilldale city and he just tells me to shut up??? ***sigh***

Guess I'll have to wait my turn to get my beat down from the white Gary Coleman of altamont.......
>Once again,tell me how only 2
>of the Bunch were Singled
>out on this?

Well that's about as simple as it gets. Didn't your whacknut obamanation buddies, the prosecutor and activist judge tell you?

They made it up out of thin air like most lib kook government hacks you've so fondly cozied into bed with.

Sustaining member of Earth First - We'll shred and mine the other planets later !!!

>AT 12:10?PM (MST)

>Scratching my head here why Pete
>gets called on by the
>man who waddles around the
>expo in his mountain man
>leathers and looks like he's
>he mayor of hilldale city
>and he just tells me
>to shut up??? ***sigh***
>Guess I'll have to wait my
>turn to get my beat
>down from the white Gary
>Coleman of altamont.......

It's kinda because He's been known to Run His Mouth before,kinda like you 'CON'crete!

Another Simple Question 'CON'crete:

Oh Do Please Answer unless you're to Chicken-Sshhitt to do so!

So when you don't Agree with Laws & Rules You Break them thinking it's your God Given Right?

Now I never Voted for alot of the TAXES We pay in this Blood Thirsty World We live in,but?

When You Disagree with certain TAXES I suppose you tell the Government & the IRS to Kiss Your Ass & You don't Pay them,Right?

Come on Big Boy!

Show me how F'N Tough you Think you really are!

Pete & Me can Handle Our Own Differences so MYOF'NB!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

Is that the best you have?

The best you have a challenge down no mans land?

Why don't you go rub two rocks together and see if you can generate enough static to jump start your brain a little bit.

I must admit that I am still just a tad bit jealous. I was at least hoping that I could get you to threaten me like you like to do.

Only difference between me and a lot of the people you threaten?

I don't put much stock in you.

Internet super heroes, arm chair biologists, keyboard law enforcement, doesn't really scare me.

The threat of "a guy I know" that'll dismantle a motor bike, doesn't make me $hit myself.

The threat of your "tune up"

Basically you, don't get to me.

I was hoping you'd at least threaten me. Just because I love to hear how tough you are. I bet Pete won't be able to sleep right for s month knowing you're hot on his tail.

Hell, just your threat to Pete had made me sell off all my hunting equipment and my 4 wheelers. Hell, if you "know a guy" that's enough for me to pack up my marbles and head out. I wish you would've told me sooner that you "know a guy".
Hey 'CON'crete?


You're taking the 5th?

Threaten You?

Sold em Huh?


Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

LAST EDITED ON Oct-30-15 AT 08:30PM (MST)[p]You see wussy cat....there's a few things that aren't getting through your head.
Their protest was regarding trails that were just simply closed because they wanted them closed. You're confusing that with blazing your own trail while out hunting.

The two aren't even remotely similar. Just like your question regarding my taxes.....I pay more in taxes in a year than you'll pay in your lifetime.
Your question regarding taxes is a moot point and here's why:
When I began my business, the taxes I pay were already in place. I don't agree with a lot of those taxes but, none the less I have to pay them.
The rules haven't changed in the middle of the game.

Rules changing in the middle of the game is one thing I really resent

So....your old tag line used to talk about a cherry red barrel and the ##### democrats (which you're a closet one) and fighting the gun grabbers.

So....let's say they come knock on your double wides door and say they want your guns, a new ban has been put in place, it's now the law. Are you gonna be the law breaking SOB that you so ferociously bash on here? Which side are you gonna be on??

You gonna get on the train because the big bad gov says to?
You gonna be the poster child of shut up and obey like you like to preach?
Which one is it gonna be wussy cat?
Civil disobedience is warranted at times.
Everyone talks about how my stance is anarchy and all of that.

Yet none of you realize that pushing back against government over reach is the very reason we have this land to claim.

You see wussy 1776, you're what was referred to as a loyalist.
"""I pay more in taxes in a year than you'll pay in your lifetime."""


I'm Impressed!

I thought you'd Disagree with Payin all them Taxes!

And I Thought you'd Tell Our Government/IRS to get F'D?

But Immediately,You Pay more Taxes than Anybody,With a Guy of your Nature you'd Think you'd be Paying Less than anybody by telling Our Government to get Screwed!

You'll Tell them to get Screwed on Smaller Slaps on the Ole Hands but when it comes down to getting your Ass throwed in Jail you seem to Obey the Rules/Laws at times,I'll be Damed!

In My original Post:

All I mentioned was I wished some of these Law Breakin Bittcchhess up this Way woulda got a 95K Fine & it Really got under your Skin now didn't it?

Ain't hard to sort these Types out!

Maybe My Rebel Flag Bothers you too?

You're starting to sound more & more like a Democrat?

I'll bet you Voted for Obama!

And Twice!

Yup,now You're handing way more Taxes in than you want to,I'll bet your a Mad SOB at yourself for that kind of Voting!

Could change it Right in the Middle,Right?

Better Hurry,Middle has come & gone & you're still standing there with your Teeth in your Mouth!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

"""Civil disobedience is warranted at time"""


You've Basically Admitted You'll Chance a 95K Fine!

But the Fine that would probably Garner you some Jail time,you admit Quickly you're obeying them Rules!

Flat out BRAGGIN You're Payin more Taxes than anybody,Nice 'CON'crete!

Obama Supports you Highly!

Keep Working Hard!

And Keep Handing it in!

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

Still no answer for when they come to get your guns?

Gonna tell them to name the place and time?

Bottom line is, you're a snatch.

And a dumb one at that too
Bottom Line is You're Pissed about not being able to Break Laws & do as you Damn well Please on your ATV's!

You gonna be a Man & Stand up against Future/More Taxes?

Or just Keep Bragging You Pay more Taxes than anybody else?

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

So....your old tag line used to talk about a cherry red barrel and the ##### democrats (which you're a closet one) and fighting the gun grabbers.

So....let's say they come knock on your double wides door and say they want your guns, a new ban has been put in place, it's now the law. Are you gonna be the law breaking SOB that you so ferociously bash on here? Which side are you gonna be on??

Are you gonna answer this one?or plead the fifth?:)
>So....your old tag line used to
>talk about a cherry red
>barrel and the ##### democrats
>(which you're a closet one)
>and fighting the gun grabbers.
>So....let's say they come knock on
>your double wides door and
>say they want your guns,
>a new ban has been
>put in place, it's now
>the law. Are you gonna
>be the law breaking SOB
>that you so ferociously bash
>on here? Which side are
>you gonna be on??
>Are you gonna answer this one?or
>plead the fifth?:)

Gonna tell them what 'CON'crete taught me!

Civil disobedience is warranted at times!:D:D:D

Go Ahead!

Make Me take it down!

Hey elkassassin

I've thought about parking my truck to block off a "closed road" so nobody could drive it while I hiked in.

I'm afraid my truck would be burned to the ground when I got back.

Kind of like a reverse tune-up. :D:D

Nobody follows the laws/rules any more. Not even the President.


Guns are like parachutes. If you need one and don't have one you probably will never need one again.
Your hero criminal who pled guilty and cried in court about how he loved the govt. Obey the law even if you do not like it or pay the fine.

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