The ATV parade has arrived!



I live in western Colorado, and drive I-70 30 miles everyday to work. I must have literally seen 40 different trucks coming down the interstate this morning, each with 2-4 atv's on the trailer. Complete with gun scabbards etc.

Does anyone hunt on foot anymore? An ATV is just as common to the hunter these days as a scope on a rifle.
LOL...........I smile when I see those quads because it just means more guys that I won't see where I'm hunting anyway.
>So you think...when there is a
>will, there is a way.

True.....but in that situation a the pair of side-cutters in my pack can really make things interesting. There might be a way but it might just be "one way"
>They can stay warm eating the
>preferred meal of a quad
>riding hunter....tag soup.

Buskspy, I seem to remember a very prominent member of this site wacking a large nontyp buck from of his quad a few years back. I am sure you know who I am talking about...

Even a blind monkey sometimes finds a banana.
>True.....but in that situation a the
>pair of side-cutters in my
>pack can really make things
>interesting. There might be
>a way but it might
>just be "one way"

Sidecutters? A valve stem remover is smaller and lighter. :)
What I haven't been able to figure out is this - If you can only drive them on established roads, and plan to only drive them on established roads, why do you need one?
>Vigilante justice strikes again! Whackos...

LOL....yup, wacko here!!! What are they gonna the law and say someone vandalized their quad that they illegally rode into the wilderness area? I have no problem at all with legal use of the quads, trucks, bikes or whatever other contraption you wish to bring but tread where you aren't supposed to be at your own risk. Really......bring all the quads you want as it just helps move more animals into my honey-holes.
"The have them so they don't scratch there $60,000 superduty on 20" wheels. "

Haha. I know most people actually do use them legally, and use them for that reason. I might even own one myself except every time I see the price tag I see another trip to Alaska. Alaska will win every time.
I was just amazed at the shear numbers I saw getting towed down the interstate. I bet I saw between 80-100 quads this morning alone. Seems like it is a requirement if you are coming hunting here from out of state. It is safe to assume that at least 10 of those quad owners will take them where they aren't supposed to be...

It actually makes hunting more exciting these days. I can look for elk, and look for illegally parked quads too. I need to name my valve stem remover something catchy like "The Equalizer."

Last time I spotted a quad in a roadless area the guy wouldn't get more than 50 yards from it, so he kept blowing my chance for a legitimate stalk. He got away...guess that is why they call it hunting!
>I was just amazed at the
>shear numbers I saw getting
>towed down the interstate. I
>bet I saw between 80-100
>quads this morning alone. Seems
>like it is a requirement
>if you are coming hunting
>here from out of state.
>It is safe to assume
>that at least 10 of
>those quad owners will take
>them where they aren't supposed
>to be...
>It actually makes hunting more exciting
>these days. I can look
>for elk, and look for
>illegally parked quads too. I
>need to name my valve
>stem remover something catchy like
>"The Equalizer."
>Last time I spotted a quad
>in a roadless area the
>guy wouldn't get more than
>50 yards from it, so
>he kept blowing my chance
>for a legitimate stalk. He
>got away...guess that is why
>they call it hunting!

Dude you're killin' me......that is hilarious!!!!
maybe he was hunting you? and just as you got close enough, he lost his chance? Ya never no, i guess one way to find out is for you to get close to my wheeler with an "equalizer".

Good luck this year guys, when i kill yet another 180 buck from just off my wheeler, I just might post pictures, or if i get me an "equalizer" as a trophy maybe i will post that one as well.

but for know i will simply hunt from my wheeler, kill big bucks, eat good food, and have a great time. Doesn't that just bring music to your ears? I just love going out of state to Colorado, Absolutely LOVE IT!!

Good luck to all this weekend, 2nd season is going to be a fun time with all those storms hitting. And hunting from my wheeler in colorado makes it that much funner.
Alot of the horsetrailers now days are used as a decoy to haul an atv instead of a horse. Wish i owned the gas station instead of a hay outfit!
> Ya never no, i
>guess one way to find
>out is for you to
>get close to my wheeler
>with an "equalizer".
Hey, I don't poach ATV's that are don't bust loose from a road. Only the ones that escape into roadless areas. I really wanted that one that got away, he was a trophy for sure. He was yellow, and it is hard to find a rare quad like that. Most are green to blend in with the environment, and really give the owner an edge.

Quads in roadless areas are like hunting bison outside of yellowstone. Cannot hunt them in the park...
I bought a street legal dirt bike this year basically just for hunting its a WR 450 sure gets me around alot faster, and cheaper. What literally takes me 2 1/2 hours in the truck takes less then 25 minutes. Why tear your vehicle up if you don't have to.. Besides that, most of these mountain roads that used to have 4x4 pick ups on the all the time now just have atvs and with the vegetation growing back in and all the rocks pushed to the outsides of the road sure makes it tough to get a full size truck any were.
I think I know the area your from 4000.You ever taken your truck to the castle peak TH in a foot of snow? or taken an hour to get up on R&W in a truck, that would take 15 min on a 4 wheeler?

I haul one, sometimes it never even gets unloaded, sometimes I was damn glad to have it, cause I wasn't one of the poor buggers calling a wrecker to retrieve their truck from the bottom of a ditch.
Hey, you want to drive your quad up and down trail gulch all day have at it.

I counted 45 quads this morning on the interstate, forgot to start counting until I was half way to work. Should be a good hunt, there is a major migration going!
4000 I am sure u r simply the best hunter to walk the earth. My guess u r a short married fat ass with a pecker that resembles a little blue acorn, but hell atleast u have a big lifted up truck right. Why don't u come to the unit I am now sitting in with my quad right outside and show me how a short man with a short penis hunts.
there is a major migration going!
there is a major migration going!

Ain't that the truth!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Why dont you quad haters take some pictures of every quad you see doing something illegal this hunting season and then start a thread on here with those pictures. Make sure you get the tag number in the pic to. Instead of just talking crap and saying what your gonna do why dont you do it. Your starting to look like those people that see Big Foot and UFO's but can never get a clear picture of one. But with you guys it's I saw this and I saw that but no picture at all. Go down to Wally World and buy a digital camera , about 30 bucks will get you one good enough to capture a runaway quad rider. Why dont you guys walk the walk instead of all this BS that you keep putting on here.

Yes , I 'm a quad rider ,duh. But I follow the rules and stay on the designated trails. These quad thread's are getting old , everybody on here knows how you guys feel about quads. Those of us that have them and use them dont really give a crap what you think. We're gonna ride em anyway. We have our reason's.

My quad is insured so go ahead and do me a favor, will ya? Just dont let me see you.
I hope I catch some loser letting the air out of my quads tires. Some of you 'Holy than thou' people really crack me up. Not everyone hunts off a 4 wheeler. It's just a tool. I agree if you see someone riding off the trail and being a tool, put him out of commission. But judging hunters because they use or have a 4 wheeler is ridiculous.
There's a thread going on just like this one at Aparently no one from North Dakota owns a duck boat, only non-residents do, just like no one from Colorado owns an ATV. Pretty Lame.
WOW it early in the year for the B*tching to start about ATV messing up your hunt and the is the reason why you DIDN"T get a Deer/Elk. Hey don't forget JEEPS too. Next week I will be taking my jeep to NM for a hunt hope some-one counts me, I would like to be counted.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>Yes , I 'm a quad
>rider ,duh. But I follow
>the rules and stay on
>the designated trails.

Hey 4000fps , is that the speed you run when face to face with a quad rider? I'm just asking , don't be afraid I wouldn't want you to pee yourself or anything like that
This thread is shows you what sides people are in real quick. But it sounds like 4000 is just saying that he lets the air outta tires on quads that are breaking the law and riding into roadless areas. I am sure that most all of you that ride quads do so legally and ethically...and most of you are just as pissed about the stupid dbags that take their quads into areas they know they shouldn't be.

Personally I think it is a great idea...I am going to get me a valve stem remover and throw it in my backpack and I will only use it on quads that are miles from any open atv trail or road. The people that piss me off are the ones that ride on atv trails that have been closed by the DWR but they think that since they rode on this trail last year or the year before they are more than entitled to take their atv down it now, even if it is closed. They assume that it doesn't apply to them. Get your lazy a$$ off of your quad and try hiking. You never know you might even like it.

Oh yeah I am an atv owner but no I do not hunt from them. I drive to the trailhead to park and get out and hike.
I've already said it . But I have to say it again. Take a picture of the quad and the tag if you can get close enough and turn em in to GF .
That will do way more to stop the off trail riding than anything you guys can do.
What area in Colorado are you referring to when to say that the deer are migrating all ready. And how low are you seeing them?
LAST EDITED ON Oct-24-10 AT 09:18AM (MST)[p]>Hey 4000fps , is that the
>speed you run when face
>to face with a quad
>rider? I'm just asking
>, don't be afraid I
>wouldn't want you to pee
>yourself or anything like that

I am scared of them, I keep hiking into roadless areas to get away from them, and they just follow me!
I recall years ago that poachers were hunters that broke a law now and then. Today, we simply call poachers common criminals and I am glad.

Folks that drive ATV illegally are not ATV users. They are criminals. There needs to be 1-800 number to turn in these criminals and text pictures.

Perhaps a wall of shame ATV criminal thread is a start.
People that let air out of tires of stray ATV's are also criminals. You vigilantes are so self righteous it cracks me up. Im sure none of you went over the speed limit on the way to your hunting grounds. Maybe I should start enforcing speed by letting out all of your air in your 60k trucks when you head on your long 10 mile hikes during your hunt.
4000 aka blue acorn. I pray that I run in to u on my wheeler and ur lifted up short man truck. Then you can show how a real fella hunts or in your case hunts for something to ##### at. Shortan short pens that blue acorn I mean 4000
There is some very shallow thinking on display here. There are some very good reasons why any vehicle might be in a roadless area or on a closed trail. Some that come to mind are; medical emergency, search and rescue, handicapped hunter, a trail closed only at one entrance. Can you imagine the consequences (to say nothing of the liability) of sabotaging an atv and it turns out to be a kid fetching dad who started having chest pains on the mountain???

I get as pissed as the next guy when machines are abused. Nothing like bailing off a skittish horse when some idiot comes screaming up the closed trail on a motorcycle. But, I will never disregard life safety to make a point or advocate doing so in any public forum. Leaving a note and informing the warden is more effective and might even prove helpful, if your ego will allow you to do so.
I first started hunting from a quad in '84 with my dad. Before that it was on Trail 90's and dirtbikes. We logged alot of miles and had a lot of fun using them as "tools" over the years. I went from 4 quads down to none over the last couple of years.
Unfortunately, I don't want to be associated with atv's because of the wreckless few. I want the elderly and the handicapped to have a solution for mobility so they can enjoy the hunt. But, I don't want to go the area I haven't hunt since '92 and see more trails every year. I counted 4 new trails this year before I got frustrated and left. These trails were blazed over fairly flat and easy country. I am sick and tired of walking a .5 mile off of the road through tall brush to get some where promising and have an a$$ clown come by me on his atv,standing on his seat so he can see. I would like to see a hotline number to call and have these dousche nozzles punished. The only problem I see with banning atvs all together is my jeep will be the next target.

"If God didn't want us to eat animals, then why did He make them out of meat?"
~Ted Nugent
>I'm trying to figure out what
>he said -

Hahaha, I agree. Grey sounds dumber than 4000 here. Sounds like he likes to drive his quad into wilderness areas and doesnt want any ethics police cutting his valve stem.

I have hunted both by using quads to access trailheads and by driving my truck there. some of the roads in nevada are so rough that you either need 3 spare tires on your truck or an ATV. the areas we hunt here in NV have wilderness areas but 90% of them are marked and usually have signs blocking them making it pretty obvious when someone is or has recently driven into the wilderness area. I drove my truck wayyy back into unit 051. I got my truck stuck and had to hike out 12 miles for help in 100 degree heat.. let me say right now that if i had my quad it never would have happened.

Im all for legal quad hunters. Like many have said earlier those that do like to hunt from the seat of their Grizzly leave more of the mountain to me. Dont cut valve stems, but instead take photos and report. These jackasses getting hefty fines will likely do more to deter them than coming back to a flat tire... that would just piss me off more.

Use your heads.

I never thought of using my quad as a decoy. Tell me where you hunt. I would like to see if i could call you into paint ball range.

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