
(Folks, this is a fabulous article, but it is an incredible tragedy that it is being totally ignored by most of the members of our American media. The American military deserve something better than they are getting from our media.

Winning Isn't News
By INVESTOR'S BUSINESS DAILY | Posted Monday, July 07, 2008 4:20 PM PT
Iraq: What would happen if the U.S. won a war but the media didn't tell the American public? Apparently, we have to rely on a British newspaper for the news that we've defeated the last remnants of al-Qaida in Iraq.


London's Sunday Times called it "the culmination of one of the most spectacular victories of the war on terror." A terrorist force that once numbered more than 12,000, with strongholds in the west and central regions of Iraq, has over two years been reduced to a mere 1,200 fighters, backed against the wall in the northern city of Mosul.
The destruction of al-Qaida in Iraq (AQI) is one of the most unlikely and unforeseen events in the long history of American warfare. We can thank President Bush's surge strategy, in which he bucked both Republican and Democratic leaders in Washington by inc reasing our forces there instead of surrendering.
We can also thank the leadership of the new general he placed in charge there, David Petraeus, who may be the foremost expert in the world on counter-insurgency warfare. And we can thank those serving in our military in Iraq who engaged local Iraqi tribal leaders and convinced them America was their friend and AQI their enemy.
Al-Qaida's loss of the hearts and minds of ordinary Iraqis began in Anbar Province, which had been written off as a basket case, and spread out from there.
Now, in Operation Lion's Roar the Iraqi army and the U.S. 3rd Armored Cavalry Regiment is destroying the fraction of terrorists who are left. More than 1,000 AQI operatives have already been apprehended.
Sunday Times reporter Marie Colvin, traveling with Iraqi forces in Mosul, found little AQI presence even in bullet-ridden residential areas that were once insurgency strongholds, and reported that the terrorists have lost control of its Mosul urban base, with what is left of the organization having fled south into the countryside.
Meanwhile, the State Department reports that Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki's government has achieved "satisfactory" progress on 15 of the 18 political benchmarks ? a big change for the better from a year ago.
Things are going so well that Maliki has even for the first time floated the idea of a timetable for withdrawal of American forces. He did so while visiting the United Arab Emirates, which over the weekend announced that it was forgiving almost $7 billion of debt owed by Baghdad ? an impressive vote of confidence from a fellow Arab state in the future of a free Iraq.
But where are the headlines and the front-page stories about all this good news? As the Media Research Center pointed out last week, "the CBS Evening News, NBC Nightly News and CNN's Anderson Cooper 360 were silent Tuesday night about the benchmarks" that signaled political progress.
The war in Iraq has been turned around 180 degrees both militarily and politically because the president stuck to his guns. Yet apart from IBD, Fox News Channel and parts of the foreign press, the media don't seem to consider this historic event a big story.
I'm sure Dude and his prodigy can find plenty of negitive things to say. Makes you wonder if Phil Gramm was thinking of them when he spoke.
So why can't we bring the troops home and shut off the cash? if it's over let's go, end this thing.

Why is it the media is only telling the truth when it's what you want to hear? I don't give a crap what happens to the Iraqis once we leave I want this thing done and over and in the past, I hope your media is right so that will happen. I have my doubts they are.
Can't you be happy for our country for once?!?! x(

We ALL want our troops to come home. Hell, my wife and I could both go back tomorrow, so I have more of a stake in this than you do. The job is almost done, so back the hell off and let us finish it, so that my kids and theirs are not left fighting this all over again.

I'm so sick of the tit for tat BS that goes on in here, I'm about to go back to blocking myself from this forum.

Do you live in a hippie commune where nobody argues or something? I have news for you I may be the minority here but I'm the majority out there so if you're going to have to deal with it in real life you might as well have fun. we can have a good debate with both sides veiws presented, you just have to accept there is another side.

Where did I say that wouldn't make me happy, if we can end this thing I'm happy, 314.4 million dollars a day happy. It seems you've got until the end of the year to finish it, because Iraq is going to kick a good number of troops out and restrict those that are left ithey say. Obama will get the troops home by way of international law and not have to put his neck on the line by pulling them out, he has to like that. I can't change any of it but I'm happy in any event, we win, we get kicked out, Obama pulls them out, it's all good so don't say I'm not happy.
Just stop and think why our "liberal" members of the press has not told this story. It might just change people's opinion on the war and change the votes that will take place this November.
Just might make certain liberal members of congress look like fools for being on the wrong side of the fence and missing the boat that left the dock!! Might also make certain high ranking members of the press look like idiots for their wrong perdictions on the war's outcome. That would be the equivalent of Dude admitting he was wrong and we all know that will never happen in a 100 years!!!

If this joint even slightly resembled a debate, it wouldn't frustrate me. I'm not lumping it all on you. There are plenty of hollow fingerpointers on the conservative side, too. I know you might feel overwhelmed in herre, but you seem like you could put together better arguments than allowing yourself to be baited into more fingerpointing.

I just get really tired of the same old bashing without substance. You call McCain every name in the book without seeing that he is so friggin liberal I can't stand him. I would expect you to embrace both McCain and Obama. Instead, McCain has an R by his name and so he sucks.

As far as the war goes, I was there when it kicked off. I convoyed to Baghdad back in early 2003 and saw poverty like I'd never witnessed. I grew up in a bunch of countries, including the Philippines - read:dirt friggin poor - and I still had never seen anything like the 1980s Ethiopian looking kids in Southern Iraq. I'm glad we went in and yes, I'm glad we're going to finish the job. If you cut the hay, you rake it, you bail it and then you feed it. If you can only see the monetary aspect of it, then I hope you have sweet dreams of money jingling in your head. So much for the liberals caring about the little guy.

Oh yeah, I defend Oregon every chance I get, but Dude, you live in a commune called 'Oregon' - don't forget that. Oregon is where liberals went when California wasn't liberal enough!

I'm quite sure the war will take a dramatic upturn when the same troops under the same Generals amazingly start winning once Obama is in office.

Dude, pick it apart if you want, but you know it's true.


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