That's gonna leave a Mark...


Long Time Member

I gotta think this has to be a real "blow" to "Markus" ego.

America?s first legal gigolo quits rural brothel
The Associated Press

Friday, March 26, 2010 | 10:48 a.m.

America's first legal male prostitute has left a rural Nevada brothel after a two-month stint that generated plenty of attention but fewer than 10 paying customers.

Brothel owner Jim Davis said Friday that his Shady Lady Ranch had parted ways with the nation's first "prostitude."

A replacement has been hired, but Davis hinted it was possible the 25-year-old Alabama native who worked under the name "Markus" could be back.

The tiny yellow brothel is 30 miles north of unincorporated Nye County town of Beatty and 150 miles northwest of Las Vegas.

The split was first reported Friday by the Las Vegas Review-Journal.

Markus, who like other sex workers has asked that his real name not be used, didn't immediately respond to a message seeking comment.
"a two-month stint that generated plenty of attention but fewer than 10 paying customers."

I'm 61 and I got more than he did in the last two months. That's a disgrace.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-27-10 AT 07:53AM (MST)[p]"I'm 61 and I got more than he did in the last two months. That's a disgrace."

Were those repeat customers or one timers? ..... Terry

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