That time of the Year


Long Time Member
Usually this time of the year is a fun time to spend with family and plan for upcoming hunts.

I would like to thank everyone for their negative attitudes toward non-residents hunting in their state and wanting to limit our access and tags even more than they are now. Yes that was meant to be sarcastic. You make it pretty hard to plan hunts after spending years applying, buying licenses and points, and making future plans that are now going to be useless. It amazes me that there is so much negativity from some on here when it seems like most of the resident hunters I meet in the field are very nice.

To the rest of you have a Merry Christmas and wish you luck in the upcoming draws and hunts.

I think there's no shortage of negativity on both sides of the isle. I wish it wouldn't be so, but it's the way things are around here lately.

Merry Christmas to all and Happy New Application season!

LAST EDITED ON Dec-23-14 AT 10:59AM (MST)[p]If I were a NR I wouldn't let it get me down either, I just wouldn't be wasting time cashing moose and sheep points prior to 2016 if I could....
More crying. Boo hoo. The residents need better draw odds and this will help. Remember residents dont have a point system for elk like the NR's!!!! Sounds like most of the residents are positive to me. The non residents are the ones with a negative attitude.
You know if half the effort that was put in to pissing and moaning about each other on here and the draw odds or how a certain system is unfair would get put into a positive effort to better the habitat across the west there simply be a larger and healthier herd of every species to hunt which in turn would lead to more tags for everyone.

I hope everyone finds themselves and their family in good health for the Christmas season,
>More crying. Boo hoo. The residents
>need better draw odds and
>this will help. Remember residents
>dont have a point system
>for elk like the NR's!!!!
>Sounds like most of the
>residents are positive to me.
>The non residents are the
>ones with a negative attitude.

That took a real rocket scientist to figure out, LOL!
I've read all the threads and I'm not complaining, or crying or whatever you want to call it. I would just like to point out a couple of things:

1. All of these threads were started or inflamed by a narcissist who is getting and emotional uplift by messing with something important to a lot of people.

2. Actually 2 of them are on here exhibiting that behavior they are experiencing a psychological and physiological experience with each post. If you are letting it bother you the negative effects are also being felt by you, the exact opposite they are feeling.

3. I do have a psychology degree but can't stand crazy people or psychologists.

In summation give Buzz a break he's probably impotent and this in effect gives him the same enjoyment psychologically and physiologically as sex. Obviously with out a clinical visit this is difficult to determine but responses would lead to that hypothesis.

That's the way I see it, sorry Founder I always try to be polite by this is pretty casebook accurate.

Merry Christmas
>I've read all the threads and
>I'm not complaining, or crying
>or whatever you want to
>call it. I would just
>like to point out a
>couple of things:
>1. All of these threads
>were started or inflamed by
>a narcissist who is getting
>and emotional uplift by messing
>with something important to a
>lot of people.
>2. Actually 2 of them
>are on here exhibiting that
>behavior they are experiencing a
>psychological and physiological experience with
>each post. If you
>are letting it bother you
>the negative effects are also
>being felt by you, the
>exact opposite they are feeling.
>3. I do have a
>psychology degree but can't stand
>crazy people or psychologists.
>In summation give Buzz a break
>he's probably impotent and this
>in effect gives him the
>same enjoyment psychologically and physiologically
>as sex.
>Obviously with out a clinical
>visit this is difficult to
>determine but responses would lead
>to that hypothesis.
>That's the way I see it,
>sorry Founder I always try
>to be polite by this
>is pretty casebook accurate.
>Merry Christmas

You just described Flopgun!!!!?
No bonehead; he just told you who it described and I believe you may have been the other that he was referencing, LOL! It didn't take a psychology degree to figure Buzzy out, as I told everyone what he was a day or two ago. It sure would be nice if everyone would just get in the holiday spirit and knock all this garbage off!
Floppy, a good first step is for you to quit replying like a parrot.

Step 2 is for NR's to start thinking about burning those moose and sheep points and weighing their options on goat and bison.

The times, they are a changin'.

-Bob Dylan, 1963
>Floppy, a good first step is
>for you to quit replying
>like a parrot.
>Step 2 is for NR's to
>start thinking about burning those
>moose and sheep points and
>weighing their options on goat
>and bison.
>The times, they are a changin'.
>-Bob Dylan, 1963

And step 3 is for you to stick it where the sun don't shine!!!
Man facebook doesn't have this much drama.

But Merry Christmas to all of you and safe travels!!
>Floppy, a good first step is
>for you to quit replying
>like a parrot.
>Step 2 is for NR's to
>start thinking about burning those
>moose and sheep points and
>weighing their options on goat
>and bison.
>The times, they are a changin'.
>-Bob Dylan, 1963
You need a vacation Buzz, Theirs a lot of money and time hunters have in this point system.

I spend thousands each year applying for tags all over the West and accumulating points, no state is promising me a tag.

Newsflash, nobody promised NR's of Wyoming a tag either...

That's the fallacy of any point system, everyone thinks they will get a tag.

Do the math, its not that hard.
Agree with nfh!!!!! Just wished they would give 25% of the Henries Deer and Strip deer to nonres so I might draw it some day lol. Merry Christmas everyone and good luck in 2015 draws and hunts.

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