Thanks Vets. . .



Thank all of you that have served our country!

On this day, it's important to recognize the service, it's also important to continue to ask questions. No disrespect to those who were at Arlington today, I've been there before on veterans day, but where's the Commander and Chief?

Where is Bush today? Yep, on vacation in Texas, no surprise. And during this time of war, how come the VA has an "acting" director, and how come he and Cheney were at the tomb and NOT Bush and a full director of the VA?

Very telling of this administration.
Bush has spent the most days on vacation of any president in history, as Leno says he figures being gone is his best chance at raising his approval rating.

Another thing that should be mentioned on this day and this is not Bush's fault but he's done nothing to help, 25% of all the homeless people in the US are vets. maybe America should define what " support the troops" means after we get what we want from them.

To the vets, those past on and those present, we all thank you.
I heard Bush was riding off road today on his ATV. He was seem towing natural gas pipeline on a ATV trailer while being followed by a drill rig.

Thanks vets.

I would encourage everyone to visit a VA hospital in your area to see just how much our government really supports our troops. Really sad. But I'll leave it at that. At least there are nice pics of george, richard and the head of the va. :(
>Thank all of you that have
>served our country!
>On this day, it's important to
>recognize the service, it's also
>important to continue to ask
>questions. No disrespect to
>those who were at Arlington
>today, I've been there before
>on veterans day, but where's
>the Commander and Chief?
>Where is Bush today? Yep,
>on vacation in Texas, no
>surprise. And during this
>time of war, how come
>the VA has an "acting"
>director, and how come he
>and Cheney were at the
>tomb and NOT Bush and
>a full director of the
>Very telling of this administration.

Wow, that was almost a sincere thanks.
USN 1974-2007
>Thank all of you that have
>served our country!
>On this day, it's important to
>recognize the service, it's also
>important to continue to ask
>questions. No disrespect to
>those who were at Arlington
>today, I've been there before
>on veterans day, but where's
>the Commander and Chief?
>Where is Bush today? Yep,
>on vacation in Texas, no
>surprise. And during this
>time of war, how come
>the VA has an "acting"
>director, and how come he
>and Cheney were at the
>tomb and NOT Bush and
>a full director of the
>Very telling of this administration.

I tried to keep my mouth shut but I cant, I have more repect for the people that spit on my dad the last few times he came home. Atleast they showed what they really meant.Ill shut up before you toss me!
gila wanna say sorry that your father had to go through that, i had a hard enough time comming back the 2 times i deployed, every service member should get the highest amount of respect. Remember that a 1/4 of all veterans are homeless. Anyways have a good one and sorry i missed the marines bday yesterday...have a good one all

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