Thanks SFW for no Hunting for the Disabled.......



Thanks to SFW recommendations for a short General Deer Hunting Season... The few extra Days allowed to the few Disabled Hunters and Disabled Veterans granted by Utah code are now up in the air. No decisions have been made by the DWR... Utah code only allows Disabled Hunting on seasons nine days or more.

SFW.. thanks for shutting us out.

I was contacted by Lindy Varney at the DWR and was told

"We will be taking the proposal out in May and then it will go to the Wildlife board the first of June. So we won't know what will be approved until then."

Thanks SFW... FYI most Disabled Hunters need a little bit more time to prepare for hunting than a June Notification... we have to make arrangments for assistors so we can participate.


>Thanks to SFW recommendations for a
>short General Deer Hunting Season...
>The few extra Days allowed
>to the few Disabled Hunters
>and Disabled Veterans granted by
>Utah code are now up
>in the air. No decisions
>have been made by the
>DWR... Utah code only allows
>Disabled Hunting on seasons nine
>days or more.
>SFW.. thanks for shutting us out.
>I was contacted by Lindy Varney
>at the DWR and was
>"We will be taking the proposal
>out in May and then
>it will go to the
>Wildlife board the first of
>June. So we won't know
>what will be approved until
>Thanks SFW... FYI most Disabled Hunters
>need a little bit more
>time to prepare for hunting
>than a June Notification... we
>have to make arrangments for
>assistors so we can participate.

I'm having a meeting with the DWR March, 29th to get it all straightened out. If you would like to come let me know.
You have to be kidding me! LOL
Big bad SFW.
I actually like the fact that the seasons are shorter. Good on SFW, if they are who got it done. The deer need a liitle help. It'll be intersting to see how it works out. I think it'll save LOTS of bucks and 2011, 2012 and so on will be better.

PS - I'm sure there is something that UDWR can do to give the disabled a few extra days.

Brian Latturner
>You have to be kidding me!
>Big bad SFW.
>I actually like the fact that
>the seasons are shorter. Good
>on SFW, if they are
>who got it done. The
>deer need a liitle help.
>It'll be intersting to see
>how it works out. I
>think it'll save LOTS of
>bucks and 2011, 2012 and
>so on will be better.
>PS - I'm sure there is
>something that UDWR can do
>to give the disabled a
>few extra days.
>Brian Latturner

Yeah, we will get our extended season back. Disabled hunters are a small group of hunters. We can only hunt from the roads. Our success rates aren't very high so people shouldn't be to worried about us affecting the deer herds.
Brian... its not funny.. you try rolling a wheelchair or walker over a sagebrush... we are left up to road hunting or being dropped off at an ambush or overlook spot.. This season is going to be hell for all Disabled hunters because of the short season... only hopefull days are on Monday and Tuesday before the Saturday opener... guys begin to set up camps as early as Wednesday and the game is really spooked from there until opening day when they are pushed... its going to be a mad house.

>Brian... its not funny.. you try
>rolling a wheelchair or walker
>over a sagebrush... we are
>left up to road hunting
>or being dropped off at
>an ambush or overlook spot..
>This season is going to
>be hell for all Disabled
>hunters because of the short
>season... only hopefull days are
>on Monday and Tuesday before
>the Saturday opener... guys begin
>to set up camps as
>early as Wednesday and the
>game is really spooked from
>there until opening day when
>they are pushed... its going
>to be a mad house.

We will actually try to get 5 to 7 days that also includes a weekend. If we have a weekend then it helps our friends and family get time off work so they can go with us.
Elite, this issue should be brought up on UWC, sounds like an issue most Utah hunters are unaware of.
You were suppose to send me a PM Elite letting me know who you are?
I still haven't got it & no I'm not saying anything bad about disabled people,still trying to figure out who the hell you are?
>Elite, this issue should be brought
>up on UWC, sounds like
>an issue most Utah hunters
>are unaware of.

Yeah it's one reason I dislike SFW at this time. I fought hard to get the season passed only to have it taken away because of the hunting season days were changed. I wish Don would support us more. I asked him for his support. We even sent a letter with no responds. I wish he would voice his opinion in favor of us disabled hunters. This is all I have ever asked from him. I hope he will be willing in the future because it would help us out a great deal. It would mean a lot to many hunters.

I know he helps disabled veterans, but I wish I had his support too because the wildlife board listens to him.
I'm sure that that Wildlife Board will listen to reason on an extended season for the disabled. But it also sounds like another small group complaining without looking at the big picture. I guess a longer season without any deer is better than a shorter season with a healthier herd in the long run. I don't care what kind of hunting you do archery, muzz, rifle, disabled, or naked spear throwing it is not as fun if there is nothing to hunt. The shortened season was proposed to help the deer numbers not to poke any one group in the eye. If SFW or Don personally accomplished the seasom change then hats off to them at least somebody is doing something to help our struggling herds!!!!

I'll ask again the UWC faithfull that are roaming in "force". What are your plans for stopping the wolves in Utah? How will you fund the fight against the groups we as sportman are fighting against? Who are the heavy hitters that you have working on this up front and behind the scenes? Please please answer that question, it seems a pretty simple answer for such and organized and thoughtful group. You must understand that this is the greatest current threat to our herds? Or is this one task you are ok for Don and the SFW to handle? No answer would leave me to assume this is the case. From that I would assume UWC really has no plan or vision for the future well being of hunting in Utah for the rich, the average joe or my children.

History has shown that when forces are divided they are easier to conquer. I can assure you of one thing, the biggest fans of SFW haters are the anti-hunter and wolf loving groups of the West. They would pay huge dollars to take away the power and support that the SFW has fought for. More dollars than have been generated buy sell tags for sure! Yet they have to spend zero to see sportsman try to drag it down themselves. I have stated for many years that I do not agree with everything the SFW has done, in fact some things have angered me to point of post negative and personal post to Don on this very forum. I have even had many colorful arguements with my own father about not seeing eye to eye with the SFW. However make no mistake about it if the SFW loses power it will not be another sportsman group that gains it!!!! It will be all of our foes and we will be the ones that won the battle for them!!!

Ok I have rattled on for to long, I guess the apple does not fall from the tree.

>I'm sure that that Wildlife Board
>will listen to reason on
>an extended season for the
>disabled. But it also
>sounds like another small group
>complaining without looking at the
>big picture. I guess
>a longer season without any
>deer is better than a
>shorter season with a healthier
>herd in the long run.
> I don't care what
>kind of hunting you do
>archery, muzz, rifle, disabled, or
>naked spear throwing it is
>not as fun if there
>is nothing to hunt.
>The shortened season was proposed
>to help the deer numbers
>not to poke any one
>group in the eye.
>If SFW or Don personally
>accomplished the seasom change then
>hats off to them at
>least somebody is doing something
>to help our struggling herds!!!!
>I'll ask again the UWC faithfull
>that are roaming in "force".
> What are your plans
>for stopping the wolves in
>Utah? How will you
>fund the fight against the
>groups we as sportman are
>fighting against? Who are
>the heavy hitters that you
>have working on this up
>front and behind the scenes?
> Please please answer that
>question, it seems a pretty
>simple answer for such and
>organized and thoughtful group.
>You must understand that this
>is the greatest current threat
>to our herds? Or is
>this one task you are
>ok for Don and the
>SFW to handle? No
>answer would leave me to
>assume this is the case.
> From that I would
>assume UWC really has no
>plan or vision for the
>future well being of hunting
>in Utah for the rich,
>the average joe or my
>History has shown that when forces
>are divided they are easier
>to conquer. I can
>assure you of one thing,
>the biggest fans of SFW
>haters are the anti-hunter and
>wolf loving groups of the
>West. They would pay
>huge dollars to take away
>the power and support that
>the SFW has fought for.
> More dollars than have
>been generated buy sell tags
>for sure! Yet they
>have to spend zero to
>see sportsman try to drag
>it down themselves. I
>have stated for many years
>that I do not agree
>with everything the SFW has
>done, in fact some things
>have angered me to point
>of post negative and personal
>post to Don on this
>very forum. I have even
>had many colorful arguements with
>my own father about not
>seeing eye to eye with
>the SFW. However make no
>mistake about it if the
>SFW loses power it will
>not be another sportsman group
>that gains it!!!! It will
>be all of our foes
>and we will be the
>ones that won the battle
>for them!!!
>Ok I have rattled on for
>to long, I guess the
>apple does not fall from
>the tree.

The 5 day season will do NOTHING for the deer herds. The DWR already has a ton of data to show this. Buck harvest doesn't affect the deer herds. I also seen a lot of bucks last year with a spotting scope in July/August. If the SFW wants to truly help the deer herds then they need to spent more than 13% on habitat.

The 5 day hunt is just a bandaid and it won't reduce buck harvest.
I might not be a "biologist", but I completely disagree. I think shortening the season is going to saves lots of bucks, therefore in future years there will be a greater number of older bucks. Will it "significantly" increase herd numbers in years to come? Probably not much because I don't feel the range can support too many more deer. But a shorter hunt WILL result in more post season bucks and a more healthy breeding season and ulimately a more healthy herd......maybe even a few more deer.

I too have heard the UDWR claim that 6 yearling bucks per 100 does is all a herd needs. Again, I call BS on that. I think when post season numbers are that low, MANY does go unbreed or are not breed until Dec., resulting in late births and greater mortality the following winter. Higher buck to doe ratios are going to result in a healthier herd.

I'm not going to spend much time debating with you because I think your goal has less to do with actually helping deer and more to do with trying to damage SFW.

Brian Latturner
Hunter behavior will change when the season is shortened. When is a longer season, is easier to pass on a so-so animal on Day 1 or 2. As the longer season winds down, the animals are spookier so is harder to find that so-so animal if have not yet harvested an animal.

Expect a lot of so-so animals and riskier shots to be taken early in the hunt. We all know the pressure when feel are about to eat tag soup after taking time off work, spending too much money on equipment and fuel and hunting hard.

If you care about herd health, outlaw shed hunting that spooks pregnant does and worn-down bucks at a time they are weakest.
I disagree, I don't think there are many "so-so" bucks being passed in this state. I'm pretty sure that the VAST MAJORITY are dropping the hammer on the first thing with bone on its head, no matter when they see 1, 2, or 8, 9. Atleast now, they won't be killing it on day 8 or 9.

Brian Latturner
>I might not be a "biologist",
>but I completely disagree. I
>think shortening the season is
>going to saves lots of
>bucks, therefore in future years
>there will be a greater
>number of older bucks. Will
>it "significantly" increase herd numbers
>in years to come? Probably
>not much because I don't
>feel the range can support
>too many more deer. But
>a shorter hunt WILL result
>in more post season bucks
>and a more healthy breeding
>season and ulimately a more
>healthy herd......maybe even a few
>more deer.
>I too have heard the UDWR
>claim that 6 yearling bucks
>per 100 does is all
>a herd needs. Again, I
>call BS on that. I
>think when post season numbers
>are that low, MANY does
>go unbreed or are not
>breed until Dec., resulting in
>late births and greater mortality
>the following winter. Higher buck
>to doe ratios are going
>to result in a healthier
>I'm not going to spend much
>time debating with you because
>I think your goal has
>less to do with actually
>helping deer and more to
>do with trying to damage
>Brian Latturner

You're right, the UDWR and it's many biologists have no clue what they are talking about. They should fire them all......

The 5 day season will do NOTHING for the deer herds. The DWR already has a ton of data to show this. Buck harvest doesn't affect the deer herds. I also seen a lot of bucks last year with a spotting scope in July/August. If the SFW wants to truly help the deer herds then they need to spent more than 13% on habitat.

The 5 day hunt is just a bandaid and it won't reduce buck harvest.

Elite you just lost all credibility with that statement. The 5 day rifle hunt has made a huge difference in Southern Utah for buck ratios and actually allowing deer to survive and mature.
What's wrong with a little consideration for Disabled Hunters ? There are really not very many of us out there... most have had to give up hunting... I don't want to.. Hunting is a part of my life and I do use the meat.

Disabled Hunters do not shoot every first deer they see.. unlike folks that can walk any distance we have to look at getting the animal to the vehicle... I litterally saw hundreds of deer last year but very few that I could ethically harvest.. a wash or ravine or a stream or a fence stopped me nearly every time.

We just want the opportunity.. thats it.

"You're right, the UDWR and it's many biologists have no clue what they are talking about. They should fire them all......"

I feel bad implying that, but I DO NOT believe that 6 bucks per 100 does is best. I quite often think that biologists who form the opinion that serves the financial interests of the UDWR the best, are the ones whose data is used most often. I think there are plenty of biologists who would disagree that 6 bucks per 100 does is not healthy, but I believe their opinions are not going to be cited when UDWR is trying to go with the plan that generates the largest income.

I know a little about how it all works, and I can assure you, decisions are NOT based solely, or even MOSTLY, on what is best for wildlife. Too many decisions are based on what generates the most money.

A shorter deer season will save bucks, plain and simple. 2011 will have a greater number of 2 year old bucks running around. I do not believe it will significantly increase herd numbers, short term or long term.
I like the move that was made. If SFW did it, then go for them.

Brian Latturner
I agree that the deer hunt needed to be changed but Im not thinking that the 5 day season is the answer.Am I feeeling that people dont favor micromangement ,why? dont you think we should control how many hunters in a certain areas should be ,if the deer #s dont support the number of hunters.
MsDestiny, I agree with you 100%, however I can make a pretty good guess that cutting disable hunters days afield was not on the SFW agenda. Like I said above I am sure it is something the Wildlife board will address. I will support in the fight to give the disabled an enjoyable hunting season. But blanket blaming the SFW is not really a fair assesment of the situation.

I know your stance on the shortened season! You have all made that very very clear. What about the number one threat, wolves? You did not answer anything in that direction? Please answer the question, you seem to have all of the other answers? I too see alot of bucks with my spotting scope in July/August. Infact I see bucks during the archery, muzzy and rifle hunts every year. That does not mean the herd is health. As far as the 13%, how does that dollar amount compare to what the UWC will be able to put into wildlife? A dollar amount would be nice? Who is the head of the UWC is there a board? How are they organized? What is the plan? Step up and answer a tough question at least the wolf question, that seems simple enough. Don will it least come on and give some numbers and reasoning.
Bigthree I think most serious deer hunters see the need for micromanagement of deer herds in Utah, it is absolutely needed. The 5 day is not an alternative to that need, but it will do some good.

Maybe I'm wrong but I see the Division as being the holdup on implementing a micromanagement plan for Utah's deer herd, either they're scared of the controversy, scared of the work required to do it or they flat don't care.
We don't have Wolves in Utah... but we have VERY Big Coyotes and everyone knows we ALL shoot ALL of the VERY Big Coyotes we see... RIGHT ?

That Problem is SOLVED.

MSDestiny- Sorry we have hi-jacked your thread. I think you will find some type of help from the Wildlife Board.

Now, Micro management-- the oasis that is just a mirage.

Those who keep pushing micro-management with the expectation that it will save Utah's deer herd are missing the point. Micromanagement, with the same number of hunters afield, will do absolutely nothing to produce the improvements - buck quantity and quality - they desire. That ONLY comes by cutting tags.

Colorado hunts 1 tag for every 8 deer and Nevada hunts 1 tag for every 9 deer. Utah hunts one tag for every 3 deer. So, you want Colorado quality? Cut Utah permits to 40,000. You want Nevada quality? Cut permits to 33,000. By the way, Colorado and Nevada's herds have decreased in herd production. They carry too many bucks that compete with doe and fawns. Don't believe me? Go to Nevada's site and read their Biologists' findings for yourself. Of course no one on this site believes what biologists have to say.

If the Micro-Management crowd wants it to produce more bucks then why not just start by cutting permits. If you have 5,000 deer tags TOTAL for the Central Region then why micro manage it? 8,000 deer tags TOTAL for the Southern Region. That is where we are headed with Micro-management and the deer will suffer.

One last point-- To draw average Nevada units it takes 2-6 years. They have a 50% success rate. 50% of the bucks killed are 4 point or better. Who wants to sign-up for 3-6 year waits for a 25% chance to shoot a 4 point? I'll take my chances every year or two on Utah General Season hunts.
"To draw average Nevada units it takes 2-6 years. They have a 50% success rate. 50% of the bucks killed are 4 point or better. Who wants to sign-up for 3-6 year waits for a 25% chance to shoot a 4 point? I'll take my chances every year or two on Utah General Season hunts."

Sadly Mike, this is where Utah seems to be headed. And, as Colorado and Nevada show, increasing the number of bucks doesn't automatically translate into more deer. This is also my number on objection to the shortened season dates. The biologists say reduced season lengths actually increase the number of bucks harvested, while other 'experts' are convinced it helps. So, at best it is 50/50 that shorter seasons will increase buck numbers and/or herd numbers. But, it is 100% certain to reduce hunter opportunity, especially for the youth hunters who are still in school, making it so they get 1-2 days of hunting. How many youth are going to stay excited about hunting under such 'management'?

Founder, you call into question elite's motives on disagreeing on the season length, and say it is because he is "anti-SFW", I can tell you he objected to it long before he realized what the shorter season did to the disabled hunters season dates.

As for me, this is just one more of a growing list of things I dislike about SFW and what they are doing to Utah wildlife and Utah hunters.

As for the wolf issue, I do appreciate SFW's stance and willingness to be on the front line on this extremely important issue. HOWEVER, that does NOT give SFW a green light on everything else. The fight can be fought without shortening general season deer lengths, without raising age objectives on limited entry elk, without doing away with statewide archery deer, without going to micro-managed deer units, and without reducing disabled hunters time on the field. We can, and should, all stand united on the wolf issue. How that translates into convention tag monies/ Antelope Island tag monies, conservation tag monies, and transparency, escapes me.
>FYI the youth get 9 days
>to hunt.

Thanks for clarifying. I missed that somehow.

I am glad they added the youth a 9 day hunt, but I still think it was/is based on perceptions rather than biology/reason.

Thanks again for setting me on the right course.
>The 5 day season will do
>NOTHING for the deer herds.
>The DWR already has a
>ton of data to show
>this. Buck harvest doesn't affect
>the deer herds. I also
>seen a lot of bucks
>last year with a spotting
>scope in July/August. If the
>SFW wants to truly help
>the deer herds then they
>need to spent more than
>13% on habitat.
>The 5 day hunt is just
>a bandaid and it won't
>reduce buck harvest.
>Elite you just lost all credibility
>with that statement. The 5
>day rifle hunt has made
>a huge difference in Southern
>Utah for buck ratios and
>actually allowing deer to survive
>and mature.

Haha, dang, I hate when people say that ;) Are you sure it was only because of the 5 day hunt or could other factors like habitat played an important role in increasing the buck/doe ratios.

I don't believe it was only because of the 5 day hunt. That is only based on perception. You need to look at all other factors and not just one.
>I might not be a "biologist",
>but I completely disagree. I
>think shortening the season is
>going to saves lots of
>bucks, therefore in future years
>there will be a greater
>number of older bucks. Will
>it "significantly" increase herd numbers
>in years to come? Probably
>not much because I don't
>feel the range can support
>too many more deer. But
>a shorter hunt WILL result
>in more post season bucks
>and a more healthy breeding
>season and ulimately a more
>healthy herd......maybe even a few
>more deer.
>I too have heard the UDWR
>claim that 6 yearling bucks
>per 100 does is all
>a herd needs. Again, I
>call BS on that. I
>think when post season numbers
>are that low, MANY does
>go unbreed or are not
>breed until Dec., resulting in
>late births and greater mortality
>the following winter. Higher buck
>to doe ratios are going
>to result in a healthier
>I'm not going to spend much
>time debating with you because
>I think your goal has
>less to do with actually
>helping deer and more to
>do with trying to damage
>Brian Latturner

My goal never was to damage SFW, but because of their decision then it did affect disabled hunters so I hope Don will show his support when it's discussed by helping to get the problem fixed.
>MsDestiny, I agree with you
>100%, however I can make
>a pretty good guess that
>cutting disable hunters days afield
>was not on the SFW
>agenda. Like I said
>above I am sure it
>is something the Wildlife board
>will address. I will
>support in the fight to
>give the disabled an enjoyable
>hunting season. But blanket
>blaming the SFW is not
>really a fair assesment of
>the situation.
>I know your stance on the
>shortened season! You have all
>made that very very clear.
> What about the number
>one threat, wolves? You
>did not answer anything in
>that direction? Please answer
>the question, you seem to
>have all of the other
>answers? I too see
>alot of bucks with my
>spotting scope in July/August.
>Infact I see bucks during
>the archery, muzzy and rifle
>hunts every year. That
>does not mean the herd
>is health. As far
>as the 13%, how does
>that dollar amount compare to
>what the UWC will be
>able to put into wildlife?
> A dollar amount would
>be nice? Who is
>the head of the UWC
>is there a board?
>How are they organized?
>What is the plan?
>Step up and answer a
>tough question at least the
>wolf question, that seems simple
>enough. Don will it
>least come on and give
>some numbers and reasoning.

The wolf issue doesn't have anything to do with a disabled hunting season, but I'm glad that SFW is making the fight. I support them. We need to win the wolf battle. BUT SFW doesn't need to take tags from the average joe pool to get the job done.

I agree with a lot of things SFW is doing, but NOT everything.
Im all for limiting tags to bring our heards back Im sorry I didnt state that.Hey if somebody has a better idea lets here it all I here is ,I still want to hunt every year lets be honest with that satement I put in for central tag and right now Im every other year to draw a tag so whats 2 more years if I can have a better hunt than I had last year.My boy has been on the same schedule since he was 14 as well He's 21 4 times in 7 years.does anybody believe that we can stay the same path that we are on righy now ?

You bad mouth SFW and Don on every site that you go to, then you turn around and ask for his help? Have you ever heard of the saying don't bite the hand that feeds you?

You also made a comment to someone when he said he felt like the shorter season helped the deer in the southern region. Your reply to him, "was are you sure it was the shorter season and not habitat restoration?" Tell me Justin who is the one leading the charge with this habitat restoration?


You made a comment about the micro managing, They only reason that I support this idea is it will manage the HUNTERS more then the herds. As of right now, general season hunters can hunt anywhere in their region. There is no accountability and the hunters can flock to hot spots based on reports from past hunts/hunters. This happens all the time, and this surge in hunter pressure cause's serious long term problems with the herds and it takes years to recover. Micro managing will help in spreading out the hunting pressure's that is put on our herds.

As far as the disability, I stood up at the RAC's and Wildlife Board in support of your plan 2 years ago. I thought you guys were able to get extra time after the hunt as well? I know I will still support you guys and feel like you do need extra time. Can't the ADA get involved with this fight?
"The only reason that I support this idea is it will manage the HUNTERS more then the herds. As of right now, general season hunters can hunt anywhere in their region. There is no accountability and the hunters can flock to hot spots based on reports from past hunts/hunters. This happens all the time, and this surge in hunter pressure cause's serious long term problems with the herds and it takes years to recover. Micro managing will help in spreading out the hunting pressure's that is put on our herds."

I have to agree with Packout on this. If a unit is struggling the provisions are there to address the issues. Limiting hunters to a unit instead of a region will in many cases INCREASE the hunting pressure. And, it will take away the ability of father/son/daughter/brother/wife to hunt together. We are letting opportunity evaporate by a nickel and dime mindset. It is just a little here, a little there, and pretty soon we will be wondering why little Tommy can't hunt big game in Utah along side dad.
>You bad mouth SFW and Don
>on every site that you
>go to, then you turn
>around and ask for his
>help? Have you ever heard
>of the saying don't bite
>the hand that feeds you?
>You also made a comment to
>someone when he said he
>felt like the shorter season
>helped the deer in the
>southern region. Your reply to
>him, "was are you sure
>it was the shorter season
>and not habitat restoration?" Tell
>me Justin who is the
>one leading the charge with
>this habitat restoration?

Ray Charles did you see what I wrote or just see my name and decided to post something. I said I agree with a lot of what SFW does and other things I don't. They do a lot for habitat, but people have said that only 13% hit the dirt on habitat so where is the other 87% going?

I don't have to agree with 100% of what SFW does.

Don Peay's decision affected us so I was just hope that he would be willing to help fix it. He probably doesn't even know that it caused a problem.
>As far as the disability, I
>stood up at the RAC's
>and Wildlife Board in support
>of your plan 2 years
>ago. I thought you guys
>were able to get extra
>time after the hunt as
>well? I know I will
>still support you guys and
>feel like you do need
>extra time. Can't the ADA
>get involved with this fight?

Thanks for your support Ray. Yes we did have a season and now we have to work to get it back. The Disabled Law Center is going to be at the next meeting.
>AT 06:34?PM (MST)

>Am I right Elite?

Goofy, maybe you could start a few 3 point or better threads.
>have not met one person that
>likes only hunt for 5
>days disabled or otherwise.

why did you get put in for the bc roadless with your 15 points?
me i like hunt for only 5 days.shoot big 2 point fun time
Maybe in the over all scheme of things 5 days does not work, but I guarantee in the area that I hunt 5 day hunts have worked wonders. I have seen a huge improvement in deer numbers and buck numbers since the introduction of the 5 day hunt.
5 days in enough for me and everyone I hunt with. I seen some dandy bucks that were killed the last 3 days of the hunt last year. They would still be there on a 5 day hunt.
>>The 5 day season will do
>>NOTHING for the deer herds.
>>The DWR already has a
>>ton of data to show
>>this. Buck harvest doesn't affect
>>the deer herds. I also
>>seen a lot of bucks
>>last year with a spotting
>>scope in July/August. If the
>>SFW wants to truly help
>>the deer herds then they
>>need to spent more than
>>13% on habitat.
>>The 5 day hunt is just
>>a bandaid and it won't
>>reduce buck harvest.
>>Elite you just lost all credibility
>>with that statement. The 5
>>day rifle hunt has made
>>a huge difference in Southern
>>Utah for buck ratios and
>>actually allowing deer to survive
>>and mature.
>Haha, dang, I hate when people
>say that ;) Are you
>sure it was only because
>of the 5 day hunt
>or could other factors like
>habitat played an important role
>in increasing the buck/doe ratios.
>I don't believe it was only
>because of the 5 day
>hunt. That is only based
>on perception. You need to
>look at all other factors
>and not just one.

the five day hunt made the Southeast region a huge deer paradise, wait, it was five days, then because every buck was a 4x4 they went to 9 days, then I guess all those deer got killed so now its back to 5? Get real, the 5 day hunt did nothing for the southeast, no one will know in the north because it is mostly CWMU, which leaves the central and northeast to see if there was some big difference, wanna bet? Before the ink dries on the proclamation the DWR will switch lanes again because lets face it, data doesn't matter, long term management is useless, what is important is "doing something", so that you can justify your existance by showing you did something!!!
If 5 days is good, 3 would be better. How about Tue, Wed and Thursday. We could also limit the time of day you can hunt. How about 11:00 am to 2:30 pm, But youth can hunt until 3:00 pm
>If 5 days is good, 3
>would be better. How about
>Tue, Wed and Thursday. We
>could also limit the time
>of day you can hunt.
>How about 11:00 am to
>2:30 pm, But youth can
>hunt until 3:00 pm

LAST EDITED ON Mar-21-10 AT 08:27AM (MST)[p]Why not just have a one day hunt. I have seen a lot of bucks killed on the day 2, 3 and 4. These bucks would live another season.

Again killing bucks doesn't hurt the overall health of the deer herd. Deer populations with higher buck/doe ratios have lower fawn survival rates.
I have seen a lot of deer killed around Noon. Should only be able to hunt one day that is odd and from only 11am - 1pm. That is enough time for an ethical hunter that scouts a day before season opens.

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