Thank You SFW!!!!!!!!



Let me appologize for mm Mr. Peay. Yes i post a lot on here and I would like to be the first to say these haters dont speak for most mm'ers. in fact if u talk to enough people u will find out that most who read these forums dont even post on here. the majority of people who post negative comments are simply a very outspoken minority. I think SFW is our best chance at preserving the future of hunting period. U have single handedly fought the wolf fight and done so in a very effective manner. I keep hearing its all about money blah blah blah! I would like to ask all the mm morons one simple question. If utah was over run with wolves, and all the big game herds were in horrible shape, and one man came along and said give me $20 million dollars and i will promise the wolves will be gone and ur big game herds will be restored to trophy quality status. How many of u would figure out someway to pay this man in order to get our herds back? My guess would be most of u! Of course there would be those jobless, mooching gripes who would be pissed because they were not the ones getting the money. Im not saying don is getting rich off restoring wildlife by any means. Im simply stating this. What are our herds worth? I would say a mint! That being said I think most intelligent mm'ers would agree with me and that only the people who gripe about the sfw are the ones who wish to make money off wildlife. I've always believed complaining to be an admission of their true self. That being said I woukd just like to apologize for the lack of quality individuals yapping on this site and beg u to please not lump all of us into the mm crowd of those lacking any intelligence or common sense.

Thanks for all you've don don and keep up the good work.

+1 Stinky
I might not agree with Stinky blowing holes in animals that you could drive a small bus through, but I have to agree on this one. If they get RESULTS (which most would agree they have) I think they deserve to be paid well. Our wildlife brings in millions and it costs millions to manage. I think we invest our money with the groups that produce results. If they are not the best at results in our state. WHO IS????

Jason Yates
Basin Archery Shop
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Discount code = monstermuleys
As a long term observer of Utah wildlife I second your Thanks Stinky, to an organization that cares and then puts their money where there mouth is. Unlike many on this forum.
Thanks SFW!
+1 Stinky, I usually Don't say much on here, But oh my hell what a bunch of whinning do nothing bunch of cry babies!
Reminds me of Obama spanning the globe apologizing to foreign ministers and such for "All of America"...

I have no problem with both sides going back and forth on SFW... I have no problem with this post as a response to some other threads I've read... But Stinky, whether or not I agree with you, you come off pretty "High-and-Mighty" with this 'apology' for 'mm'.

I feel a few responses above were a bit vulgar regarding your comments and generally unnecessary. I have never had a problem with you before Stinky, and I still don't. Just thought you'd like another opinion on how this thread hit me... I will remember this thread and where you stand with SFW when reading your future posts.

Thanks for the Post..! :)
I will wait until QTpie answers up before I agree, That thing was to well written to be Stinky.
I'm still waiting for help in the SE part of the State.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
Let me take a moment to point out a few observations that are not as apparent as one might think.

This behavior is seriously getting a little carried away. Both extremes need to grow up a little. As with anything, the reality as well as the answer lay somewhere in the middle.

Not everyone who supports the SFW is a prick.

Not everyone who dislikes the SFW is a prick.

Not everyone with money is a prick.

Not everyone without money is a prick.

Members of SFW do not inherently have horns growing from their head.

Non-members of SFW do not inherently have horns growing from their head.

Members of SFW are not inherently more entitled to their opinions or wildlife resources.

Non-members of SFW are not inherently more entitled to their opinions or wildlife resources.

I completely agree with Stinky. I'm also a wealthy nonresident, and it's really scaring me the kind of talk that's going on around this site. I count on being able to buy a tag or two from utah every year, and I'd hate to think that may be taken away from me in the future, with the tags being put back into the general pool. If the number of auction tags were reduced, they'd become outrageously expensive, and I may not be able to afford it on an annual basis. I applaud Don's efforts and stand behind him 100%.
"I feel a few responses above were a bit vulgar"

I have to agree with Mr. Browning. When dealing with sophisticated sportsmen such as Stinky we should refer to them as plicks rather than pricks.

so im a sophisticated sportsman???? take it back or im calling ur mother a wh@re! and who said they didnt dislike me? I'll see if I cant get u on the stinky hate wagon by weeks end rofl!
LAST EDITED ON Mar-05-10 AT 09:27AM (MST)[p]+1 utahelk1234. Your post was right on. It must be nice for the rich and wealthy to have at least one state where there are literally hundreds of quality tags avilable to the highest bidder each year. It would really suck to have to wait in line with the average joe in hopes of someday drawing a quality tag.


Browning A-Bolt 300 Win Mag
Winchester Apex .50 Cal
Mathews Drenalin LD
+1 stinky, Listening to all of these people complain lately makes me want to join SFW.

Doesn't anybody remember when Heaston was the hot ticket for elk?
I hate to tell you guys this....BUT in our country people with money tend to get a lot of things average folks don't! IT IS CALLED DEMOCRACY---NOT SOCIALISM--- Isn't it great we live in a country where hard work pays off. Where a guy can take risks in business and work for the AMERICAN DREAM!!! The Rich man also gets bigger houses, more cars, more women, season tickets on first row, better food at nicer restraunts, nicer clothes, better education, more recognition, access to private property, getaway cabins, expensive vactations, etc. The list goes on and on!!! Why don't we all just sit here and complain about HOW THE WORLD IS UNFAIR!!....OR....We can get off our butts and GO GET A PIECE OF THE PIE OURSELVES! And in the mean time be grateful for succesfull people that provide jobs and opportunity for everyone. In this scenerio they have provided LOTS of money for our wildlife and we are COMPLAINING??????

Jason Yates
Basin Archery Shop
5% OFF to all Members!!!
Discount code = monstermuleys

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