Thank You President Trump



Salt Lake City, UT: Today President Trump signed the Great American Outdoors Act into law and the Mule Deer Foundation praised the legislation as being a boon to public land conservation and management. The bill will permanently fund the Land and Water Conservation Fund at its authorized level of $900 million per year, including a dedicated percentage to improve recreational access, along with creating a new fund to address deferred maintenance on federal public lands. The following is a statement from Mule Deer Foundation President/CEO Miles Moretti:

“The Mule Deer Foundation and our partners in the hunting-conservation community thank President Trump along with Senate and House leaders for working together to enact the Great American Outdoors Act into law. Many of us have been working on securing full and permanent funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund – particularly to ensure improved access for other sportsmen and women – for decades.

“In addition, allocating funds to tackle the deferred maintenance backlog on national forests, Bureau of Land Management lands and national wildlife refuges will also benefit public lands mule deer and black-tailed deer hunters. This is one of the biggest conservation victories we’ve seen in many years, and we appreciate the commitment by such a broad bipartisan group of elected officials to make it happen.”
Heard Rob Bishop on radio tonight. Dude is a straight up lying POS.

Huge thumbs up to Trump.
Just remember to vote this fall. Ted Nugent is pushing hunters to get out and vote. Hunter Nation reported only 40% of sportsmen vote.

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