Thank you - Here is what I did



Thank you very much for your ideas, as well as your logic. Sometimes rational thinking can get lost in emotion. I love my wife and family and am trying to focus there, but had to get past the anger knowing that he was the only one not feeling the pain.

Here is how I handled it.

Subscription to out magazine sent to his work (all mail is monitored), as well as his house and his neighbors house.

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Book My husband betty ? love sxx and life with a crossdresser sent to his house and his neighbors

Now I am looking for some sites to post the name of cheating spouses. If his wife, or any future employers google his name this will be good.

Not sure how to post his pictures online, but will figure it out.

Again, thank you for the ideas and cooler heads. Not saying if I run into him on the street I won't lose my cool, but I won't go looking for it.
Good for you!

Keep us updated


Paybacks are always better when you settle down and get past the emotional aspect and get your rational thinking back in order. You can hurt a person 10 fold and never lay a finger on them. I never payback anyone that crosses the line right away as tempting as it is I have found that if I take some time and really think about how to proceed and than I think some more. One idea leads to another and I believe revenge is far better served cold. Makes the people really have to think and wonder who, how, why?

Matter of fact there are two people that I have been thinking about for the past few months that have more than crossed the line and had a real good laugh at my expense..
They think.. We will see about..
Good move, now that you calmed down, I think you will be alot happier with yourself in the longrun that you didnt go beat the crap out of him, Like you say though if you run into him it will be hard. Just remember Humiliation wont heel as fast as a Blackeye....
I'm going to jump in here and just say this. What he did was wrong. Your wife not telling you was wrong. But dude, be carefull. States has implemented new laws on 'cyberbullying' and harrasment to include some of the things mentioned by other posters on what you should do to him. We are talking serious jail time and fines. Gone are the days of a good ol fashioned ass kicking. I wish we still could, but the law comes down hard on that.
I knew of a person that sent porn magazines and STUFF like that to an ex.. the law got involved.. not good.
On the other hand, this guy could also get into some hot water and criminal charges for the pictures. Now, I don't know what your wife said to try to make him stop, but if she did and he continued, its harrasment and indecent exposure or something like that.
It pisses you off and you wanna kick this guys ass, as I would want to as well, but seriously, don't get into trouble over this and possibly have this on your record for the rest of your life. You could even loose your job. Take the higher road. It isnt easy. Just my .02 cents.
Glad to see you have calmed down abit. As mentioned before a physical altercation can go bad in a hurry. PM me I can give you a ton of examples and stories right from the inmates themselves.

A-Lot of focus, time, thought, and suggestions have all been about the revenge factor. This may give you a short feel good feeling but will pass. My wife is a lifetime commitment. Do you think if you took the time and energy to RE-KINDLE THE FIRE between the two of you that you would be much happier.

Turn the focus on mending the relationship. Ya some payback is good but don't let it get out of control. Jason
Going to be really funny when the wifes photos start showing up on websites also. LOL! Can't believe you don't think she provoked it. Like to see what she sent him, come ON you all know she did. LOL hahahahaha!

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