thank you giants


"If it moves shoot it again"

And it's not often, we (Dodgers) say thanks to the GIANTS!! (Of course, we hate you again this weekend.)

Within the shadows, go quietly.
That hurt cowboy. That really hurt.

After the Dodgers this weekend, the Giants have Arizona, Chicago, and San Diego. Don't count us out yet!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Those Giants sure were putting the hurt on my Rockies. Still a few games to go before the playoffs are set. I sure hope the Rockies can pull it together before then.

thank you Gaints for making my summer a little funner and for "Cowboy swa________er" thanking us for doing what the DODGERS CAN'T DO!
Cowboy do you feel that lump in your undies its from remembering how well you gent played in St Louie? KEEP UP THE BAD CARMA...
Giants were picked to be in last place butt wipe!!
Its not over yet!

hay Juan go club a dodger!




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