Thank the packers!


Very Active Member
Every Red Blooded American should jump in line to support the Green Bay Packers!
The Packers defeated the Chicago Bears on Sunday afternoon thus earning them the opportunity to go to the Super Bowl.
By doing so, they saved the Hard-Working, Red Blooded, Taxpaying Americans literally several million dollars of tax money.
How you say? Simple... we were told that if the Chicago Bears had won that President Obama (and probably his family) would be attending the Super Bowl to cheer on his hometown team.
Since the Bears lost...the President won't be attending.
The money saved from not using Air Force 1, the limosines, all the additional security, and let's not forget Michelle Obama's entourage, is literally several million dollars!
Therefore every American should cheer on the Green Bay Packers at the Super Bowl to show them our gratitude.

Oh...and let's not forget to thank Chicago Bear's Quarterback Jay Cutler for his role in the Packer's success!

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
That's the only good thing I can say about Cutler. Thanks Jay for being so average. Obamanation already spent a billion dollars on his last vacation!!!
>I will thank the Packers in
>advance for losing by 10

Didn't you mean the Steelers loosing by 10???

Packers are in it to win and the Lombardi trophy is going to
Green Bay so I am thanking the Steelers in advance for a good effort but they will come up short.

Now that the sh!t talking is starting and that should get a rise out of a few Steeler fans.. but it doesn't matter because the Steelers are still going to get sent back to Pittsburg with 2nd place money..
I'm not a huge Pitt fan, But when they post the Steelers as 2 1/2 pt underdogs my wallet becomes a big Pitt fan.

Go Cowboys
Fudge packers are goin down!

Not a big steelers fan but its fun to make fun of my friends that are packer fans.

thats one reason to keep barry from the super bowl..another reason is farve.. didn't take long to replace him.. can't stand that perv

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