Thank god !



So much for a peaceful sunday afternoon. My neighbors rotted dead a$$ tree, that should have been taken down years ago just fell on my house. The wind is gusting pretty hard today and it just ripped it up by the roots. My deck is ruined and I don't know about the roof yet. Thank god none of were out there at the time, someone would have been killed!
Thankfully nobody was on the deck when it happened . The wind was really bad in Riverton today also , and I was watching neighbors grabage cans blowing all over the place .

Hopefully the roof is not damaged , and you can get the deck all back in shape .
Thank goodness no one was hurt! Its been blowing like hell up here.. blowed my basketball hoop over!
Wow Deuce, it's a good thing it didn't drop you! :)

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

440Sixpack wants to measure your boners!
Fortunately no one was on the deck at that time. Hoping that damages where limited only to the deck. You're neighbor could be liable for damages if he knew that his tree posed a safety hazard. Let's hope he can at least reimburse you for some of the damages to you're property. Good luck.

Good thing the dogs were not in the kennel because it's done for too. I have think of something to keep them in the yard now since so is the the fence. I guess no BBQ'S until it's fixed. The wife sure was upset, glad she's calmed down now. Since I won't be going to work tomorrow I guess a shot or two is in order.
I'm glad no one was hurt! Be sure and take some photos for insurance purposes. Well, it sounds like a good idea.

Just saw the pics on the, you get a new deck.

I'm gonna start by saying, I'm glad no one was hurt, but it looked like the winds caused a few thousand in improvements.

I passed out drunk at my brother in law's house a few weeks ago, woke up when a hundred and something foot tree fell and smacked the back of his house...scared the living ##### outta me!! I went from drunk/hungover to sober in a split second!! Hope your place is ok!![/IMG] ~Z~

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