Thank god I found my way back!!!!


Long Time Member
Jeez, I made the mistake of venturing into the black hole known as the General Forum. I can't believe those guys. About got my ass eaten by the wolves. Never been so scared in my life. There's some fellers up there that need some serious therapy.

Word of advice - stay away from those guys! Stay here where the most serious thing discussed is what type of woman PolarBear likes. PB, I am sorry I ever made fun of you! Well, not really, but obviously things can get worse.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-17-10 AT 07:02PM (MST)[p]Whose wife? I don't remember any wife. All I saw was some guys coming at me and one of 'em said "You have a purty mouf".
>>Jeez, I made the mistake of venturing into the black hole known as the General Forum. I can't believe those guys. About got my ass eaten by the wolves. Never been so scared in my life. There's some fellers up there that need some serious therapy.
Word of advice - stay away from those guys! Stay here where the most serious thing discussed is what type of woman PolarBear likes. PB, I am sorry I ever made fun of you! Well, not really, but obviously things can get worse.<<<

>>Jeez, I made the mistake of venturing into the black hole known as the General Forum. I can't believe those guys. About got my ass eaten by the wolves. Never been so scared in my life. There's some fellers up there that need some serious therapy.
Word of advice - stay away from those guys! Stay here where the most serious thing discussed is what type of woman PolarBear likes. PB, I am sorry I ever made fun of you! Well, not really, but obviously things can get worse. <<<

LOL sorry NV i just couldnt help myself LOL that place is getting to be a lot like the other black hole AKA as the politics icky place LOL
NVBighorn: It really was no miracle. What happened was just this...
NVBighorn: [singing] The wind began to switch / The house, to pitch / And suddenly the hinges started to unhitch / Just then the Witch / To satisfy an itch / Went flying on her broomstick, thumbing for a hitch!
Munchkin: And, oh, what happened then was rich!
Munchkins: [singing] The house began to pitch / The kitchen took a slich / It landed on the Wicked Witch in the middle of a ditch / Which was not a happy situation for the Wicked Witch!

AZ, I clicked my heels together and said "There's no place like the Campfire, there's no place like the Campfire".

Auntie Emm, Auntie Emm!

Pay no attention to the Moderator behind the screen.
NV, it's OK to wander around to the other forums. You need to take some pepper spray and a locator beacon so we can find you though, if the need arises.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-18-10 AT 07:16AM (MST)[p]Funny stuff up there NV!
I always activate OnStar before venturing to far out of the Campfire Forum
NV... I hear ya. I wandered in there once and like yourself I thought I would never find my way back. Truly a damaging and frightful experience if there ever was one. I'm still not the same but maybe with some campfire counseling and looking at some of Feleno's more provocative posts of months gone by I will be on the road to recovery but I am a little unsure at this point.

I mean there were Manny's with all different numbers all around me prayin' and wild eyed types speaking in tongues of rigged SFW drawings and it goes on and on. I was so frightened all I could think about was I didn't kiss my wife goodbye and wondered if I would ever see her again.

I think rugarm brought up a good point by using the buddy system and always make sure you let someone at the Campfire Forum know when you go to the General Forum so we can send a search and rescue team if needed.
It sure does get "rough" sometimes up there LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
??????? wtf no drama in campfire; give me one week nvb and i will make up some bs story and degrade myself by calling everyone stupid and over glorify myself as a better than though guy; then slamdunk will start texting asking me what im doing and my inbox will be slammed with death threats etc; like i said one week; lets see how interesting i can make the campfire

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