Thank God for gun safes


Long Time Member
So... I go to Vegas on 4th of July weekend only to find out that some jackasses broke into my house while I was gone. The only thing they removed from my house was my gun safe. Now my gun safe is upstairs so I figured nobody would ever try to steal it because it would be too heavy to lug down stairs. I never thought that they would simply throw it off the deck instead of lug it down the stairs but they did. So they break the door downstairs to get in, then open the door upstairs to get out on the deck and break the railing off the deck to throw the gun safe off the deck. Then these f-cking idiots drag the safe about 200 yards into the walnut orchard using a dolly and begin to try to open it. Apparently it wasn't working for them so they gave up and left it and it has been safely recovered. It now rests comfortably in the garage anchored to the concrete and the walls on two sides.
The Barney Fife's are such a great bunch of sleuths that the only thing they fingerprinted in the entire house was my 5 year old's closet door. WTF?

The next time I leave town there will be some trail cams mounted in the trees and the alarm system is getting fixed as we speak.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
That really sucks! Sorry to hear about that, nothing worse than a thief! Hope everything turn out good for you when this is all over.

People really do suck!

Nope nothing was damaged in the safe that I know of. I'll have to sight in my rifles to tell for sure but everything looks fine on the outside. There is a little bush on the ground that took the fall and now it is flat as a pancake. Rest in peace little bush, sorry you had to go out like that. LOL

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Must have been Obama and his thugs. Good to hear no one got hurt and I hope you catch the lowlifes.
LOL Justr, there is a lot of bush getting plowed this week isn't there?

Zigga, I appreciate the kind words.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
I'm glad that you were at least able to retain your safe and contents. I hate scumbag thieves, hope that they get theirs!!

As a side note; there has been several threads asking which is the best safe to own. I own a safe myself and am very glad to have it but it's not of the cost or name brands often mentioned when quality is the main concern. My hunting partner though, has a most awesome safe that i believe to be even better than Excellent in Quality. Graffunder Safe. Check them out, IMO, the one to have if you can swing it!!

To bad it did not fall on one of them. Would have been some DNA evidence then.

Hope they catch the scumbags.
Good to hear they got nothing. I bought a custom made safe made in El Paso from a guy and that thing wieighs 800 pounds and it takes four guys to get it on a dolly. Good investment.

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