Tfinals Hillary Clinton as President thread


Long Time Member
Here are the top 10 reasons not to vote for Hillary

1. She claims she will stop the war in Iraq.
Well the way it is going now she may not have to. But basically her plan is a cut and run strategy. She voted to send them in and now she wants surrender. What a Presidential concept. What a slap in the face of every sevice man and woman. She thinks she can talk the islamofacist to death. Yea diplomacy with finatics does not work.

2. Scocialised medicine. Need I say more?

3. She says she will provide world class education and free college for everyone.
No thank you. Give me my tax dollars and let me spend them on where I think will best bennefit my child's education. Free college, yea right. First off nothing is free secondly if its paid for their is no scence of responsability to get good grades or to even finish. I mean its free so gives a crap.

4. Ebrionic Stem Cell research.
No thank you. We have enough abortions as it is we do not need abortion factories for scientific studies. Find other ways. New life is way to valuable.

5. Fiscal Responsability.
That is a lie. She never saw a tax she did not like.

6. She will agresivly persue global warming.
All that is code for more taxes that will accomplish absolutly nothing.

7. Election reform.
We have gone all these years and now she claims that Bush was handed the election by the supreme court. I gues the courst are corrupt. She is insane.

8. She will elect activist judges. That is in its self probably the best reason not to elect her.

9. She wants to reform the government.
Yep she is a classic scocialist. It takes a village remember. No thanks I prefer rugged individualism. That is what has made our country great.

10. She is ugly as a stump. Looks like she had napalm thown on her face and someone put it out with a base ball bat. If she was HOT and I mean extreemly HOT, I may be persuaded to ignore numbers 1 through 9..................NOT

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
Could I dictate to a fast typer the reasons Bush shouldn't be president? at 10 words a minute I'll miss my Kaibab hunt this Thanksgiving .

Hillary is a joke, but the dems deserve their revenge.
> Could I dictate to a
>fast typer the reasons Bush
>shouldn't be president? at 10
>words a minute I'll miss
>my Kaibab hunt this Thanksgiving
> Hillary is a joke, but
>the dems deserve their revenge.


Sign the tag over to me.


I don't think southern tree stand or turkey hunting tactis will cut it on the Kaibab, better let us western hunters handle this one.

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