Texting DOES kill.

Man that video touched a nerve. Im not one to get emotional but that video kinda chocked me up thinking about those family's.
Very powerful video right there , and a message that I will take to heart . It drives me nuts when people text me when I'm driving , and I used to feel bad when I would wait until I had stopped before returning the text . Any more I just realize there are very few messages that are soo important that they can't wait until its safe and I'm off the road .
LAST EDITED ON Feb-10-11 AT 06:09AM (MST)[p]teenage girls were allready scarry enough driving before this texting craze. now it's getting stupider every day. tons of accidents where i live all the time due to this. i bet the bus driver in the vid got a spankin'
Very sad! Life is about choices please make good ones!! That's what I tell my 3 kids. My girlfrien Cindy and me have 6 kids all over 19 years of age. They all have cell phones ( they pay for ) and we constantly try to keep them aware of the consequences of their decisions. Stay safe folks.
How could you (I) live with yourslef knowing that it was you they where talking to? I do the same thing when I call people on there cell phones and there driving. It's not as bad. But that thought is still in the back of my mind.

"I looked and saw her cap and gown still in the car"

("For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. Ephesians 2:8-9")
Very sad we make our 18 year old daughter wear a red ribbon tied to her thumbs as a reminder to not text while driving

I also told her if I ever catch her texting and driving I will take both of her cars away as they are registered in my name and on my insurance

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