Texas Exotics On 60 Minutes

watched the preview. Looks like all hunters will be painted with the animal cruelty brush. Most likely another round of legislationto curtail hunting will come out of this. I sure am tired of the ANTI's
some of the comments following the CBS preview are unbelievable. Some people dont get it. They live in New Jersey but yet they feel they have an ENTITLEMENT to manage another states animals being it exotics or free range...

I wanna put a stop watch to this airing and time the amount of time alotted "in favor and against".

My gut feeling is the anti's will get the most air time.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
Who thinks there will really be anything worth defending aired? You guys should be pissed that they are calling it "big game hunting", not that 60 Minutes is questioning it.
The show sure turned out a whole lot better than the Guns Of Autumn debacle with Dan rather back in the 70s. I thoguht the one anti gal they talked to made an ass of herself and the conservation side of raising the animals came across pretty well. One thing that I didn't know is that the Scimitar Oryz is going to be reclassified differently by the USFWS and will only be allowed to be hunted in the US with a Federal permit and that will probably be impossible to obtain. I would like to know how they came to that decision when the animals in Texas are privately owned and prospering. The show also presented only one guy hunting them on a 30,000 acre ranch and the lady doing the piece openly stated the animals were difficult to find and the guy even had to go back on another ranch for a second hunt to take his animal as they followed along. All in all, I thought the piece was about as fair as it could have been done and high fence was never mentioned in the entire piece, which really surprised me.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-12 AT 06:25PM (MST)[p]

This is what high fence "hunting" brings to our sport...THANX.TOPGUN you would find a way to support the HOLOCAUST if some posted a thread against it,your something else.The show was in no way shape or form painting hunting in a positive light.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-12 AT 06:32PM (MST)[p]Shedhedz, your holocaust analogy is disgusting. You have every right to disagree with someone elses opinion but you'd have a lot more credibility if you did it like an adult.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-29-12 AT 06:47PM (MST)[p]
Pay him no mind chipc! We all know he talks out of his azz most of the time and that was certainly a disgusting analogy and not surprising who put it up on the thread! The dude can go jump in the f***ing ocean any time and it would be no big loss to the Forums, LOL! The show was certainly better than the show I mentioned back in the 70s when his parents probably hadn't even thought about having him yet, LOL! I have no yearning to hunt any of those animals, but the guys that are raising them specifically stated they were raising them for the money and that hunting was what was keeping the animal numbers stable when they they are extinct in their native lands. They talked with a couple conservationist who also stated that even though hunting was the main reason the ranches were in existence that they kept animals from becoming extinct. Sure the lady doing the piece was biased against hunting, but I felt she did a decent job of showing how the animals were prospering and there was nothing in there with her saying that it was a turkey shoot.
Not what I expected. Not a big fan of the USFW poking there nose in for a cut of the action interfering with what seems to be good management of a non-endangered species. These animals are not property of the state or the USA but rather an individuals property. What right does the USFW have to come in and try to manage this particular species. If this happens what exotic species will be next.

All in all I didn't think it was to bad. The conservationist they had spoke well as did the hunt and ranch pwners. Now the lady trying to save the animals and stating they should be in africa and africa alone or dead? She did her group no favors by a long shot...

BTW the anti's only got 2 minutes and 15 seconds out of the roughly 12 minute story.

"Courage is being scared to death but saddling
up anyway."
tailchasers---You'd better not agree with me about this or Shedz might get on your case next, LOL! I also wonder how the Feds could get involved with these animals when they are private property and not an endangered species. I suspect it's more antis slipping into their ranks!!!
Through the Endangered Species Act. It relates to their home range, so if an animal is threatened/endangered/extinct in it's home range, then the ESA applies regardless of where the animal may be.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!
When I saw the preview of the guy bearing down on something and then pulling the trigger I told my wife, "this ought to stir the pot in the animal activist world". That rancher knows what he's doing though. He just got free advertising across the entire country tonight. The sad part about that is that he's the only one who will benefit from this. IMO, not something that needs to be shown on TV. Can't wait to see how the anit's spin this one.

It's always an adventure!!!
Was amazed this was not a hatchet piece. Pro and anti hunters will both feel they got shown in unfavorable light, though.

What about the non-hunter who was watching? The messages a non-hunter might absorb are the African animals are thriving in the Texan habitat and ranches that offer hunting are leading the effort to increase numbers in Texas when in Africa the numbers have fallen to zero in some cases.

I would guess there are more voters that are non-hunters than pro or anti...certainly more young voters are non-hunters.
I was pretty amazed in that it was pretty fairly done and not a complete smear of all aspects of hunting.
Even though I ain't big on exotics or high fences, I was definitely more on their side than that whacko treehuggin b!tch they interviewed.
I liked when the so called "professional conservationist" sided with the rancher when asked if it were good for the species.
She better quit wearing all that make up produced with animal by- products!!!! She doesn't get it!!! Typical lib, If she doesn't like it nobody should be allowed to do it.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
I haven't watched 60 M for many years as they usually twist things pretty badly. For the most part, I think they got this one right! Regardless of how you feel about high fence 'hunting' this is an industry that is important to me. No, I'm not planning on shooting a cape buffalo for $50K next year, but I like the fact that I'm free to do so if I wish. Yep, that anti-gal really showed her true colors. She'd rather see a species extinct, than see it flourish in America! Very nice!

Venison and Zinfandel are GOOD!
>AT 06:32?PM (MST)

>Shedhedz, your holocaust analogy is disgusting.
>You have every right to
>disagree with someone elses opinion
>but you'd have a lot
>more credibility if you did
>it like an adult.

Get over yourself,I used it as an example of the most horrible thing you can imagine and how TG will find a way to argue its usefullness.
>AT 06:47?PM (MST)

>Pay him no mind chipc!
>We all know he talks
>out of his azz most
>of the time and that
>was certainly a disgusting analogy
>and not surprising who put
>it up on the thread!
> The dude can go
>jump in the f***ing ocean
>any time and it would
>be no big loss to
>the Forums, LOL! The
>show was certainly better than
>the show I mentioned back
>in the 70s when his
>parents probably hadn't even thought
>about having him yet, LOL!
> I have no yearning
>to hunt any of those
>animals, but the guys that
>are raising them specifically stated
>they were raising them for
>the money and that hunting
>was what was keeping the
>animal numbers stable when they
>they are extinct in their
>native lands. They talked
>with a couple conservationist who
>also stated that even though
>hunting was the main reason
>the ranches were in existence
>that they kept animals from
>becoming extinct. Sure the
>lady doing the piece was
>biased against hunting, but I
>felt she did a decent
>job of showing how the
>animals were prospering and there
>was nothing in there with
>her saying that it was
>a turkey shoot.

TG you need a reality check,an anti hunting report,no matter how lightly potrayed is still ANTI HUNTING.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-12 AT 10:06AM (MST)[p]For those who missed it, the TX segment begins at about 29:35



How To Hunt Coues Deer
Reality check my azz, LOL! It's obvious after your first sorry response mentioning the HOLOCAUST that you are in your own little world and post contrary to most people's opinions on these Forums. That's your prerogative, but please cease attacking others with a different opinion and just give yours in an adult-like way like chipc mentioned. It's funny that you are the only one who has posted anything contrary to what I felt the show portrayed. It was more to show that hunting was conserving those endangered animals and your reading comprehension is still poor because I mentioned right in my post that you could see that the lady doing the piece was biased against hunting. However, the piece didn't even mention high fenced hunting and that's what your problem is with me. I've firmly stated my view that HF may or may not be fair chase depending on the acreage, animal, terrain, etc. If the CBS piece was completely antihunting, I would think the antis would have been given more than approximately 2 1/2 minutes out of the 12 minutes dealing with the subject of conserving those animals that were endangered in their native lands. Your whole problem is obviously with me and that I made a post on the subject. Otherwise, you could have picked out anyone else to raise cain with when all have basically stated what I have.
what a dumb Bit##......so closed minded to not see the benifits of them being in Texas, does she not think the ones in Africa will be hunted at some point....
Silly a@@ B*&^%. She'd rather see them extinct than be hunted. Give me a break. Exactly the kind of yahoos we as hunters are up against. They keep gaining traction.

The reason they're extinct in Africa is due to poaching, go figure.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!

Some more reading for ya'll. I am from Texas and have hunted HF and exotics before...love it!

Some people just need to get over themselves sometimes. You don't have like it...but do realize that as long as it is legal, then any kind of hunting is on our side and we need to defend it. They won this one battle...whats next? Bighorn sheep, mountain goats, elk, etc?


Here is a little more info on the law passing and such.

I will state this...and its my own opinion. My mule deer hunt was alot easier than most of my exotic hunts.
So what really happened:

There are now two separate permits necessary in regards to the three species.

The "Captive-bred Wildlife Regulation Permit" from the USFWS costs $500 for five years and is needed for the OWNER to sell, trade or cull animals from his own herds.

An annual $100 permit is required in regards to trophy hunting and doesn't involve the hunter at all. The rancher gets the permit and provides a form to the hunter stating the animal was legally taken under the $100 permit. The rancher doesn't need the permit for EVERY animal; it covers ALL of them killed on the ranch over the months the permit is valid.

From what I've read, it appears the entire process will come down to somewhat of a mere inconvenience and have little effect on the present system. IOW, Feral's hopes that this would halt hunting of these species have been dashed. All that happened was a bit of paperwork and a few more dollars are now needed to continue the hunting.


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