Tested out a new...


Long Time Member
...recipe last night called honey-garlic chicken. It was delicious with some rice, a salad & glass of wine.

Made it with boneless breasts but thighs would also work. The chicken is dredged in flour & fried in butter until 3/4s done. Then add a bit more butter, finely chopped garlic, honey, soy sauce, vinegar & a bit of water and let the chicken simmer in it until done while basting occasionally. I added a bit of a corn starch to thicken the sauce a bit. Exact recipe of quantities is available; just ask.

The rice was boiled first, then put in a frying pan with some of the sauce for about five minutes.




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Interesting concept, and looks delicious. I see a bunch of things I would change, to try and feed the girls but only a little bit different. Have to try.

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