Terror in the garden (classified)


Long Time Member
We all know that slugs are attracted to a garden like Al-Qaeda to a school bus. Well, there is a little known Division of the Department of Homeland Security that addresses this terrorist group. This information is top secret and must remain on MM.

Recently, at an undisclosed location, OPERATION SLIME was carried out. It was a pretty straight forward operation. The objective was to intercept the slugs as they approach the "Green Zone", or garden, if you will.

A smart soldier takes advantage of the enemys' weakness. In the case of slugs it's their lack of speed and lack of armor. A BS-ED ,Banana Slug Explosive Devise, (the civilian name is firecracker) is placed in the path of the slug as it attacks.(See photo). They can be detonated with a cell phone or with a match.



As you can see the results are quite impressive.


It is suspected that slugs are comming in across the border from the neighbors yard, and negotiations are under way at this time.

Go to bed tonight knowing that your Homeland Security never sleeps while protecting this great Nation!

Didn't the governator specifically tell you guys to "not" blow up any fireworks? I realize you're not calling them firecrackers but they are....LOL

EEL isn't that slug on the endangered species list?
opps... my bad...not anymore!
Eel, I'm sure you just offended every liberal student at UC Santa Cruz. After all, their sports teams go by the moniker, the "Banana Slugs". That ought to be enough reason to attned a different university all by itself.
Thanks Eel for passing along that valuable information... My lips are sealed and I will sleep better tonight. Somehow I feel more secure now.
>I once had a girlfriend that
>left tracks like that.

You make it sound like you dont any more??

Eel the fuzz is going to drop the hammer on you for that.

"If it moves shoot it again"
I just sent PETA your name and number and YOU will be hearing from them soon..........better run to Trinity.

LAST EDITED ON Jul-06-08 AT 12:36PM (MST)[p]Just for the record, these photos were taken in Nevada.

Never mind Beefy. EVERYTHING has sexual undertones to Beefy.:)


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