Terrible news from Rochester, New York

On one side maybe it is time for a Chicken czar but then on the flip side maybe a fitness czar would say it would not hurt a few of them to skip a meal. Ultimately, after the czars wear each other down it boils down to WWBOD. Would he say Popeyes acted stupidly or the people who were yelling at the menu? Who knew you could single handed shut down a community by closing a few Popeyes.. well blows me down Olive ugh ugh ugh ugh...

Wel shut my mouf. Dat ain't right. You'd at least think they would stockplie dark meat.

i bet they would die of starvation if you gave them a live chicken every day.
"I'm really not sure what conclusion to draw from this."

DUH! OK! plickusmaximus.

signed bobcatbess.

Cloride ain't touching this with a 10' Irish ? Injun ? Overton ?Kona fishing Pole.

(knuke this one please new mods)

This is a test it is only a test. If this was a true emergency you would be directed to the nearest FOX news station for further instructions. If we had REAL moderators this thread would be nothing but fallout. LMBO

We only report to the Colonel. God rest his soul. When I was a kid (long time ago) my mom & dad would take us to Harmon?s on north temple in SLC for Kentucky Fried Chicken. The original KFC!

That was before we had ethnic groups in Utah other than the natives.

Popeye chicken my bumm.

I just wish I coulda been at the end of the drive -thru with a WATER MELON STAND,I would be a babillion aire,Drivin a CADAMALAC!

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