Tell me something funny.


I'm playing Mr. mom today, and the kids are about to drive me nuts. Give me something a joke, a funny, video, a dirty picture(Feleno,NVB) something please..
Finally! A little respect around here for the hard work we do. I'll have to get back to you on it Sarg. Odd as it may seem to some people I actually have some work to do today. Hopefully Feleno can tide you over.
you gotta be feeling a little bit like this
LAST EDITED ON Feb-02-09 AT 12:02PM (MST)[p]OK, I'm taking a break here. :)

How WAS the cruise? You need to report in and post some pictures of your own. Were there any bartenders that looked like this? (notice my obvious attempt to keep it PG rated)


And here is a picture with no purpose except gratuitous eye appeal. I hope something here puts a little pick-me-up your day sarg.
That's the stuff right there. Thanks boys. The cruise was awesome I loved it we went with a good group of friends. Last night on the ship we wen t to a game show it was fun as hell somehow I ended up on stage in my underwear in a womens bra, with 20 other dudes it was a regular sausage party, I still don't know how it happened but im pretty sure I was the only one on stage not absolutly sh?t faced and ya there won't be any pics
WHAT!?!? A moment like that and you aren't going to share any pictures? Give me your wife's phone number and we'll see about that.

womans bra... sausage partry... on stage... 20 dudes...
Hmmm... OK, here's the deal, you pony up at least one picture or we will do our own creative thinking and photoshopping and you may end up regretting it more.
Ha ha no need to see any pics! They were already posted in the campfire under group hug or sausage fest 09! I didn't see you but maybe you were on the bottom?
Theres a couple o problems with the picture posting #1Me with my shirt off, the only excersize is drawing back my bow#2 They made us give stage names mine was hairy nipples, the guy next to me was Miles Long if you give yourself a name like that you'd better be "packing" if ya know what I mean. Any way I'm comfotable enoughf to tell you guys I snuck a glimpse, and I'm here to tell ya boys old Miles wasn't blowin smoke. anyway to make a long story longer I couldn't deal with the comparisons yall would make about his cobra headed cobster and my wax worm #3Im so computer stupid that I couldn't if I wanted too, and the wife is at work and she is just as embarrased about the whole thing as I am.. but the best part of not showing is going to be the photoshop jobs, whenits all over leave me with a little dignity...
Here is a picture of Harry Nips and his good friend Miles Long AKA Chili Pepper. the old saying "what happens on a cruise ship stays on a cruise ship" well thats not so true!



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