Ted Nugent attacks animal loving liberals!

Having a high fenced lover speak out against animal loving liberals seems like it's just one extremist against another. Nugent shoots fenced in farm animals for God's sake. Maybe they can fight to the death and both lose.

God help us.
He is too much of an extremist for me. But you need someone that extreme to counteract extremist from anti hunting and animal rights groups to settle somewhere back in the middle with sane people.

While I agree with many of Ted's postion's I don't think he is helpful for our sport. He just comes across as "too far out there".

When you listen to Ted talk about our rights to bare arms, our right to defends oneself and family, and our tight to speak out in strong support of shooting animals and putting them on the dinner table, you just got to like, or you are a gurlyman liberal, the man and wish we had many more of him!!

>Having a high fenced lover speak
>out against animal loving liberals
>seems like it's just one
>extremist against another. Nugent
>shoots fenced in farm animals
>for God's sake. Maybe
>they can fight to the
>death and both lose.
>God help us.

Oh please...so you mean extreme like biting into a Carl's Jr.

I continue to be amazed why people put this guy on such
a high platform. I can't even stand to listen to the guy

With so much critisism of high fence hunting, no one ever mentions his love of shooting fallow deer and doe whitetails

I think a war vet is a much better hero than this guy.
I wish some war vets, movie stars and singers would come out of the closet and fight for our cause. Ted is about all we've got. fatrooster.
father ted is awesome,way more intelligent than many people can comprehend,he is extreme alright and he also loves his and our rights to do the things we love so much in this great country of ours. i like him
I think of ted with real respect! i would rather him say the things he does other than some tree hugger in san fran tell me what i can and can't do in the hills i love. he kills alot more animals than most of us every dream about yes some on high fence if you had your own ranch would you hunt it? has a rock band,plays shows for or troops,gives alot to save our rights and says alot of things all of us need to say to peta. Why can they say so many things and every time one of these rebels come out everybody says "ow we can't say things like that it's going to take are hunting away" I say F#@k peta
rock on TED.
He may be extreme but I think we need that.

I think extremeness opens up others eyes and makes them really look and think about the agenda. If we just sit back and let them do what they want, they are going to get it.

Extreme times call for extreme measures.

I love how people will talk about how much they hate PETA, animal lovers etc. yet do nothing to combat the issues.
than turn around and talk crap about someone who is one of their own and trying to do something about it. sad sad sad.

He takes it for the rest of us. He has the balls to say what the rest of should be saying!
He is a little extreme in many ways, but he is usually spot on with what he is jabbering about.

I do have a hard time watching his shows because of his personality. However, on the flip side of things, I do read his articles every chance I get.

>He takes it for the rest
>of us. He has
>the balls to say what
>the rest of should be
>He is a little extreme
>in many ways, but he
>is usually spot on with
>what he is jabbering about.

Don't pick a fight with an old man. If he is too old to fight, he'll just kill you.
If Ted were president we'd all get to shoot something.....high fenced of course. Jimmy Houston could be VP.

We could shoot....

dairy cows
domestic sheep

We could fence this country off completely and shoot anything that tries to enter or exit.

They could totally save us the frustrations of hunting and just call it shooting. YESSSSS! Problems for hunters would soon be over. NO MORE HUNTING!!! I love it!
I just finished the official Hornkiller's Guide to Spelling and Run-On Sentences. If I am reading it right I actually agree with what he is saying. I'm so glad he graced us with his typical classy sign-off, can't use all those fancy symbols above the number keys enough in my opinion.
I would like to see uncle Ted as the next pres. of the NRA. Just think, on the steps of the White House, knocking on Obama's door!
Without Ted, who do we have that is that high profile that speaks up for us?

I think he is great.
>I just finished the official Hornkiller's
>Guide to Spelling and Run-On
>Sentences. If I am
>reading it right I actually
>agree with what he is
>saying. I'm so glad
>he graced us with his
>typical classy sign-off, can't use
>all those fancy symbols above
>the number keys enough in
>my opinion.

Very Nice!!!
Zigga you are a true pansy assed lib. I knew it all along. You and your ilk make yourselves out to be the know all end all of judges when it comes to killing animals, hunting, shooting etc etc.
What kind of perverse twisted mind you must have. Who cares if the guy hunts high fences. You? So its not hunting vast acreage of forest land or what ever others may hunt does it really matter. Its his freedom to do so you self righteous prik. That is what he stands up and shouts about and why not. No one else with star power out there is really saying it as loud as him.
Zigga and piper I believe you two are liberal plants on this web site here to try and spread your propagandist bullshiite, not to mention create an atmosphere where you try and pit hunters against one another instead of all in the same corner fighting for one cause. But it doenst matter in the end I guess, becuase the people like you are what is draining this country, making us a third world pool of half breathers.
I did hoever love your line about patriots and terrorists. I wonder if King George thought the same when he saw the Flag that read "dont tread on me." I mean one could come to the conclusion that should one tread they would surely be bitten and possibly die from the venom of the viper. I guess that is different than saying "if you mess with me i will kill you." only with added emphasis to get is point across.
I dont like all of his music but he can bend strings pretty damn good. He just has the balls to say what he feels and the money to back himself up.
So Zigga why dont you go down to the local drivethrough and order up a big bag of quit your f'n whinin?
Well said. It's refreshing to see somebody speak their mind and not try to be politically correct.
Nice reply bulger. I didn't understand much because of your english but not sure I care anyway. If you don't think TN hurts hunters image then I guess you aren't much into hunting. Shooting maybe but not hunting. If hunters are desparate enough to rely on TN as a spokesman then we are screwed. How about somebody like Jim Shockey instead? If he hunts high fences then he hides it well. There's lots of hunting celebs that could be a lot more effective than loudmouth Nugent. He's a liability toward the future of hunting but hopefully he'll cancel out the likes of peta. Ted is no different than peta in my book and I do my best to ignore both except for the shear entertainment. Too bad they can't keep their mouth shut....including you. But then I wouldn't get any enjoyment out of that. LMAO!!!
This is interesting. I said earlier that while I agree with many of Ted's positions that I'm not sure he is our best "poster" child. He may neutralize a few PETA's but he just seems to "out" there to be a spokesmen. Maybe he is beneficial maybe not, one thing for sure though is that all hunters better stay together or we will lose for sure. I have quite a bit of experience in the political arena and with groups splintering. Bottom line when we splinter we will lose!


We do need an effective spokesperson? Jim Shockey, I don't think so, only because we need someone that is known outside of the hunting circle and Jim is not.
Yeah not much into hunting Zigga. LOL
I really do not care much for ones criticism onmy grammar while typing stuff out on threads. It means little to me that you attack it for it is more like slang to me.
Like I said you are of the brand of people that have enlisted themselves as the judges of Americans who participate in like activities such as you.
I have said it a hundred times over. I do not care what others think about what or how I live. I live within the laws, the laws of my state, country and God. I dont try and force my views on others I expect the same from them. Its their choice.
Does Nugent hurt hunting. If he has it has not affected me. As a matter of fact my family was 100 percent successful this year in Arizona. Not bad. One cow elk, one big Bull and alate season coues buck.
So my season just ended, it started back in September when I was guiding hunters in NM and AZ. But I dont hunt much so maybe Im wrong about Nugent hurting hunting.
Explain how "hurt" is happening? The decline in hunting licenses? That report? I dont think it is about Nugent or bad press on hunting that may be causing that if in fact it is occurring.
Do you Zigga, believe hunting will stop? Of all the non conspiracy guys on this site I would think you wouldnt buy into that belief.
The argument for me on this thread is not so much about losing hunting priveleges as it is about our freedoms and what nugent believes is his right to do as he wishes as long as it does not impune on others safety or rights guaranteed in the constitution.
I believe as he does. That our basic freedoms are guaranteed and protected either by our elected or by the arms we have the right to bare. Even Abe lincoln said it. We have the right to overthrow whomever we want should that need arise. We do whether you believe it or not. Is he extreme, uh yeah, more so than I am im sure. Then again I think there is an extreme set of dipshts in DC right now that may need to hear some tirades so they realize, "hey theres people out there that aint happy."
And the last thing I want to add is this. I have paid for my right to speak and not keep my mouth shut. Not to mention those other patriots that have served this nation and her citizens to ensure that right. It has been bought and paid for, for over 200 years now with blood of Americans.
So go on and practice your right to talk crap. I will take it as personal gratitude from you Zig Zags.
PS I appologize in advance if my grammar is not up to the scholarly standards set forth in the Zigga piper bylaws.
Bugler-The liberal way is to criticize for something else when their argument is losing steam.This is called "smoke and mirrors".A common tactic used by liberals.Ted Nugent is not afraid to say what's on his mind.I would rather have a guy spell it out in black and white like he does than some wishy-washy mamby-pamby liberal who believes in being politically correct,especially when it comes to hunting.WTH does where I hunt or how I hunt matter to anyone else??I am so tired of people like Zigga who think they know the way it should be for the rest of us.Because they think it should be that way,then so be it!!When you buy a steak at the store,do you care how the cow died??If you eat meat or use animal by-products in any way,what freakin' difference does it make how the animal died??Or where?Or by whose hand?HE'S STILL DEAD!!!BTW,Jim Shockey baits whitetails in Sask,and I DON'T CARE!!More power to him!He is a great guy anyway!Here's an idea for all you guys that think everyone else should be like you:Stay out of my business and I'll stay out of yours!
"We could fence this country off completely and shoot anything that tries to enter or exit."

Illegal immigration...... solved!!!!.... WTG Zigga...... Terry
The Dude has to do something to keep his name in the limelight, afterall, he only had one hit as a musician.
You got to combat the exttreme left with the extreme right. You think Teds extreme! I'd wager there are 20 extreme lefty liberals to every Ted Nugent
So let me get this straight-y'all are saying since they have idiots we need idiots too??

Yeah,that makes sense...
I don't necessarily disagree with what he says just how he says it.I have not been a Ted fan since his "Whack 'Em And Stack 'Em" days.Ted is all about Ted-hunting/firearms just happens to be his self-promotion vehicle.Like so many others whose livelihood is promoting an image,my guess is he's laughing all the way to the bank.

He's not the image I would think we want for hunters and hunting.The image he does project plays into just about every negative stereotype one could conjure up about hunting-loudmouthed,abrasive,bloodthirsty,juvenile, AND a shooter of penned up animals.

Not the kind of guy I want speaking for me...
Any other ideas?Who else is going to step up to the plate??After all,you can disguise it anyway you want,but hunting is a BLOODTHIRSTY ACTIVITY!!Nugent does lots for kids.I disagree he is only about Ted.You've got your head up your a-I mean in the sand.Who else has the platform for going on national TV and has the guts to stand up for us?Who?I guess we could always go back to who we had before-no one.Nugent tells it like it is.Pretty refreshing in this day of polically correct rhetorical bull crap!Quit being ashamed of your hunting,and embrace the only guy that's got the cajones to stand up for what we all believe in!
No thanks. Ted is not a good spokesperson for hunting. SCI has a former President speaking on Saturday night I think he is pretty recognizeable!
Im a hunter. I kill animals in the wild and I love it. I eat their flesh and it is good. I lay under their skins in cold weather and I am warm. I embrace it I do not appolgize for who I am or what I do. I am free, dont tread on me with things I dont want pushed on me. SOunds like a good message to me. But then again im no politician trying to make others feel warm and fuzzy. Fear or power are big reasons to be politically correct.
Whatever Im tired of this thread. It really doesnt matter what one says. I will never stop hunting or exercising my right to keep and bare arms. Not until I am too long in the tooth to do either. Even if it were outlawed I would hunt. Would you?
Yes. But my feeling is Ted increases the chance of that day coming rather than decreasing it.Why? The non-hunters who ultimately control our fate who look to him as representative of hunters get a bad,and wrong,impression.

Men like Theodore Roosevelt,Jack O'Connor,Fred Bear(past),
Gray Thornton,Craig Boddington,Wayne Carlton,and Cameron Hanes (present) are much better spokesmen and representatives for hunting.Just to name a few...
Hell CB I totally agree those are pretty good spokespeople, im not too fond of boddington but the others are tasteful. Besides that we got more people in power right now that could cause more issues for any of us than non hunters.
My message as far as my rights are concerned are lock step with Nugents however distasteful they may be to others. Maybe they could exercise their right not to pay attention is all.
Charleton Heston was perhaps the best and most influential spokesperson for firearms rights-can't believe I forgot about him.

Agree we gotta watch those In D.C. for sure-but it looks like they will spend most of their time in the next couple of years just trying to survive-maybe they'll leave us alone in the meantime and then get kicked out,some this year and more in 2012.One can hope....

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