

Don't know if anyone else watched a little pre season action or not, but Tebow looked pretty impressive to me!
That guy has guts, heart and a will to survive even when the odds were against them. He has lightning speed at the snap and is able to escape being sacked, yet still hits his targets way down range with long passes.
Had the team gave him more support by protecting receivers and the receivers being able to hang on to his "Elway Bullets", the score would have been in their favor.
Watch out Orton, pressure is on!! ;-)

Well aside from the fact that it was the third quarter of the first preseason game of the year, yeah, it was a good outing. Just not going to start dribbling down both legs all giddy with the excitement of a school girl at a Justin Beiber concert.

Simmer down a little Doug! Let's sit back and watch a little...

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Listen here Homerj, have a little faith!!
LMAO j/k ;-)

Faith is the substance of things hoped for that are REAL - let's see him do that in a REAL game first, that's all I'm saying.

And sorry, but I am not Homer! Gonna have to forward you an e-mail chain. Guy is nuttier than I thought.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Lol...i know Roy, i know your not homer i was just pokin ya from bessies thread ;-)

I have been a Gators fan since I was 4 so having Tebow as a Bronco is pretty cool. I think he will be better than the "experts" say he is and can be. He has more talent than most guys who are considered good QB in the NFL. It should be a lot of fun to see how they do this year with him on the team. I missed the pre-season action, I should look it up.

I never knew felt that way.LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
He looked pretty on the field, but the burnt orange and blue uni. Watch out for the Silver/Black attack. "JUST WIN BABY"!

I'm a niners fan and if you'd like a lil sneak preview of Tebow just have a lil gander at Alex Smith. I have very little faith in Tebow but maybe with the right situation he will be able to shine. I give Alex game to game faith. He did well last year and hopefully he builds on that. He has all the attributes to be phenomenal but yet, he scrambles too much for the NFL. 10-15 yard losses due to being sacked lies squarely on his shoulders.
the jury still out on tebow, i'm a lifelong broncoes fan, since they lost to the giants way back around 25 yrs ago??

i liked the pick, you never know with tebow, they might have waisted the pick, but he is a winner, and they could have picked up a great QB.

what crackes me up is the "EXPERTS".

the "EXPERTS" say he will be a bust, but the "EXPERTS" have also dictated that Jermarcuss Russel was a #1 pick, Ryan Leaf was a #1 pick, David Carr was a #1 pick, and other "they are going to be great guys" Joey Harrington, Andra ware, jeff george, and TONY ROMO.

they are all busts!
so really, why do people even buy into the "whos going to be good or not" b.s. they are just as right /wrong as anyone of us.

it'll be interesting this year. i cant stand Kyle Orton, he's a no-winning Q.B., him and grossman were the only reason Chicago DIDN"T win a superbowl.
i think tebow should take ortons job, but thats not really saying much. i wonder if John Elway could still play????

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