Tebow Time


Very Active Member
I know it's only his first start but it's great to see somebody on the team with some fire and passion. Especially after the terrible year the Broncos are having. Hopefully he can silence all the critics and make a career of running and passing on opposing defenses. Go Broncos!
He played pretty good and has a little more fire on the ball than I expected. There was a couple of misses by his receivers and they played him a little too conservative but overall as a Bronco fan for life I liked what I saw out of him.

He looked fairly good considering he has no offensive line to give him some pass protection and without a running game (other than himself) he probably didn't have much of a chance. He was accuate when he had time to throw, maybe a bit to much loft on his passes though but he's fun to watch. Hope he does well in the future.
>He looked fairly good considering he
>has no offensive line to
>give him some pass protection
>and without a running game
>(other than himself) he probably
>didn't have much of a
>chance. He was accuate when
>he had time to throw,
>maybe a bit to much
>loft on his passes though
>but he's fun to watch.
>Hope he does well in
>the future.

I couldn't have said it any better!!

Cant wait for next year...new coach, a top 5 pick and no doubt more Tebow time ;-)
Tebow Is a man among men!!! He will do well no matter where he plays!!! He is a superior athlete with tons of drive! Desire! & Ambition!

With him on the field he makes the whole Bronco team better!!!!
If anyone doesn't think he's that great just look how good Florida did this year without him...no wonder Urban Meyer is retiring!!

The play calling was horrible. Looked like Tebow was getting frustrated. I think he did very well
Being a Raider fan, I must say. I may eat my words someday, but I sure hope he is the future for the Broncos. I'll take 8 completions every day, with the longest bouncing off of two defenders before its caught! Top rusher at 78 yards 40 in one carry. Ya I think that would be acceptable!

Step 1 is always the hardest!
I really don't believe he can develop into a pro Quarterback on a quality team. But he might be able to play for the Broncos. Since they have little in waiting.

1. Throwing motion isn't getting any better and the way it is now he will always be inconsistent.

2. Quarterbacks in the NFL can't run with the ball at the first sign of pressure. He's not as fast as Vick or McNabb in their prime and will get broken up.

3. He is a long ways away from learning to picking up different defensive packages. This he may get better at.

4. He doesn't know how to come off a receiver and locks on to his primary ( Big learning curve might take years if ever)

Granted great guy I would like to see be a great NFL player but I would wager the Broncos will never get above .500 with him as quarterback.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-10 AT 12:07PM (MST)[p]>I really don't believe he can
>develop into a pro Quarterback
>on a quality team.
>But he might be able
>to play for the Broncos.
>Since they have little in
>1. Throwing motion isn't getting any
>better and the way it
>is now he will always
>be inconsistent.
>2. Quarterbacks in the NFL can't
>run with the ball at
>the first sign of pressure.
> He's not as fast
>as Vick or McNabb in
>their prime and will get
>broken up.
>3. He is a long ways
>away from learning to picking
>up different defensive packages.
>This he may get better
>4. He doesn't know how to
>come off a receiver and
>locks on to his primary
>( Big learning curve might
>take years if ever)
>Granted great guy I would like
>to see be a great
>NFL player but I would
>wager the Broncos will never
>get above .500 with him
>as quarterback.

WOW!!!!! Cut....Paste.....You read too many sports reporters articles hoopla!!!! bullcrap!!!!

There is no "right way" to throw a football! hahahahahah! what a bunch of bull!!

Yeah he'll have a learning curve at picking up different defensive schemes.....fine---who dont?

His drive & determination is second to none! You can't teach that!!!!
....like Tebow said himself " I am a football player......who just happens to play QB"

He will accomplish anything he sets his mind too!!!

my .02 :)
oh....& I'm no Bronco fan, nor am I a gator fan!

.....sorry Robb!! oh! did I mention---- he does have good taste in women!!!
I think a Raiders fan just may eat his words some day but who knows with only two games to go from but I will take 308 yds passing one TD thrown and one TD ran coming back from a 17-0 deficit at the half to win 24-23......

Oh and who cares what the critics say about the throwing motion? Similar things were said of Rivers for a time but you don't hear too much about it these days.

Might not be the "one" ever but you gotta love the kid's guts and determination.

Oh and Raiders fans don't need to worry about him at all because whether Denver is in 1st or last place in the division won't bring the Raiders out of the basement as long as Alzheimers Davis is still alive he will find a way to crush your hearts with your team's chances at another title...

what a noob, that makes zero sense. And last time I checked the Raiders swept the broncos this year.

I agree the Broncos are bad, and realize the Raiders swept them.

My point is the Raiders need a lot more than Tebow to suck to find their way to the top of the division and as long as Al Davis is alive and meddling in football decisions they won't find their way to the top of the division.

The only reason they have had some success this year is because he finally entrusted a good coach with making important decisions but not winning the Division will end that I think and Al will meddle too much in the off season and take some power away from Cable and they will slide or stay right where they are.

Not a Noob I've been a Broncos fan since 1978 which is probably longer than you've been alive and have seen the Raiders in the good years when Al still had significant football knowledge but the league has passed him by.

I went out on a limb and picked up Timmy for my fantasy playoffs, benching Matt Ryan and John Kitna, I'm looking pretty prophetic right now ;-)

bamacpl. Actually not a cut an paste at all not one word of what I wrote. I could be wrong after last Sunday on the bright side at least. Thanks for the compliment maybe I need a new job as a sportswriter.
100% cut-n-paste from any NFL scouting book or article about Tebow.

Tebow the White Mike Vick of the future.

Dang good thing for you that The Gators didn't play the Nebraska corn-****-huskers!!

Ervin Meyer was in Denver over the wknd-----could the two be coach and quarterback again?

I hate the Donkeys but I really like Tebow and Meyer ----(sorry Slammy)

You Pleasedear are an @@shole.

I do not appreciate being called a liar. We do gain knowledge by reading I read sports material as well as other information. I also coached football for 20 years. Yes some of the post I'm sure sounds like what the sportswriters write, some is from observation not cut and pasted. Check it online for plagarism if you are smart enough to figure out how.

The Gators did play the Huskers, the last time they played the score was Huskers 62- Gators-24. It wasn't really that close. I on the other hand don't hate the Broncos, just don't think Tebow will develop into a franchise quarterback.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-10 AT 07:04PM (MST)[p]Thanks for your input Dickie Peter..............son.



It's the internet and we're messing with you. Lighten up.

If a Man and a Woman in Nebraska get divorced, are they still Brother and Sister?
Beanie thanks for bringing things in perspective. My temper has never served me well in person. On the internet at least nobody goes away with a busted nose. As far as your attempt at humor that joke is usually related to the south but a sense of humor attempt is still an attempt.

By the way how do I hide my profile I think Pleasedear must be real interested in me since he took the time to find my name in the profile page.
A bit early to tell. Hope how well he does is reflective of his love of the game, hard work, and determination. Couldn't care less about the Broncos though. Or the Raiders for that matter. lol
'morning Rick,

Sorry I did get a little rude and I really should not have.

That 1995 Fiesta Bowl--- Neb vs Florida did not have Tebow playing but it was a great game for the Cornhuskers.

Agian----I was rude and I am sorry.

You have been on M&M for many posts and you certain have earned your respect with your participation.

I have Neb over Wahington but I have Penn St. beating Florida.

Im NOT sorry! .......it was still cut & paste!

He dont have a clue about right/wrong concerning "throwing mechanics"!----there is none!

nice try tho???
Robbb (Pleasedear)
I would like to apologize as well. I really don't approve of rudeness even on the internet. I know I'll take some crap over that statement but I usually don't get fired up and rude. I know you don't either because I read your stuff. So officially I apologize. Have a Happy New Year.

thanks Rick

Today is going to be a great day for watching college football and tomorrow even better!

I love the Bowl games.


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