Teamsters and steamfitters coming our for Trump.

Could be a game changer fer sure? I think he was speaking to both parties. It’s very clear the Dems hate the middle class in spite of their claims. And his message to the chamber of commerce corporate world was a shot across the bow. Be interesting to see where this ends up.
You can bet the Dems are sh#ting their pants. They have counted on the unions to support them for decades. The teamsters Union is one of the largest unions in the U.S. and control many smaller unions. It is getting to the point that Trump is going to win by a landslide. I hope many Dem. members of Congress also get the boot and Trump has a majority in both houses.
It's a good idea to invite them to speak.

But 90%+ of their money goes to libs, so I wouldn't expect much to change
His message was to his base probably more than Trump & has never been part of the Republican platform as far as I can tell. Nothing about millions of illegals taking jobs from regular working class people or right to work states. He didn't endorse Trump. Good to let him speak I agree but.............?
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His message was to his base probably more than Trump & has never been part of the Republican platform as far as I can tell. Nothing about millions of illegals taking jobs from regular working class people or right to work states. He didn't endorse Trump. Good to let him speak I agree but.............?

That's one I've never grasped with unions.

Illegals suppress wages. They ***** about leaders of companies, but the continuous flow of cheap labor is the downward pressure. But the unions support the open border crowd
His message was to his base probably more than Trump & has never been part of the Republican platform as far as I can tell. Nothing about millions of illegals taking jobs from regular working class people or right to work states. He didn't endorse Trump. Good to let him speak I agree but.............?
You are right, it hasn’t been part of the platform in the past. My point was that the Teamsters and the Republican’ts both made a move. A move that’s never been made before. A strategy we haven’t seen from either before. The teamsters clearly have a reason to making that speech and of course it was self serving…… so they have moved……. The Republican’t saw the need to invite that quy to speak, again for self serving reasons on their part.

That is an early sign, or seems to be, from my view, that the unions are frustrated with the Democrats. I like that. Will it last, I don’t know and at this point who could know. I have never been supportive of overly aggressive unions but at one time they were needed to square up the relationship between the ultra rich elitists and the rest of us.. There is no denying that as far as I’m concerned. It’s possible we’ve entered a time for the working men and women of this country to resquare the relationship again because for the last two decades the Democrats have been supported by both the rich eitlists and the unions. That has been an obvious disaster. Hopeful this speach, was a chinking in tho armor of the leftists.

I’ve said this since Trump became a political figure. He thinks outside the box. He is a problem solver and if he can’t a city to allow him to build a flag pole stand the traditional way, he will come up with a non-traditional way to get the job done. That’s the main reason I support him. Who in hell would have thought of inviting the Teamsters President to speak at the GOP convention and who could have convinced them to actually do it. I wouldn’t be totally surprised if Trump didn’t lay out that speech for the Teamsters. He’s that kind of problem solver…….. who, with half a brain cell can not see that.
I'm totally down for the big tent concept and welcoming as many people as possible, as long as you don't destroy the foundation on which the tent was built. Do we want to become the left in order to win, are we getting the progressive parts of populism instead of the free market populism? At first I was baffled by Amber Rose's appearance (google her it's pretty far out there - who in March praised satanism as "a very rational, logical religion that helps a lot of women get abortions" and she's a self described slut) but thinking about her message more last night I think it was a message of trying to introduce Americans to conservative principles & policies that have otherwise or in the past have avoided taking a look. At least I hope that was her message. Good points 2lumpy!
I'm totally down for the big tent concept and welcoming as many people as possible, as long as you don't destroy the foundation on which the tent was built. Do we want to become the left in order to win, are we getting the progressive parts of populism instead of the free market populism? At first I was baffled by Amber Rose's appearance (google her it's pretty far out there - who in March praised satanism as "a very rational, logical religion that helps a lot of women get abortions" and she's a self described slut) but thinking about her message more last night I think it was a message of trying to introduce Americans to conservative principles & policies that have otherwise or in the past have avoided taking a look. At least I hope that was her message. Good points 2lumpy!
Freedom for everyone has its challenges……. no doubt.

As long as we don’t use freedom to undermine freedom, l I’m good with it. It’s when either sides extremes become dominant and then dominating that we end up with blood on the ground.

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