Teacher in Sudan



WTF! What is up with these third world countries. Here a lady has dedicated her life to educating their children and the "good" people of Sudan repay her like this. I believe in helping your fellow man, but enough is enough.

Anybody have any comments on this?

The religon of Peace why Christianity is and Islam is not.
Read it great book.
Islam is a screwed up religon that is for sure. That is who and what we are fighting in Iraq and Afganastan and soon to be here in America if we do not pull our heads out!!!!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
So the kids name a toy and they want her dead, WTF is wrong with these people! This crap needs to stop. And the DEm's want us out of Iraq.
So keeping us in Iraq will stop this? Simple Conservative thought stay out of my country and I'll stay out of yours. Don't go in the bull pasture unless you want the horns. She went to an unstable place accept what can happen. I walked the townships of South Africa in 1999 pretty unsettled time I accepted what could happen because I wanted the experience, she should have understood that as well. How are you going to accept a bunch of Muslim missionaries coming over here to teach your kids? With open arms I'm sure.
>How are
>you going to accept a
>bunch of Muslim missionaries coming
>over here to teach your
>kids? With open arms I'm

Hello McFly, we allready have a bunch of muslim teachers teaching our kids in this country. Number two you presume this woman is a Christian and a missonary? WTF. If a class in America had a muslim teacher and they had a class teddy bear/mascot and decided to name it Jesus, do realy believe that American Christians would act in the same way? Get a grip!

?Justice consists not in being neutral between right and wrong, but in finding out the right and upholding it, wherever found, against the wrong.?
---Theodore Roosevelt,
>So keeping us in Iraq will
>stop this? Simple Conservative
>thought stay out of my
>country and I'll stay out
>of yours. Don't go in
>the bull pasture unless you
>want the horns. She went
>to an unstable place accept
>what can happen. I
>walked the townships of South
>Africa in 1999 pretty unsettled
>time I accepted what could
>happen because I wanted the
>experience, she should have understood
>that as well. How are
>you going to accept a
>bunch of Muslim missionaries coming
>over here to teach your
>kids? With open arms I'm

You don't need any help from Dude. Your doing just fine.

I presume this woman is a christian because she taught at Unity High School a school governed by the Bishop of the Episcopal Church of Sudan. Its Anglican or Church of England.

".If a class in America had a muslim teacher and they had a class teddy bear/mascot and decided to name it Jesus, do realy believe that American Christians would act in the same way? Get a grip! "
Probably only in Texas.

America has a thing called separation of church and state probably wouldn't be smart to name a bear Jesus. ACLU would be on your a$$ for promoting christianity. Texas might even have this I'm not sure they ever ratified the constitution.

I'm certainly not a fan of Islam my point is I expect what you get when you go into those situations. Unstable area, government anti-american, hatred of Christians extreme any excuse will lead to a fight. No problem with that but why the shock about this if I go where people hate me I will probably have some problems like she now does.
No I'm afraid I can't come close to Dude. But I do wish Zigga, T, Forthewall or one of they others would help a little I'm getting tired of typing with just one hand. Where is Dude?
>No I'm afraid I can't come
>close to Dude. But I
>do wish Zigga, T, Forthewall
>or one of they others
>would help a little I'm
>getting tired of typing with
>just one hand. Where is

He's on the way home from a successful Kaibab hunt. He emailed me the photo to post for him. He said to tell you your doing fine and don't give up. He'll be back soon.
Here's Dude and buck.

LMAO thanks Ransom now I've got to clean the cracker I was eating from the keyboard.

Gilamonster This stuff was really going on before Iraq? With my Hastiry background I didn't realize that, I be so dumb I still thinks Sudan is called Nubia,/ Please keeps learning me Gila soes I can be's as smart as youse.
>LMAO thanks Ransom now I've got
>to clean the cracker I
>was eating from the keyboard.
>Gilamonster This stuff was really going
>on before Iraq? With
>my Hastiry background I didn't
>realize that, I be so
>dumb I still thinks Sudan
>is called Nubia,/ Please keeps
>learning me Gila soes I
>can be's as smart as

Yo Mama

Very disrespectful young man. Go to the corner for a time out.
It's not nice to pick on a guy whose buddies have all fled.


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