Taylor Swift Omnipresent


Very Active Member
Don't get me wrong, I like her and her tunes for the most part. But I gotta tell ya, her latest mega hit is played wwwwaaayyyy too much on the radio.

Coming home from work tonight scanning the radio stations I hear it on the pop station, a country station, the doctors office station and then again on another country station. I'm not kiddin ya, all in the span of about 60 seconds.

That You Belong With Me song is getting played everywhere. Its getting more air time than any song, ever. Geeze, top 40 is playing it, country's playing it, easy listening, classic rock, christian talk, NPR, limbaugh, for hells sake even ESPN radio is playing it.

I think I just might gag the next time I hear it. One mississippi, two mississippi, three mississippi...Yep I just gagged.
Yeah, they do play her a lot...as well as her friend Kelly Pickler, left. I'd much rather date Kelley ;-) but Taylor is the musical talent, IMO, between the two.


JB, who's that? Jewell?

BTW, has anybody seen the video, heard the song "Skinny Dipping" by Whitney Duncan? Oh Lordy, HOT HOT!! Catchy tune! :)

I would date either one but I am more partial to Taylor than Kelly. Taylor is 5'11" tall! And I agree she is definitely the talent. She is a great song writer. She is like the female Brad Paisley
You are absolutely right Forky! I use to like her songs but, HOLY CRAP! It seams like everyother song is Taylor Swift. I find myself listening to 107.5 more and more all the time. I must be getting old.

It's always an adventure!!!

When i think of Kelly, it's usually not the blond hair, good looks, or even her BB's. It's more of a what's in her mind thing. What kind of person she is and what she could do for man kind if given the chance...

On our first date, i too would be telling her what i would like to do if given the chance...


:) :)
beats me who it is...I just googled "taylor swift bikini"....didn't even notice her face...lol

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LOL, well that ain't Taylor but i got to give high marks for photo content! Job well done :)

Guys! How about that "Skinny Dipping" song?

>You are absolutely right Forky!
>I use to like her
>songs but, HOLY CRAP!
>It seams like everyother song
>is Taylor Swift.
>I find myself listening to
>107.5 more and more all
>the time. I must
>be getting old.
>It's always an adventure!!!

+1 on the station 107.5. Good stuff there.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-09 AT 02:10AM (MST)[p]With Pickler being raised by her grandparents while her dad is in prison (info relayed to me by my wife), I think Pickler has the messed up daddy issues that can make for a good time. Just sayin', LOL.
My son got to have his picture taken with both Taylor and Kelly at a concert in Reno. He smiled from ear to ear (or was it here to here?). Lucky little bas...
LAST EDITED ON Aug-28-09 AT 12:51PM (MST)[p]My 5 year old daughter looks and acks like Taylor. Taylor is her idol. I tease her sometimes and call her Taylor. when one of Taylor's songs comes on my daughter sings every word and dances around. So hearing Taylor's songs has a soft spot for me.

I like them!


Archery is a year round commitment!!
My good friend works for the company that drives Taylor's gear around and sets up the stage. He's been on tour with her for like the last year.

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