Taxidermy time frame?



What is a realistic time frame to wait for a deer to be mounted? I dropped my deer off over a year ago and have been getting the same BS another week or two since June. The part that upsets me most is the story is always different. I put $950 down and haven't even seen it in his shop since.
Your getting screwed! My buck only cost $350 and he did excellent and it only took 5 months.

Dang Justr where did you get your mount done? I am paying 700 for the buck I got this year, and 1,100 for my bull. Wish I would of known. its to late now for me!
No I am getting a pedestal mount. The pedestal cost $650 and has been paid in full since December.
$1,100 for my Wyo Buff I took in last week.

I make alot of 'log-stuff' so I am doing my own pedestal.

I will have it here in the Trophy Room by my D-Day the end of February 2011.

>Dang Justr where did you get
>your mount done? I am
>paying 700 for the buck
>I got this year, and
>1,100 for my bull. Wish
>I would of known. its
>to late now for me!

High Mountain taxidermy in Heber. His name is Scott Mcfee. He has done 3 deer and 7 bulls now for my family and friends and does an excellent job!

Depends on how busy the shop is. At least a year seems to be the norm.

PS. I would love to see a $350 deer mount! A real artist charges a real price. You want to get your Ferrari painted at Maaco, then have at it...
I Would also like to see the deer. Post it up Justr. I have seen "good taxidermy" before and you wonder if the person is looking at the same mount as you.

As for the original question....It seems that most taxidermist tell you a time frame that you want to here and not one that they are capable of. From what I have seen it is going to take a popular taxidermist 1 1/2 years.
Sounds like I better just stick to doing my own euro mounts and not worry about it any more. I just get a different story every time I talk to him and it feels like I am being lied to. My family all have theirs back from last year and they look great. Different guy of course.

Thanks for the replies.
He looks way good justr! What is your taxi's number? I want to give him a try next time.
Scott Mcfee 435 671 0322. Tell him Kenny Mair sent you his way and he might work with you on prices a little more. He is great to work with. This year alone I have sent 4 bulls in to him. I can try to get more pictures of his work up if ya wanna see it.


this is to the guy that said 350 for a mount isnt enough. i paid 300 for this guy, but after a trip to the atm somehow i lost 20 bucks on the way to his house and he took 280 for it it took well over a year though. between my self and my huntin buddy we hav mounted 7-8 deer through him. healways charges he same price. he does an excellent job. the muscles in the fae,the inset of the eyes the angle of all the dimentions are life-like.
Here's what I can't understand. Guys will pay $300-1000 for a tag, $500-1000 for a rifle, $200 on scope, gas, lodging, and food, but will not pay the money to get a quality mount of their trophy. you say you paid $280 for one of those mounts. After $65 on the form cost, $8 minimum for a set of eyes, tanning costs, which costs usuallly about $60 that leaves $145 dollars for the taxidermist!! From that he needs to pay his electric bills, and possibly shop lease, then himself!! That leaves him making about $7 an hour. How many of you work for $7 an hour? And to be honest your mounts look like $300 dollar mounts. You say all the details are correct? Look at a few pics of deer, you will see that they are far from correct. The armpit hair does not extend halfway up the shoulder, the ear muscles lack detail, the eyes are not correctly shaped. Those are just a few things. Look at some of the work in the taxidermy forums, especially the elk/deer pedestal thread. you will see quality taxidermy and I bet it don't come cheap.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-30-10 AT 05:08PM (MST)[p]I will agree he isn't the best but he does some really good work and willing to do it for a little less. Everytime I have been to his shop its been packed with animals. Not everyone can afford an extra grand after all the money they have already spend. Me being one of them. I haven't seen or heard of anyone unhappy with his work.

in referance to the time for you mount. Most taxidermist contract out for tanning. Most of the wait time is waiting for the cape to come back. 1 year is not abnormal at all. I wouldn't be in a hurry to get a mount done either if i had been getting bugged every 2 weeks since june. My taxidermist is hit or miss. If he gets the cape back quck i'll get my mount back quick. The longer he waits the longer i wait. I dont think i would start bugging a taxi till i was pushing the year and a half mark. the more you bug the quicker job he is going to do when the cape does arrive. JMO

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
Just a couple of years ago I took a 154" whitetail to a well known taxidermist. They were about $550 for a shoulder mount. The other deer that I have were in the $300-$350 range at a different taxi. I almost dont like putting the 154 WT next to the others..:) To me it's worth spending a little extra.

>Not everyone can afford an extra
>grand after all the money
>they have already spend. Me
>being one of them. I
>haven't seen or heard of
>anyone unhappy with his work.

The best taxis aren't that much more than the average hack slapping deer together. If you are going to be staring at the mount for the next 25 years, wouldn't you rather be looking at a deer that looks alive, and not "stuffed"?

My friend went with the lowballer last year. He saved $200 and got an elk back that was looking the wrong direction, the hide wasn't even pulled close the burrs, and the seam down the back was an inch wide...

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