Taxidermy in the house...who wins?


Active Member
I haven't really had any animals that were big enough that I wanted to mount them until recently. Now I've got two. I've also got a problem I'm sure many of you share.

The the house? I vote yes, wife votes no. We may throw down on this one. She says the garage, I say the family room. I've got several months to come up with some creative ways to change her mind, and I need the committee's help.

I'm not going overboard, here. I've seen houses taken over by taxidermy. I'll just have a couple of heads, over the stairs going down to the lower level. Nice and classy, IMO.

Anybody lost this battle?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-09 AT 10:23AM (MST)[p]

or tell her to

:) does this help. I kinda have the same problem. She does not want them in the house, but at the office it is okay. I figured if I am make her get her hunting license this year, I am going to start putting her in for sheep, goat and tough deer and elk hunts. When she draws out and understands how hard of a hunt it was I bet it goes in the house.
I have an opposite problem. My wife wants to know when I am finally going to get a head to hang up in the front room.


My hunting spot is so secret, not even the elk have found it yet.
get to harvest her own, then you can fight over gets the choice spaces.We only have the elk,lion 1 deer and all the big sheds in the living room everything else is int eh downstairs family room.The oryx are going in the living room though when they get back
Which room in the house is yours?? You got a den or computer room, take it over and hang your trophy's and tell the wife to stay out, who's paying the bills for the house?

I have a friend that has an ALL TIME Muley N.T. the head was on the wall at his barbershop for over 35 years till he retired. His wife said NO, not in the house, put it in the basement garage. So he left it in the barbershop till the new owner wanted it out of there.
So he took it over to his house on the coast and it hangs there but not sure where, most likely in the large livingroom/kitchen area.
My racks and one head are in MY DEN, use to be a bedroom before we bought this house.

I get the family room and not one inch out of it-The walls are covered enough that I snuck three more bucks in there recently and she didnt even notice-I was surprised!
I've got my office in the house...the manroom. Anything goes in there. Rest of the house is hers. Once I get a cabin on a lake, all the mounts will move there. I don't think it is too much to ask for 1 room in the whole house. Marriage is about compromise.

"Whatever you are, be a good one."
- Abraham Lincoln
In the MAN room. Which like Killowatt says is an extra bedroom turned into the MAN room or den. But then my elk would not fit in the man room so I sat my wife down and explained to her that during my whole life I've always wanted to have my trophies on the wall in my house. I've worked my butt off to give us a house and I pay all of the bills and I make all of the improvements and help out with all of the woman chores. And I had to remind her that it is OUR house and not HERS. After I made these points she definitely agreed that I should have my elk in the living room. fatrooster.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-15-09 AT 11:43AM (MST)[p]Hey, you need to step forward and tell momma who wears the pants in the family!!

I had one trophy room and then added on to the family room when I ran out of room in the old one.






NEW ROOM (and older part of family room where the zebra is)






How To Hunt Coues Deer
My parents are in the house they are in because he can hang an elk in there and not have it over run the room. My mom does not like it. She knows its his passion so she lets it go. She says what goes and stays on everything else but the taxidermy in that house.

My wife is after me all the time to find some sheds, Get a big enough animal to hang. Buy some bobcat tags so we can tan them. She loves the look as long as its done tastefully not tacky. I just havent been around long enough to have enough stuff to get anywhere near tacky, But I'm working on it!!! Just need somemore funds. If anybody wants to donate to my cause you just let me know!!
I ran out of room in the rest of the house so now i'm putting the new ones in the bedroom. The wife didn't care for it much at all but i threatened to have her head put up there next, that quieted her down some.

Just tell her, "my way or the highway, being your leaving let me give you some gas money, i was looking for one when i tripped over you!" You start letting a woman tell you what you can have in the house and the next think you know, you'll be cleaning fish outside in a bucket instead of at the kitchen sink, getting told what kinda clothes you should wear, and what websites you are not EVER to visit. A man has to have a spine and stand his ground!!!

But then i was only married a couple years... kinda nice while it lasted :)

Bribe her! I vaulted the ceiling in our living room. I then offered to buy new furniture and remodel the kitchen and her bathroom if she'd let me hang my moose and elk. She bought into it. $20k later, they're hanging in the living room. I also have a full body mtn goat to hang. She put her foot down at that. After offering to take her and our girl to Disney World, she caved. Another $4k down the toilet and a trip to Florida has me getting ready to soon hang the goat with my other creatures. Women, tough to live with and even tougher to live without. Damn they're expensive...
The wife,to be honest, all my stuff is in the garage and she could care less how big the buck is or the elk, bear, but she will cook the meat for me and not give me a hard time when hunting season comes around. I sometimes wonder what will happen to all the stuff when it comes time to cash in the chips. I can see a big yard sale, but guess I won't know or care. By compromising, we have managed to keep the relationship together for 47 years. That means more to me than having a I love me room in the house. By the way, I have a buck tag and elk tag for the November season.

You definetly need a room of your own indoors. Pretty tough to visit the garage and see your trophy getting ravaged by temp. and humidity changes. One or two heads will really spruce up the family room and can be made to fit right in. Start with a couple and after a few years you can have the whole room.....if you are lucky !

When we built our house, my wife got a house, and I got a room. I promised her that as long as she didn't have any issues with what I put in my room, I wouldn't say anything about how she decorated her house. That's worked pretty good, we've been here nearly 22 years, and I'm up to about 50 animals, with 3 more headed to the taxidermist as I write this.

And I still haven't encroached on her house!
Something to be careful of:

Mike was going to be married to Karen, so his Father sat him down for a little chat.

He said, 'Mike, let me tell you something. On my wedding night in our honeymoon suite, I took off my pants, handed them to your mother, and said, 'Here, try these on.''

She did and said, 'These are too big. I can't wear them.'

I replied, 'Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always will.' Ever since that night, we have never had any problems.

'Hmmm,' said Mike. He thought that might be a good thing to try.

On his honeymoon, Mike took off his pants and said to Karen, 'Here, try these on..'

She tried them on and said, 'These are too large. Mike said, 'Exactly. I wear the pants in this family and I always will. I don't want you to ever forget that.'

Then Karen took off her panties and handed them to Mike. She said, 'Here, you try on mine.

Mike did and said, 'I can't get into your panties.'

Karen said, 'Exactly. And if you don't change your smart-ass attitude, you never will again!'


How To Hunt Coues Deer
LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-09 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]

"When we built our house, my wife got a house, and I got a room. I promised her that as long as she didn't have any issues with what I put in my room, I wouldn't say anything about how she decorated her house. That's worked pretty good, we've been here nearly 22 years, and I'm up to about 50 animals, with 3 more headed to the taxidermist as I write this.
And I still haven't encroached on her house! "

Ditto on that.
If that didn't work, I'd leave so fast you would see a vapor trail behind me.
My wife knew just what she was getting when she married me.
This thread just boggles my mind. I hear about these stories, but wow, never thought I would see it on here. I mentioned to another guy on a thread to get rid of the boutique and frilly chit in places to put up head mounts. I can see her not wanting heads in the Celestial Room, but really, the family room or game room, or den should be fine without an argument. Good luck dryfly, you are gonna need it.
Had the same situation when I got my first nice buck. First off, my wife didn't want to pay the taxidermy bill. Won that argument by having my mom and dad do if for me for Christmas and birthday. But she was dead set against hanging it in the house. So I took it to the taxi and had a few months to try and convince her. Well I didn't. But the day rolls around for me to get it and I am nervously thinking about different local Sporting Goods stores that might want to display my buck. Well I go and get it and come back about lunch time. My wife is feeding my 6 month old son in the high chair when I bring it in. He starts going nuts - absolutely loves it. I gently suggest three or four places where it could go - she shoots them all down. So finally, I dejectedly, and patiently take the thing back to the spare room where I can store it until I find a place, and when I take it away - my son starts bawling! I bring it back and he quits and just smiles this huge little smile. That did it! Momma caved and said angrily - knowing she had just lost "Well, I guess you can put it in his room then!" I didn't hesitate. Put it up right then and it has been a prominent feature in our home (never in the living room though) ever since! Now when I get an elk, I will cross that bridge when I get to it!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

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