Taxidermist, how much, and how long?


Very Active Member
What do you guys pay for taxi work and what is your waiting time.
$500 for me and wait get longer each time, and cost more. I think I will be waiting 2 years.
2 years!!??? I don't see any reason why it should take any taxi longer than a year at the most!

I think Paul Pennie is about $750.00 and I expect to wait a year. I hope not to, but I'm OK with up to a year wait. He does super work and has done me real well.

Brian Latturner
Taxidermists are all different. Phil the mountain lion guy in Montana is a minimum of 18 months and he will tell you that. My friends taxidermist is two years best case and sometimes three years but he gladly waits as he likes the work. My taxidermist is pretty dang quick but I am also willing to spend extra to have the cape rushed and for the $30-50 it costs it is more than worth it to me. Ask the guy how long it takes and if a year down the road you want to come and get it will he let you?
my guy says one year but it is often 2 years, very frustrating. If money is no object send it to Jonas brothers in Colorado and they will have it done in 6 months. This is my next step if my 2 year guy quits. I've heard 4 years and still never got the work done. It seems like there is room for improvement in this line of work for sure.
cold dead hands
NRA Life Member
The guys that are going to stay in business will have it done in a year. If it goes longer start to worry. Just my opinion.
My buddy is a taxidermist. He does a great job and is in Utah county. Depending on the tannery, he is less than 6 months. He usually only takes in what he can get done in the short time. He understands that people want to see thier "trophy" on the wall. If anyone interested, pm me and I will give you his name and number. He does great work with amazing detail!
I meant to put in that this was a mule deer mount. My taxidermist does a real good job, his work is great, but the wait sucks.
I am sorry to hear about the problems you are having with the long delays. Over the years I have heard way too many horror stories of experiences with capes or antlers getting "lost/stolen", or long delays with little or no communication as to why, or what is going on, or getting ratty-looking mounts back.

I know there are others who are competent/good as founder mentioned. In my opinion there is none better than Mike Christensen in Utah County. He does extremely high quality work, quick turn-arounds and is straight-up. There are some cheaper and there are some who charge more, but as long as Mike does taxi I will never take a risk with anyone else.
If money is
>no object send it to
>Jonas brothers in Colorado and
>they will have it done
>in 6 months. This is
>my next step if my
>2 year guy quits.

I hope you are joking. Jonas Brothers?
I'll second what wapiti says about Mike Christensen in American Fork...very nice work, quick turnaround, and a great guy too.

His pricing can be a bit mis-leading...he's not "cheap", but he sometimes comes in a bit under some of the other big names you hear about. His quality of work is FAR, FAR from cheap though, that's for sure.

I used to have my stuff done by another guy, he's fairly well-known. The guys also does great work, but I don't like to wait the 18-24 months it was taking him...especially when he always promised 12 months.

I've always figured if a taxidermist takes longer than a year he's just getting further and further behind...he's still mounting last year's animals while this year's are pouring in.
The older I get the more I realize that you usually get what you pay for. Nowdays, $500 for a shoulder mounted deer is cheap, and if you don't like the wait, pay a few hundred more to somebody like Paul (founder mentioned) who will not tell you one thing and do another.
I have done just enough of my own taxidermy to be dangerous, but in my dabbling, I discovered that, just like art, you can't rush good quality work. If you do, then corners get cut and something goes out the window. Most artists raise their prices and take less work to make up the difference rather than put out poor quality.
Just my opinion.
Littlebighorn nailed it. Taxidermy is art and you'll get what you pay for in general. If a taxi does great work and has an established business he always has more work than he can do. So he charges more to limit what he takes in and for his art. If he is really good he can just about name his price and the work will still come. The guys dropping 10 grand on hunts don't mind the high cost of a mount either. If you want the best be patient. Taxi's in the upper tier of their field are usually up front about how long it is going to take. If you just want a reasonable production quality mount it can be found cheaper and quicker in numerous places. Most people are pretty happy with a production quality mount.
My choice is Massey Taxidermy in Springville, fantastic detail and quality, very good turn around.

There's room for all of God's creatures, right next to the mashed potato's and gravy.
Whoever you find to do your work, ask for references and then check them out.

A LOT of times, the finished product is not as good as you think, once you have it home and REALLY look it over.

See what customers think about the work after a few months.

In my opinion, the most difficult animal to do is a cat....if the taxi has done cats that REALLY look good, chances are, his deer and elk will be first class.

As far as price, you can generally expect to have to pay for good work......but if it is an important trophy to you, it will be worth it in the long run.

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