Tards Use 250 Gal of H20 per/day



Looks like Tards waste more water than anybody?
An average Tard uses/wastes 250 gallons of H20 per day.
What'ya think?

I've always wondered what the consequences and repercussions are from tards wearing ultra-clean duds and smelling good and actually eating off of clean dishes. Plus... their vehicles are always spotless.

Thanks for the clarification, Cat-dude, Cat-man, Cat-a-rama.
Residential and Irrigation Uses
National averages show a typical family of four (4) uses water as follows:

Inside Use
Gallons per Day

Bathing 80

Bathroom sink 8

Cooking and drinking 12

Dishwashing 15

Laundry 35

Toilets 100

Utility sink 5

Total family use 255*

*Equals 63.75 gallons per day per person

Average water use for inside using facilities:

Water Usage Needs

Bathtub 25 to 35 gallons per tub
Clothes Washer 25 to 50 gallons per load
Dishwasher 7.5 to 16 gallons per load
Shower 5 to 15 gallons per minute
Toilet Old - 3.5 to 7 gallons per flush
Toilet New - 1.5 gallons per flush

Average water use for outside landscaping and swimming pools:

Outside Need
Annual Water Usage Needs

Lawn 2.35 c.f. per square foot
Other Landscaping 1.0 c.f. per square foot
Orchards (fruit) 1.0 to 1.5 c.f. per square foot
Swimming Pool (evaporation)* 2.35 c.f. per square foot of surface area
*Without pool cover, 1 c.f. = one cubic foot or 7.48 gallons
Those statistics are very high compared to California. 30 years ago that would not have been the case.

Now, fully 70% of Californians don't take baths, or even know what a shower is.

They rarely flush the toilet...until it is full to the brim.

They only do dishes when the sink is full....or when the toilet bowl is not in use.

They do not have lawns or gardens or any other form of landscape requiring water.

Most of the more wealthy people who used to have pools, have sold thier homes and moved to Oregon.

If it weren't for the fact that most of thier cars are clean, our water rate would be down to about 5 gal. per person per day.
Figure most houses have 3-7 different wives showering daily...thats a lot of water...}>


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>Figure most houses have 3-7 different wives showering daily...thats a lot of water...}>

>The poster does not take any
>responsibility for any hurt or
>bad feelings. Reading threads poses
>inherent risks. The poster would
>like to remind readers to
>make sure they have a
>functional sense of humor before
>they visit any discussion board.

Snort after my 4th wife I wanted to kill myself. I am back down to 3 right now. What a savings on water. No she was not a beached whale just showered a-lot...
I think that the news and the state hydrologists would say we are in a drought even if Deer Creek, and Jordanelle were overflowing, and the dams were breached. If Heber were under 45 feet of water, they would still be crying drought, drought, drought. I was driving home from Evanston today, and there is still an awful lot of snow on the back side above Park City, and I'm tired of hearing them year after year after year about the water.

My two cents.
I can't imagine myself using very much water a day. A cold shower, brushing teeth, taking a leak and flushing...that's about it!! I have to haul water up to the cabin all spring, summer, and fall so maybe I'm accustomed to being a little more careful with how much I use when I'm in town because of it??


No but I'm sure you think you can say anything you want on here but I can't, right? I believe I have the right to respond and express my opinion just as you do. So keep up your infantile name calling.

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