There's a few around saying We are all Hypocrites for Applying for the Expo Tags!

A few years back there was a Lengthy Thread on Hypocrites & it was decided that We are all Hypocrites in some way or another!

It's called Gambling Boys & Girls!

And TARDS don't get to Gamble very often in their home State!

But when they do,watch out!

Them Booths where you validate your entries is just like a slot machine without a handle to pull!:D

Even though I don't agree with the entire BIG PICTURE I am guilty of playing the Game and I didn't have to go to a State that borders Utah to drop the Coin!:D
Seems like the whole western tag application process has become a gaming industry, with the participants deriving their fix by drawing a tag coveted by others.
Well put bessy, I went also and put in for some hunts. I disagree with the sfw but I figured even though I don't like it, either way I we are out of the tags. Just as well have a shot at getting one

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-11 AT 11:18AM (MST)[p]do you think my bishop will require 10% of the tag I draw? Or is it considered a dirty, filthy tag?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-06-11 AT 11:02AM (MST)[p]"A few years back there was a Lengthy Thread on Hypocrites & it was decided that We are all Hypocrites in some way or another!"

It was decided?............. by exactly whom? :eek: The 90% of the people with no ethics or those too weak to act upon them?

What ever makes you feel good. Some folks will grasp at anything to justify their actions.
I see as people are making their own bed, now sleep in it. I read post after post about the piss poor management of the system and how the SFW and other special interest organizations are getting all the tags but yet when the tag grabs come its like lemmings running to the cliff only to fall to their dismal demize. You know want needs to be done and until people put a stop to this type of system then this will continue to be the name of the game.
i stopped in wendover and made $600 at the craps table...so the expo tag fees were basically free..so i dont think that counts as gambling...
I honestly thought that all the people whining about SFW would boycott the expo, and as a result the odds would be better. Instead, this was the best turnout yet. The line just to pay for your tickets on Saturday morning went out of the building it was so long.
Sfw blows donkey johnson! But I will still apply for there bull chiittt tags cuz i want the G. d. tag..
fellas, ONE deer went for $265,000, another for $200k, throw in ONE sheep for 50k and that is HALF a MILLION DOLLARS. How many of us at $20 per pop would have to show up to equal that? Get real, the tags are nothing, your tickets are nothing. We are all arguing with each other for a shot at a tag, WHILE ONE FREAKING DEER IS WORTH MORE THAN MOST OF OUR HOUSES!! Ten thousand of us walking in the door and paying for a ticket, don't equal what ONE guy does for ONE DEER. Your not a hypocrite for going to the show any than the British are for talking about and watching there royalty. Can you blame SFW for writing us all off. It is so much easier to maintain relationships with the handfull of guys who can throw out 200k for an animal, than it is to organize the thousands of us. Seriosly, go to Vegas and play the $10 tables and see how long it is until you get the free room, or dinner, or show tickets. Play the $5000 and you have your own host. SFW is just a Casino host. They keep the highrollers happy, thats there job, and they do it well, can't argue that.
I would agree that most of us are hypocrits on something. I bet if I thought about it I am on some issue. However, this is not the one. It still amazes me how those who make such a good agruement against SFW still provide them with their money and really stretch to come up with a justification for it. Similar to those who complain about elected officials and then don't vote.

I'll say it again. It will never change if you keep giving them your money. If you think that the number of attendees and raffle ticket buyers doesn't matter because of the high prices for the auction tags you are mistaken. Expo attendees are what brings the vendors. Vendors are what pays the bill for the convention center. The size and scope of the expo will change if less people attend.

For those who are upset about the current system, if nothing else by not attending you are at least saying you did what you could to try to change things. Don't discount the influence each individual has. If you did attend then you are saying the only thing I can do is complain about it on a website.
I attended, worked, saw some great friends, and applied for elk tags and moose tags and sheep tags that I wouldn't have been able to apply for otherwise!!!!!! And I had a damn good time doing all of the above. The complaint of the 200 tags taking away opportunity from the "average Joe" falls on deaf ears here. For me, it gave me opportunities that I wouldn't have in the regular draw.

It's always an adventure!!!
Please! Some of you have to quit with the "holier than thou" Stuff.

I attended the expo..... I like hunting related stuff!
I applied for a tag.......I want one, or two!
I will continue to attend.....See above!

The rest of you may stay home and whine. It's your right to think, do, say what you want.

Best to you all,
I agree with you jim. The expo tags give me more opportunity that I wouldn't have otherwise.

Some people like to just whine. It seems simple enough to me. If you don't agree with the expo, don't go.

If you don't like the tags being taken out of the system don't put in for one. Speak with your pocketbooks.

You really don't have the right to complain about an organization when you continually donate to that organization! It's really lame and annoying.

I guess it must be nice having the best of both worlds.....cussing sfw for taking away opportunity yet buying tags to increase your opportunity.
"yet when the tag grabs come its like lemmings running to the cliff only to fall to their dismal demize."

:7 This is hilarious!.........and true!

BTW - Not been on MM much lately. How is that SFW disclosure thing workin for ya? When was their public press conference...........6 months ago?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 10:19AM (MST)[p]mulecreek,

You bring up a good point, and one I thought about while driving home from the expo in a raging snow-storm at 2 in the morning...in my 11 year old vehicle.

I'm conflicted as well if I should even be attending the expo. I leave there every year feeling more than just a little bit uneasy about the whole thing.

My "justification" is that for many years before there was an expo, I filled out the UT NR applications every year under the assumption that if I applied long enough I'd eventually draw a permit. With about 7-8 years worth of applying, suddenly my points were cheapened by SFW ripping a pile of tags from the NR pool. My time frame to potentially draw has been extended by years, how many years...good question? Honestly, I dont have the luxury of waiting to draw tags. If I want any chance to ever hunt, I have to keep applying and playing the game.

So, even though I hate the commercialization I see at the expo, and definately hate the way hunting is headed via SFW and the Don...I make the trek to the expo every year and toss my name in the hat.

I admit to and own my hypocracy openly.

That's cool. If that's the worst thing you do then you are a better person than me. I understand and share your frustration. For me, I will keep looking for a 400" bull in Wyoming. I think that will take just as long as it will for me to draw a Utah tag. At least I will get a chance at a few smaller bulls along the way. Good luck to you this season.
I have to agree with lotta bull. Expo tags give me a chance at tags I would never have a chance at otherwise. I may neverdraw but I will give er hell and have fun doing it.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-07-11 AT 11:32AM (MST)[p]mulecreek,

I hunt WY every year as well.

I'd fight SFW on every level if they ever tried to rip 200 tags in Wyoming.

Matter of fact, I fight them on most all issues in WY, MT, AZ, UT, etc. mainly because their mission isnt about whats best for wildlife, and certainly not about whats best for the average DIY hunter ...not by a long shot.
Never hired a prostiute, but it felt like I did after dropping a lot of coin for the expo tags. Sure wish I could get rid of the guilt feeling knowing that I was actually helping the deer herd. LOL
Hypocrites.....Huh lets ponder that for one second.

First year out they bring in Montgomery Gentry. Troy Gentry was under investigation for illegally killing a trained bear named "Cubby". Later was convicted.

Fast forward to this year when HYPOCRITE is defined by none other than that moral ambassador Uncle Ted. Plead no contest to shooting a spike deer on camera in Cally. This would be poaching in case you weren't paying attention. Fathered multiple children by as many women as he could get his hands on. Basically covered himself in his own urine and feces before his draft board appearance because he was too big of a coward to do is duty.

200 of YOUR permits go to pay overhead and line the pockets of a few. Basically none of it hits the ground and yet they call this a Conservation Expo???

So we've got poachers, cowards and sycophants (google it CAT)
that want our money...

Seriously ONLY IN UTAH!!!

LMAO! Someone's in a pissy mood......again! We've heard it all before. They have a new toy and you want it.

Fight, bit(h and whine. This is about all we do on this site.
Thank the Lord we live in America where we have the right to speak our minds.

ZEKE now that is funny!!! Thanks!!! Laying in bed with the flu makes me even more pissy than usual!!!

We can both agree on this; THE FLU BLOWS!
I wouldn't wish that on anyone.
Get feeling better.


PS, I still like SFW. Oh, and the expo.
Heck, why just 200 tags? If this is good for Utah then 400 tags is twice as good. Or 800! Maybe even pull a couple out of the resident pool this time.

No sense in doing something half way.
So, if you could have to picked a weekend to be house bound and pissy, this was a good one WW.

Figure your too mean to let it keep you holed up too long.

If I could find a copy of "Chicken Soup For The Archer's Soul" it would be in the mail.

Back on your head now, break time is over! :)

Heal up and hair over soon, spring's com'en.


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