Tammy Faye Passed Away

They made it official, huh? Last time I saw her on the news she looked dead. Would Jesus wear a Rolex if he were alive today ??

Would Jesus wear a Rolex if he were alive today ??

Not my Jesus but i'm not sure I get the question.

I think Jesus would wear a Rolex
if he were among us today.

It's an excellent peice of equipment.

Now on scouting trips and such, I think he would
wear a digital.

I don't see him needing the alarm feature
or a GPS.

I'm just glad he came around when he did.
I'm gonna need his help some day.

The death of Tammy Faye had to be a severe blow economically to the makeup, eye shadow companies. I'm just wondering which of you MMers sent the big checks to her PTL ministry.
JB! Man ... I gotta plead dumb on that one ... I'm sure there is a song in there somewhere. <idiot smile>

Song by Ray Stevens

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

no matter what people think of her, cancer sucks, and it was sad to see her or anybody for that matter, look that way...

it was clear they couldn't handle the fame and the furtune that went with ministry stardom, but what they did and weather their forgiven is between her and God now 'eh...

Philippians 1:21: to me to live is for Christ, and to die would be gain.
I met her son two years ago on a missions trip with our high school youth group. What a man that's sure on fire for the Lord. No matter what everyone thinks of her and Mr. Baker, we all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.

God Bless her family at this time...no matter what y'all might think of the Bakers...

>I met her son two years
>ago on a missions trip
>with our high school youth
>group. What a man
>that's sure on fire for
>the Lord. No matter
>what everyone thinks of her
>and Mr. Baker, we all
>have sinned and come short
>of the glory of God.
>God Bless her family at this
>time...no matter what y'all might
>think of the Bakers...

i felt real bad for her. she suffered more than many of us will ever understand. God bless her and her family.
Unbelievable you feel real sorry for her when both of her husbands went to jail for defrauding little old ladies of money they couldn't afford to give to their "ministry" (we'll use that word loosely. She lived in luxury with both husbands on money that was gained by defrauding guillible people. She was involved up to her fake eyelashes, and tatooed eyebrows. You guys make me laugh quote a few bible verses cry a little and the've got you. I guess I'll save my sympathy for those that don't lie with thieves. This sounds bitter for a post of mine, guess I just can't stand thieves or those that cohort with them.
Cornhusker .... Glad you are at peace with everything you have done in life. If she didn't do anything else, she was amusing and I suspect she actually believed in god. I'm not defending nor am I passing judgment ... I believe in my heart... judgment is best left up to our Lord and I'm not even a religious guy.

Didn't say I was at peace with everything I've done in life. Also didn't say I was judging her , just said its hard to feel sorry for a con artist who ripped off people in the name of God. Great she believed in God so do most peope on death row covicted of horrendous murders. Jailhouse preachers are in every state and federal prison in the country. I will agree she was amusing but so are a multitude of other comics.

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