Taking wife to Vegas


Active Member
I took my pregnant wife to Vegas this week. Why didnt anyone warn me that this wouldnt be the best thing to do?

We had fun going to the cirque soliel and seinfeld shows, but thats about it. No walking the strip, no hanging out down at the casino, nada.

So... if you wife is pregnant dont expect very much while in Vegas
What did you think was going to happen? Usually you miss a lot of the gentleman's clubs that way too. :)

Ok warning for any future Vegas goers....LEAVE WIFE AT THE BORDER!! :)
That ain't where you take a pregnant wife.
That's where you take a wife to get pregnant.
.....or send a wife to get pregnant...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON May-02-10 AT 04:49PM (MST)[p]+1 AyA

That shoulda been a given! I don't even like vegas anymore after I got married, for obvious reasons....

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

My wife lived in Las Vegas when she was married to her previous husband; he was a casino executive. Turns out that cheating on her wasn't all he did.

She was sitting at home one afternoon recovering from sinus surgery and got a phone call. Turns out her (then) hubby had taken things from folks. They called asking for their f'ng money. Wifey doesn't take too long to figure out what he had been up to. Packs as much stuff as will fit in her RX-7 and parks it, and her, in the neighbors garage. About an hour later a car shows up and two men enter her home. Stayed inside for almost an hour looking for stuff, then left and asked neighbor if he had seen her. He told them she was headed back to Michigan about an hour or so prior.

She won't go back to LV. Hated it then and hates it now.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Its ok if you have a set amount your planning on losing in the casino. Get tickets to a show or 2 in advance and it will be fun.

Its amazing to me to see people in the casinos with their last $500 trying to win some money to pay their house payment. I sat next to 2 guys at the texas hold em table in the Wynn trying to win enough money so the bank didn't foreclose their house. Both of them walked out with no money and tears in their eyes. Very sad. I felt very sad, but very fortunate to be in the position I'm in where I can afford to play a bit.

Its also crazy to see people hand the dealer their credit card and say give me a grand.. Gambleing against the odds and 20 some percent interest is crazy! I've seen people lose all their money, borrow more to lose and have to call a family member for money to get home!
You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

once agan we have completely stupid people chiming in. none of u know how to enjoy vegas. listen closely cuz this is how everyone enjoys vegas. u take ur wife to the bunny ranch and drop her off with paper work filled out so that her checks are direct deposited and then u head to vegas. a month later come back and pick up ur wife. Both of u will have had a good time and it was probably a free trip as long as u didnt play harder than ur wife could work. rofl!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
>once agan we have completely stupid
>people chiming in. none of
>u know how to enjoy
>vegas. listen closely cuz this
>is how everyone enjoys vegas.
>u take ur wife to
>the bunny ranch and drop
>her off with paper work
>filled out so that her
>checks are direct deposited and
>then u head to vegas.
>a month later come back
>and pick up ur wife.
>Both of u will have
>had a good time and
>it was probably a free
>trip as long as u
>didnt play harder than ur
>wife could work. rofl!

See guys, I told you so. Met her at church my a$$.
Did you just say there's plenty to do other than walk all over the STRIP...pers? ROFL

Yeah, you get to collect baseball cards too. Except for in vegas they are stripper cards. They look just like baseball cards except all the players are female and naked. You will see them laying all over the sidewalk, in fountains, in cabs, etc....

Lets see......... All the shows almost always have topless chicks. Then there's the casino's where lots of the hostesses have many body parts hanging out. Then there's all the women your wife feels like she's competing with which keeps you in the doghouse the entire trip. So yeah its a great place to take your wife. lol

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
you'll save more money walking the strip. I go every year on business. you can tell the times are bad, as the buffet quality is poorer each year and beer are $7. Those $29 steak dinners only include a salad and bread, as a baked potato is $9.00. I'm not talking prices at the high end strip casinos either. We're talking the average.

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