Tags and licences Price Hike 2010.

>Boy did they go up in
>price,OMG. Any comments.

Well, what would it have been if it had gone up with the cost of doing business each year since the last price hikes?

Personally, I'd rather see a system set up to raise it the 2-3 percent a year each year rather than a big hit every now and then.

My .02
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-09 AT 08:45PM (MST)[p]MY preference would be to see results with the extra money after the last price increase we have seen nothing but decreases in hunting oppertunities and animal numbers. Just another way for the state to tax us. I hope all the money goes to the OFWD and not the state coffers.

If there is any proof of a man in a hunt it is not whether he killed a deer or elk but how he hunted it.
The price hike will mean more people will not be able to afford a tag. That is called "game management," by ODFW definition.

I hope they raise the price enough that hunters start expecting them to do something.
58.00 for a combo lic. WOW! I think this is becoming a rich man's sport. sports pac, 164.75! not for me anymore, wallet won't open that wide, sorry ODFW. NOT BUYING! your loss, not mine.
>AT 08:45?PM (MST)

>MY preference would be to see
>results with the extra money
>after the last price increase
>we have seen nothing but
>decreases in hunting oppertunities and
>animal numbers. Just another
>way for the state to
>tax us. I hope
>all the money goes to
>the OFWD and not the
>state coffers.

All these increases are doing is keeping pace with operating costs. Everyone that thinks there are big new things being done with the money is mistaken, ODFW is not keeping up as it is.

Granted, they're doing a pretty crappy management job as it is, but they're also hamstrung by costs and funding.

A cost of living increase of 3-6% is expected, but the proposed jump is outright gouging. And like most states, they are not doing an effective job of management. If pay were based on performance there would be a lot of fed and state employees out of work...

Stop Global Whining
Other than some money going to OSP for law enforcement can anyone tell me what ODFW does for big game? doing studies to get information they don't use and checking to see if we paid our fees is about all I can see ODFW doing.

Really guys, unless you hunt other states you don't know how bad Oregon is. the lion thing is a huge disadvantage I'll agree with that, but there is a lot more they could if they wanted within the law as it now stands.
>A cost of living increase of
>3-6% is expected, but the
>proposed jump is outright gouging.
>And like most states, they
>are not doing an effective
>job of management.

I agree completely that they are doing a poor job of management!! However, 3% increase is fine...per year. It just hurts a lot worse when they wait to do it every 3-5-10 or whatever. Like I said in my post, I'd rather have a increase every year, in line with some sort of c-o-l rate based upon numerous factors.
I am a resident and this is just plain stupid. I know a few nonresidents with points and I am encouraging them to burn their points in 2010 and never apply again, the non resident fees are way to high for the quality of hunting we have here. I for one won't buy a combination license what a joke. It is the american way Pay More For Less. How about increase deer and elk populations and decrease predators and you wouldn't have to raise prices so high because there would be plenty of people out there hunting. I am very close to just not hunting in Oregon at all.
I think this increase is going to backfire on ODFW bigtime. with so many people out of work and on uneployment, people are not willing to spend big $$ on hobbys like in the past. I will bet the number of hunters will drop if the economy does'nt pick up this summer.
>I think this increase is going
>to backfire on ODFW bigtime.
>with so many people out
>of work and on uneployment,
>people are not willing to
>spend big $$ on hobbys
>like in the past. I
>will bet the number of
>hunters will drop if the
>economy does'nt pick up this

If that's so, it surely shouldn't be because of the cost of a tag or license. That's the cheapest part of my trips, by the time I pay for fuel, food, etc.


This will backfire on ODFW. This is an agency that has built a staff that is too large and to keep up with costs, need to stick it to the sportsman. There are a lot of programs within the agency that oversee non-game species which hunters and fisherman pay for. Plain and simple, it is not fair for ODFW to pass their increases onto the sportsman of the state which have been providing their salaries since the birth of their agency.

They will lose revenue by this increase in the long-run. They need to cut their staff...how many employees are there statewide...that might be an scary number.

For a non-resident who will be paying over 400 for a deer tag/license and over 600 for an elk (laughable), it surely isn't the cheapest part of a trip...
These increases will just add to the poaching problem in this state. When you have a state cop covering hundreds of miles I'm sure there is more than a guy wants to know. Plus It's free unless your one of the few that get caught.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-26-09 AT 09:57AM (MST)[p]oregon's will be hurting like idaho fish and game. Burned my antelope points this year will burn my elk and deer this next year and oregon will not see another dime from me. to many other good places to hunt with quality and quantity to waist money on that state. its a shame but it will happen.

ridgeline outdoors prostaff
blacks creek guide gear prostaff
I'll pay no matter how high the prices go and if that means less people are going to apply then great, better odds for me. but I do agree it is going to increase the poaching.

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
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