Tagged out on Pronghorns


Very Active Member
My daughter and I took our first pronghorns last weekend in NM. I would like to thank our new buddies Jim and Larry!

My daughter took hers at 150 yards using her .260 Remington with 100 grain Hornadys.

Mine was taken at 200 yards with my 25-06 with 110 Accubonds.

We had a great time and are hooked on Pronghorn hunting.


Congrats to the both of you on your two 'Lopes and for posting the pictures too. Which part of NM were you hunting if you don't mind saying?

Congrats to the both of you. You both got nice bucks and I agree with you , antelope hunting a complete blast. Again congrats and thanks for sharing the pics...
We were around the Vaughn area. The rut was in full swing.

Her buck was named "Crip" as it appeared he would be cripple when we first saw him, he jumped a fence and got hung up. He was finally able to free himself.

Mine was named "Drifter" as he covered a lot of ground. True to form, he would return to the same general area. Both were busy herding does when we put the stalk on them. My daughter was a little reluctant to crawl around after seeing her first rattlesnake but she hung in there. We took both of them on the last day after picking the best ones out.
Great pictures Mike. I'll bet it was a blast. Jim said Sarah made a perfect shot. Aren't Jim and Larry great. I knew you'd have fun with them. Send me a couple for the website.

Consider it done. Thanks again for everything. I sent some pics to Jim and Larry but have not heard back if they got them. Both are great guys! Edwards is doing the taxi work.
m1, sounds like you had a great family outing to me. That sure does look like NM, allright! Good looking goats, as well!

I bet you're in trouble now with the daughter, huh! She'll want to go every year, just like I did. Eventually you'll end up with an obsessed girl hunter like my father has...LOL
Obsessed girl hunter is not a bad thing.

She will be in high school next year and is reluctant to miss any school then :=(
hey Mike
You guys got a couple of nice ones, Looks like that range time payed off, We will have to find some seasons that are around X-mas time where she gets off a week so she don't miss school. LOL
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-06 AT 07:01PM (MST)[p]Thanks Gator! Next up is the NM deer hunt in unit 5. Looks like I might be going solo as my brother might have a conflict at work...
Same as 5B or is it different for deer,If it 5 b I can help ya with some infor. I made a steelstand for Dan's bullbag if you want one like that let me know and I will make ya one.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-22-06 AT 08:27PM (MST)[p]Thanks!

If it is good enough for Dan... The Leadsled was giving me some weird groups. Once I went to the bags, all was good. I'll be heading to the range in a few weeks to make sure things are good for the deer hunt. Maybe we can get together. Like to show you my Tikka.

My unit is 5A which is on the east side of the Jic.

Thanks Doug!

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