Tageater Your Back?

Just got released from the hospital.... those tasers hurt...hope your thanksgiving went well. Thats really what i am recovering from. a great thanksgiving with a little wall poker game with the brothers.
Wall Poker Rules and Regulations:

place two tennis balls in water, then in the freezer.

Play Texas hold'em.

we happened to be playing 3 handed so,

first one out gets 2 throws from winner and 1 from 2nd place

second place gets 1 from winner.

did i mention that its shirts off, and 10 yards away,

We've found that doing it this way keeps you focused on poker. In a money game, you might just get tired and decide to go all in just so you could go home....not this way!!!

my back had the ball marks 3 days later....

Your a single,younger man, if I'm getting the right
impression ??

Would I be correct about that ??

>my back had the ball marks
>3 days later....

Guess you're the unlucky brother who's not so good at poker, eh? lol Hope you at least got some good throws in on the rest of em'. How many bros do you have?

"Behind every great man is a great woman...and behind every great woman is some guy staring at her butt!"
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-07 AT 06:13PM (MST)[p]Ive, yes i'm single, but the two brothers that were playing are married, and we woke them up on our last hand.they were going shopping at 5am, but we woke them up at 4:15 am. we play more than one game, boys, and i didn't lose them all!!! just the last one, but that doesn't mean you dont get hit! 2nd place takes them as well.
did i mention that matt pitched for the padres summer team a couple of years back? now you know how bad you dont wanna lose!

Jenn, 3 brothers and 2 sisters.
Well thats just our little brotherly get-together tradition.

I certainly hope all ya'll had a great turkey day, now back to the business at hand.....whats been going on? Who needs a cut and paste job?

ransom, when if ever are you headed up to idaho?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-28-07 AT 06:48PM (MST)[p]Rancid has been sick, and i was here by myself, try fightin the leftys by yourself. By the way it took me 4 days to catch up on all the mm stuff when i got back
I dont know how i lucked out with all the kids running around, i swear working in the hospital has given me an immunity to it all. in ten yaers working here, i've been sick twice, once after i got a flu shot now i dont even get that.

Its going to take me a couple of hours to catch up, unless they make me do some work.

glad to see you made it through the lefty battle, with out us. I knew it would work out as i've seen them shoot!
tageater, losing my money hurts bad enough, but a frozen tennis ball? Man, you guys play for keeps!

What do you do if you catch a guy cheating?????

Cheating.......where's the honor in that? you lose , you pay! you dont wanna pay, dont play. We Mcphie's aren't about cheating or lying, stealing other peoples photos( i'm catching up) or non-sense like that. but if we caught ya'll cheatin'.....Thats a whole different story!! lol.
I think ill stick to online poke and the casino thx. They nuked my earmuffs.
Nuked your earmuffs? i dont like the sound of that? fill me in gila.....is that anything like tazering them?

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