Tag Theft Strategy


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 05:41PM (MST)[p]I am curious how many high point holders out there consider a state's potential for future SFW/MDFor even F&G tag theft (for auction) when strategizing for the draws. I certainlly do, especially in light of AZHB2072 last year. The shenanigans have gotten so bad I think HF & EJ should keep tabs and publish a pre-season article rating each state for tag theft potential. I find it a difficult thing to gauge due to slimy politics.

Anyone know any new auction conversions brewing in any states right now? Trying to plan apps for both WY & AZ right now. I have done some research and feel we are safe in Arizona for the near future. It appears our actions there last March ran off the perpetrators of HB2072 for the distant future. But I have no idea about Wyoming. Anyone know if anything is in the works there?

I am sorry if you don't like my topic, but this is simply the reality that hunting has become in the 2010's thanks to the ethics of a select few. In my opinion, it is a relevent factor. It could also include potential outfitter entitlement expansion. They all directly diminish point values.

This is a serious thread. I would ask you to respectfully refrain from comment if you don't have positive input. I am not specifically picking on SFW. They are not the only guilty parties. That is why their name does not appear in the subject box. Thanks. Have a great evening.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
My stratery is simple. Build as many points and draw as many tags as my piggy bank allows. Im not nearly as worried about the SFW as the crooked government taking away all my money first. At that point, SFW really is a non issue for me.
I had a interesting thought here too reguarding the SFW. I was waiting patiently in line at the nearest Cabela's I live by, Billings. Again over the holidays in Owantonna MN while visiting family. As I wait in line Im gazing around the store. Cool mounts, lots of people, pictures, and what not. Interesting to see plaque's above the exit doors with who Cabela's are members to or donate too. Lots of them, but 1 caught my eye. This was at both of the stores if I recall correctly.
Does that mean since I and everyone else who shop's at Cabela's support the SFW since we're all dropping money there?? I wonder how many people who dislike the SFW still shop at Cabela's?
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 08:01PM (MST)[p]"This is a serious thread. I would ask you to respectfully refrain from comment if you don't have positive input. I am not specifically picking on SFW. They are not the only guilty parties. That is why their name does not appear in the subject box. Thanks. Have a great evening."

Oh, I was more than serious in my comments! It appears you don't want any comments that differ with yours most of the time and if you read your post you're specifically dissing on SFW/MDF again when you asked for comments. You know I don't care for them, but your crappola is getting old! If you don't like my comments, then too fing bad!!!

beech18---Cabelas and Midway are just a couple of sponsors for the EXPO in February and I will continue to do business with them because it's a free country for me to buy from whom I want and for them to put their money where they want! If we boycotted every company we have a problem with we wouldn't get too far in today's world.
TOPGUN said:

"Is SFW all you think about 24/7?"

ROTFLOL.... That is funny TOPGUN.... I don't usually laugh this hard at a thread, but I am still laughing.

Still laughing.......Thanks for making my day!
Will the real Topgun please stand up please stand up please stand up.

Ok in all seriousness did someone hack your account cuz you are not acting like yourself
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 08:30PM (MST)[p]Glad to make your day woodruffhunter!!!

one_dryboot---Nope, nobody hacked my account. I'm just trying to tell it like it is and my opinion was stated in all seriousness. Guessing at what's going to happen like the OP is asking for is more than unrealistic IMHO!

ZIM stated: "Using one's points to minimize the threat of degradation. That is all. If you truly believe that is not a relevent concern, you are one lost soul. How soon folks forget........ i.e. AZHB2072 was defeated just 9 months ago"

***Read my comment to one_dryboot, as that is my direct answer to your question, whether you like it or not!!! PS: I don't forget stuff like you mentioned and I'm definitely not one lost soul, LOL!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 08:18PM (MST)[p]>Oh, I was more than serious
>in my comments! It appears
>you don't want any comments
>that differ with yours most
>of the time and if
>you read your post you're
>specifically dissing on SFW/MDF again
>when you asked for comments.
> You know I don't
>care for them, but your
>crappola is getting old!
>If you don't like my
>comments, then too fing bad!!!

Totally off topic. I never asked for input IF SFW or anyone else was crooked. This thread is about HUNT PERMIT APPLICATION STRATEGY!.........Using one's points to minimize the threat of degradation. That is all. If you truly believe that is not a relevent concern, you are one lost soul. How soon folks forget........ i.e. AZHB2072 was defeated just 9 months ago!

>beech18---Cabelas and Midway are just a
>couple of sponsors for the
>EXPO in February and I
>will continue to do business
>with them because it's a
>free country for me to
>buy from whom I want
>and for them to put
>their money where they want!
> If we boycotted every
>company we have a problem
>with we wouldn't get too
>far in today's world.

WTF? Totally off topic again. I never asked anyone to boycott anything! WTF?

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 10:31PM (MST)[p]>Get a life Zim, for God's
>sake! Is SFW all you
>think about 24/7?

I do not believe I posted anything about SFW since March 2012. In fact, I intentionally refrained from doing so while arranging the KTVK interviews that exposed Jerry Weiers and ran the AZSFW lobbyist out of the Arizona statehouse. Sorry if you don't like my orgs. What up with this 24/7 claim???.........March 2012? That is a looooooong time!

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
>AT 08:18?PM (MST)

>>Oh, I was more than serious
>>in my comments! It appears
>>you don't want any comments
>>that differ with yours most
>>of the time and if
>>you read your post you're
>>specifically dissing on SFW/MDF again
>>when you asked for comments.
>> You know I don't
>>care for them, but your
>>crappola is getting old!
>>If you don't like my
>>comments, then too fing bad!!!
>Totally off topic. I never
>asked for input IF SFW
>or anyone else was crooked.
> This thread is about
>points to minimize the threat
>of degradation. That is
>all. If you truly
>believe that is not a
>relevent concern, you are one
>lost soul. How soon
>folks forget........ i.e. AZHB2072 was
>defeated just 9 months ago!
>>beech18---Cabelas and Midway are just a
>>couple of sponsors for the
>>EXPO in February and I
>>will continue to do business
>>with them because it's a
>>free country for me to
>>buy from whom I want
>>and for them to put
>>their money where they want!
>> If we boycotted every
>>company we have a problem
>>with we wouldn't get too
>>far in today's world.
>WTF? Totally off topic again.
> I never asked anyone
>to boycott anything! WTF?
>Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club,
>UBNM, UWC & the SFW
>Hate Club

What do you mean WTF? I was just answering the questions posed by beech18 and not anything you stated!
"I am not specifically picking on SFW"

have you read your signature lately? you're "picking" on them every time you post something. pretty funny.

and no, i don't support them.
I hate to take this thread off topic but I was thinking about getting an off road rickshaw. Anybody have any experience and/or advice?

If you don't draw your Utah Pauns deer tag this year, are you gonna jump up and down and stomp your big feet and cry like a little scool girl that didn't get invite to the prom??? Cuz that's what you did last year!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 10:33PM (MST)[p]>If you don't draw your Utah
>Pauns deer tag this year,
>are you gonna jump up
>and down and stomp your
>big feet and cry like
>a little scool girl that
>didn't get invite to the
>prom??? Cuz that's what
>you did last year!!!

Dead wrong. I welcome you to dig up one such post from the archives to prove your lie. I was busy working then and never posted anything about the UT draw results until after drawing my New Hampshire OIL bull moose permit. As I mentioned then, I would have had to turn a Pauns tag back in anyway because no way I could have done New Hampshire moose & Utah the same year! On top of that drew an Iowa deer tag which really filled my plate. Ended up taking a toad in NH too! :)

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
>Will the real Topgun please stand
>up please stand up please
>stand up.
> Ok in all
>seriousness did someone hack your
>account cuz you are not
>acting like yourself

Dryboot LMMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!^^^^^^^^^
Shouldn't you be looking at the mail order bride catalog? Isn't it about time you send for another one since the last 3 took a hike? Maybe your obsession with SFW should take a back seat to finding a companion. Maybe if you put as much effort into a relationship as you put into your hatred of SFW one of them might stick around. (I doubt it, but ya might give it a shot.)
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 09:57PM (MST)[p]

Zim, I don't worry about it anymore. There are enough people keeping tabs on SWF that any attempt will be exposed. The states also need to fit their auction model with plenty of big bull units and people willing to spend the money.
Utah, AZ, maybe NM and WY fit that model from what I see. They got set back in AZ and I think they know better than to try in WY and NM.

I think the biggest "threat" is to those whom have invested years in a draw process and somebody who has drawn out or an Outfitter looking to get repeat customers tags, will dream up a new draw strategy to get tags in the hands of those that haven't waited, or already drew, at the expense of those who have. Then use "increased revenue to the Dept" as the impetus for the change when most can clearly see that isn't the case.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 10:50PM (MST)[p]Uhhhhh. I'm celebrating my 3rd anniversary with the same gal. But I am not married so I go out with others if I feel like it sometimes. They all live here in the Chicago burbs. Never dated anyone outside my hood in my life. Well, one from Iowa City if you consider that "catalog". Kinda off topic, but it's all good!

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
LAST EDITED ON Jan-06-13 AT 10:52PM (MST)[p]>Zim, I don't worry about it
>anymore. There are enough people
>keeping tabs on SWF that
>any attempt will be exposed.
>The states also need to
>fit their auction model with
>plenty of big bull units
>and people willing to spend
>the money.
>Utah, AZ, maybe NM and WY
>fit that model from what
>I see. They got set
>back in AZ and I
>think they know better than
>to try in WY and
>I think the biggest "threat" is
>to those whom have invested
>years in a draw process
>and somebody who has drawn
>out or an Outfitter looking
>to get repeat customers tags,
>will dream up a new
>draw strategy to get tags
>in the hands of those
>that haven't waited, or already
>drew, at the expense of
>those who have. Then use
>"increased revenue to the Dept"
>as the impetus for the
>change when most can clearly
>see that isn't the case.

WB, Ya I was pretty pleased to read the replies I got on CouesWhitetail on the demise of AZSFW. Seemed convincing. Hopefully gone for a long time period. I just have not heard of any other thefts anywhere else, and that silence is not comforting. Yes I understand your point on the outfitters. That is what I was referring to when I mentioned the outfitter entitlement concern.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
zim never leaves the burbs of chicago to look for his love life. that is until now. after four years of being gone, his one and only love left him for four more years in the WH and now ol zimmers can't take it. he may be moving to DC soon so he can cuddle back up with his lost love, yours truly-the monkey himself....

serious zim, your comments just aren't fair anymore. you need to find a way to be more fair. bonus points, pref points, loyalty points, etc. aren't fair. they rape everyone of their fair share and you need to do something about that. please save us all.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-13 AT 06:59AM (MST)[p]bk,

Sorry AZHB2072 got shot to hell, and sorry for my key contributions in getting it done. Probably stings to have a guy from Illinois of all places have such a major impact on a western problem, huh? The internet kinda levels the playing field though, doesn't it? The Corey Rossi scandal certainly made it easier for me. Anyway, I hope you finish licking your wounds soon, and become a positive contributor to MM some day.

Do you have any inside info on any tag thefts brewing behind closed doors in Wyoming or elsewhere? I have not seen anything on the legislative end.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
>UT F&G should start giving just
>general tags to the SFW....
>I bet we'd see a
>huge improvement in the general
>season areas!

SFW could care less about General season tags. They would make no money off the sale off these tags. They are only interested in seeling tags that will support their 100K plus saleries, which in turn helps them to pay for their CWMU operation's. I would hate to know what they pocket from just the EXPO. But!! AGAIN!! I am sure the Utah DWR really appreciates the 20% they recieve from conservation tag sales!!!)))
To answer the original post, here's the recent activity I'm aware of:

Idaho F&G will be placing more of their big game tags into auction (3 deer, 3 elk, 3 antelope, 1 moose, 1 sheep, 1 goat). The statute was written to require the tags be taken from the NR pool. This detail is significant for sheep and goat, since the NR quota is only a few tags.

Colorado DPW is planning to give 5-10% more of the general public draw tags to landowners. Currently 15%, they're boosting the landowner share (deer, elk, pronghorn) to 20% or 25% depending on the region.
Thanks much sticksender, This is the type info that is useful to monitor.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
Good hell Zimmey,

You must have a very short memory? maybe selective memory? or you suffer from multiple personalitys worse than most crazy women.
You don't remember that tag was stolen from you out of the NR pool and blah blah blah. You threw a bigger fit than my 3 year old when I turn off Barney. But hey.. It sucks when you don't always get your way!!!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-13 AT 11:38AM (MST)[p]>You don't
>remember that tag was stolen
>from you out of the
>NR pool and blah blah
>blah. You threw a
>bigger fit than my 3
>year old when I turn
>off Barney. But hey..
>It sucks when you don't
>always get your way!!!

Sure have to sift through a lot of negative outfitter posts to get bleeps of relevant thread replies!


There are a lot of tags that have been stolen from NR pools. They ripoff a lot of guys, not just me. I have to say though, it was sweet, sweet revenge to be a major player in shutting down the theft of 350 tags in Arizona, and costing the criminals over $300,000! All the way from Illinois! Haha. Can't stop laughing about that one! :) Somehow I don't think Suzanne Gilstrap was making jokes about me when she was busy hanging up on Crystal Cruz KTVK. Nor was Jerry Weiers when he had a KTVK camera on him in his office! :)

I am standing by to put the hurt on any other groups that just can't resist keeping their hands off the cookie jar.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
You were a major player?? LMAO good one!!! you sure like to pound on your own chest ehh??? You internet hero you!! You da man Zim!!! you da freaking MAN!!!

Most of these posts are not from outfitters Zim. Just regular sportsman sick of your stupid BS. Even Topgun is calling your BS out!!!

Please pull your head out of your asss
LAST EDITED ON Jan-07-13 AT 12:31PM (MST)[p]I am appeciated in a few places:


But that's not why I contribute. Somehow I don't think Jerry Weiers & Suzanne Gilstrap think my actions are classified as......."BS" as you say.......at least not while they had microphones and TV cameras in their faces! :)

The night after I secured the interviews I had residents I didn't even know calling me from Arizona to thank me until 1 AM. I was told all 6 of the game board commissioners knew about it within hours.

And I mention these things not to "pound my chest" as you put it, but to encourage others to contribute........To understand that one person can make a difference.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
WOW! and you look so normal in your photos! I guess you can't judge a book by it's cover.

Careful topgun and dryboob, don't disagree with ZIM cause he will send you a PM threatning all manner of physical harm....among other things.....

Wait a minute. Didn't Zim create the internet???? Or maybe he decided who the new pope would be a couple of years ago?

Hey Zim, serious question. Who did SFW steal the permits from?
>Wait a minute. Didn't Zim
>create the internet???? Or
>maybe he decided who the
>new pope would be a
>couple of years ago?
>Hey Zim, serious question. Who
>did SFW steal the permits

If Chuck Norris saw Zim walking in a dark alley, Chuck would sh!t his pants in fear!!
SFW toadies childish jokes on a web forum amount to zero. I prefer to take action that actually makes a difference. Utah locals.......Please keep tabs on the Expo conservation tag protest thread. If that is legit, you may be able to make a difference too.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
There are so many ways the rules, and allocations can change in a points system that you really can't look at participation in a points pyramid scheme as an investment. But if you want the tags, you have to pay and take your chances. Some will pay off, others not so much. Problem is that once you get to high points status, you are pretty much mentally locked in. To answer your original question, no, I don't consider potential nonresisent tag reductions due to fundraising tags being pulled in my decision to apply in states where I already have lots of points. It's like an addict trying to stop after being hooked...
I got rid of the strategy --- strategy gig many years ago.

Now I draw a hell of alot more tags by simply just going for the unit I want to hunt....... and many are repeat LE or LQ units/species.

Ken you are prolly the most successfull DIY hunter from the midwest period with all your hunts/harvest from the east coast to the west coast and inbetween states.

Hell, no need to lose much sleep over it anymore----it 'aint' going away.

LAST EDITED ON Jan-08-13 AT 07:34AM (MST)[p]"Ken you are prolly the most successfull DIY hunter from the midwest period with all your hunts/harvest from the east coast to the west coast and inbetween states. Hell, no need to lose much sleep over it anymore----it 'aint' going away."

Robb, Recently both HF & EJ have made mention in their publications the negative influence of conservation tags. So they both believe this is relevant info to inform their customers of, despite the fact many of their own sponsors benefit from the tags. I agree with your strategy. I am trying like heck to dump my high points for anything, in favor of repeat LE/LQ units. It appears that is the future, and I do well in those areas. But I can't do that transition quickly. After what Utah did to our points, and Arizona tried, I can't take an apathetic stance. I don't lose sleep over it, and it may not be going away. But I will take action to minimize it's spread, and I will watch carefully to get out of the games where my points are under attack. That is all.

Although not due to auction tags, but similar greed, hope springs out of the scam that Maine had become.


Maine crapped on high point holders so much, guys began dumping their points and abandoning the draw.....to the tune of 37% ! Then the legislators got their doors beat down and they took action to fix the abortion. So there is hope.

Member RMEF, Pope & Young Club, UBNM, UWC & the SFW Hate Club
A protest is about as effective as a BB gun on a charging Grizzly....

you wanna talk change, don't waste your God given time on a worthless protest get a lawyer or get in front of politicians change the system from the inside out. Changing from the outside in never works.......

And the last thing that anyone wants to do here is listen to Zim.....dude will get you nowhere


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