Tag Swapping


Long Time Member
I posted a thread about this on another site. I hunt some private property with a few others. These others tend to hunt and kill as long as there are tags. Small bulls get the wife's tag, girlfriends tag... you get the idea. Then they continue to hunt for another bull. First, it is illegal here in Montana. Second, we report any and all illegal activity by others on the property. I have a problem with this crap. Probably gonna lose my gravy elk spot over it. What say you guys? mtmuley
No different than poaching. First, it's illegal and its also just wrong. Do it with me, and it will be the last time.
Party hunting. turn them in, you might not lose the spot you never know.

tell them you think its wrong and its also illegal to party hunt. see what they say.

I would just turn them in. This kind of stuff just rubs me the wrong way. I feel they are just taking from the rest that are more then capable of getting it done for themselves.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-02-11 AT 03:47PM (MST)[p]Illegal is illegal and even being with these so called buddies of yours could land you in some serious trouble with the Game Warden, I quit hunting with some family members because of shet like this I have too many points in too many states to worry about loosing them over a stupid cow elk on your wifes tag.

loosing your hunting spot is way better than loosing the right to hunt!

Windage and elevation pilgrim windage and elevation
Not to mention that if you know about it and do nothing you are a accessory,do the right thing or never ##### about poachers again because if you dont do anything its just as bad as doing it yourself.
What everyone else said!!! I would tell them I'm leaving the property if they continue illegal stuff like that and if they respond negatively you can then notify authorities to be on the lookout for their illegal acts. I would never hunt with anyone who knowingly does anything illegal like that!!!
It's a lot more widespread than people think...I know it happens a lot I have witnessed it a lot over the years.... and whenever I say something about it I am the bad guy...there is still a lot of people who do not think there is anything wrong with party hunting.....
I agree with the comments on here and it makes me feel good that we still have sportsmen as demonstrated by your comments. The ranches I hunt we have pretty strict rules, what is allowed and that is follow all game regulations. We have kicked 2 guys out for breaking those rules in the last 5 years. They didn't break state regs. but rules we all agreed on. Unfortunately as the old guy I usually end up as the enforcer of the rules and that is usually unpleasant.

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