T. Roosevelt book, anyone read?



Just picked up Hunting Trips of a Ranchman & The Wilderness Hunter. Has anyone read either of these? What did you think of his writing and stories?

I read it last year. Really interesting book with his stories. wasn't that good of a read however in my opinion. i defiantly recommend it to friends.

How do you like it so far?

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
Good book...He was rather free w/his predictions on what would happen to wildlife, and some of em were correct.

It also explains, first hand, why TR knew that hunting regulations were necessary. He usually went on a hunt a wasted most of his meat and shot game just for the head....unless they were able to eat a whole elk is just a matter of days.

Good books.

I've also read his books about his Safari into Africa and exploring a river in South America.
John 14:6
Excellent book from a hunting and history standpoint. Hard to read though in my opinion, TR had a very rambling style of writing.

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