switching it up a bit


Active Member
for the last 6 years or so ive put in for LE archery elk on the Wasatch unit. after not drawing this year and hunting with a friend with an archery tag, ive decided to start putting in for a different unit. that being said, what are some other great units that i could be close to drawing with 6 points that could offer more and better opportunities than the Wasatch?? thanks in advance!!
What was your problem with the Wasatch unit that is making you not want the tag anymore?

Jake H. BIG BONE HUNTING Page on Facebook.
because of the lack of quality, success rate and the amount of tags/hunters. there are still some dandys left but few and far between.
I'm guessing that if you have been putting in 6 years you went in with 5 points in 2014. If that's true, you were one of the 51 with 5 points of which 27 of this pool drew. All others with higher points drew and cleared out from this years pool. If you have invested the time and dollars to learn this unit you may not have enough time to learn a new unit. My thoughts!

My thoughts are there are not many units you can draw with 6 points that have better success rates, trophy quality or quanity of elk than the Wasatch. Some may have more quality some less people but most have a lot less elk.

If you are hung up on higher quality (how ever you define that) or higher success rates or less crowded unit accept the fact that you will need more than six points unless you get lucky.
In that case put in for the San Juan and hope to get lucky.
I'm nobody but I'll bite again.
I'm out of the elk draw and will be too old to hunt a LE tag even if I drew the first year I was elgible.
Not many people are going to give you suggestions that are going to compete with them.

CWMU's generally limit hunters to 5-7 days max. That is not enough time IMHO to hunt with an archery tag unless the operator is set up for archery hunters and I don't know any that are as most even refuse to allow archery hunting.

I drew a Wasatch archery tag in 2011 with 9 points when everyone with 7 drew too. I had been putting in for a Muzzy tag on the South Cache up until then.I was a ways away from a guaranteed tag
and didn't know how many more years I had in me. At the time both the South Cache and Wasatch archery could be drawn with the same amount of points. I had a very good knowledge of the Cache and a little knowlege of a small area of the Wasatch. For me it was a no brainer, more elk and area to hunt on the Wasatch.

During my scouting I was convinced I had made the right choice as I saw multiple bulls I would shoot compared to a few bulls on the Cache. In the end the only bad part of my hunt was the flustration of finding a place to camp. once settled in I had no problem with other hunters screwing up my hunt.

Pick a unit you might want to try, put in for a point and get a Spike tag and go check it out. It is always fun to hunt a new area and will give you a better idea than any info you may get here.

Good luck
I don't think any of the Utah LE archery elk hunts are gimmies. The dates are early and they can all be tough. Dutton is a great unit but you are in for a real tough hunt that early in the season. I know several guys that have had their tails between their legs after a Dutton archery elk season.
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