Swine Flu


Long Time Member
Anyone scared yet? seems like the media is working everyone in to a frenzy. should get interesting in the next few weeks.

my wife says I might have it

i guess Whacko was way ahead of his time trying to protect himself. he don't look so dumb now.
The media is responsible for all the freakouts now a days!

I'm a little worried because I have two small kids. So far theres no confirmed cases in NC but I'm sure there will be some sooner or later.

I read a report that said to keep the crisis in context, 36,000 per year die from regular flu related causes! just in the USA!

I hope it will quietly pass like SARS and Bird Flu did a few years back.

"You can recover from a tough hunt, you can't recover from quitting" - Cameron R. Hanes
>The media is responsible for all
>the freakouts now a days!

>I read a report that said
>to keep the crisis in
>context, 36,000 per year die
>from regular flu related causes!
>just in the USA!
>I hope it will quietly pass
>like SARS and Bird Flu
>did a few years back.

You nailed it.
And Mad Cow, Salmonella, Ecoli, etc...etc...erc...
It's got MY attention. I'm going to start washing my hands more often now. Like once a week instead of once a month when I take a shower.

Can't be too careful!


In 1976, about 500 soldiers became infected with swine flu over a period of a few weeks. However, by the end of the month investigators found that the virus had "mysteriously disappeared", and there were no more signs of swine flu anywhere on the post.[5] There were isolated cases around the U.S., but those cases were supposedly to individuals who caught the virus from pigs.
This isn't the first time for swine flu. Over 30,000 people have died from the flu this year. Now a few hundred die from swine flu and its a pandemic? Just a little confused.

You need to take a chill pill.
This is not like AID's or the clap
that you would have come in contact with
in everyday life.

However, I can see your Personal concern.

If you're snoot starts grow'n E, and your
tail becomes curley.....holler at me...

We'll discuss it, then I'll put your azz
on the BBQ pit...

LAST EDITED ON Apr-30-09 AT 10:05PM (MST)[p]The CDC has reported 130 cases in the U.S. So what, big deal, this is a non issue, especially when thousands die from the flu every yr. But someone once said, "never let a good crisis go to waste."
I had to visit my doctor earlier today to get a malaria drug prescription and some vaccines for an upcoming trip to South Africa. We got to talking about the swine flu, and they were basically 'Ho-Hum". We talked about how many thousands of people get the flu each year, and how many thousands die from it around the world. This is no worse than most other varieties of the flu, if you think about it. The docs office told me that most people who die from the flu are severly dehydrated, have other illnesses that already weakened them, or other health issues that make them a bad risk.

I asked them about the 150 reported deaths in Mexico and if they thought that was any big idea. The nurses response was that Mexico has thousands of people die every year from the flu and other things worse than this.

Final advice was "Wash your hands regularly, especially after coming in contact with others, and don't worry about it.?

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